You report them to Yahoo. You might ask some of your buddies to try and find out who is doing it, but Yahoo will never tell you, or any other provider you have. All anyone has to do is continue to make up new screen names to harrass you, until they get tired. My feeling is that the one who is doing it, is someone you know from online. Think about anyone that once was a friend, but you became enemies with. That is probably who is doing it, but don't bite. Just block. Good Luck
2006-11-21 04:57:21
answer #1
answered by xenypoo 4
I would suggest just changing your screen name and I'd also get a big guard dog. If the halfwit actually showed up then he/she would be In for a huge suprise. What Is this persons ID? If anything, go Into a hacking chatroom on Messenger and see If someone can find out who the person Is.
2006-11-21 05:01:07
answer #2
answered by NONAME 1
This is a serious offence so I would contact the administrator of the messaging system, apprise them to what is happening and I would also contact the non-emergent department of your local police station.
They may or may not be serious, but even if this person is doing it for kicks, they are still disturbed and need to be stopped. If this person is truly following you then even more so is it important to find out who they are and stop them.
Regardless of their purpose for doing it...they are commiting an serious criminal offence.
2006-11-21 04:54:27
answer #3
answered by elysialaw 6
You should try and contact Yahoo or what other origination the messenger is supplied from, And then explain what is going on they have the power to deal with this if they don't turn a def ear. Good luck
2006-11-21 04:56:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
fetch his IP and report it to your internet provider, if you have a firewall installed it's easy to get this info (because it monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic) if you don't have one it may be a little trickier depending on the chat software used...if you have an email from the person it will show in properties.. if you never gave out your info, address etc, you should have nothing to worry about
2006-11-21 05:01:22
answer #5
answered by JohnnyC27 2
Report it to Yahoo.
Document everything.
2006-11-21 04:53:32
answer #6
answered by ? 6
ask this question again-but now direct it at policemen-they would know what to do. it might be just words-lets hope
2006-11-21 04:54:00
answer #7
answered by Daniel 6
Look just change your id and be done with it dont make me laugh!!
2006-11-21 04:52:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Lets see it is words. They wont hurt you.
2006-11-21 04:52:24
answer #9
answered by bildymooner 6
you poor dear..
may you be blessed and protected.
I wish I knew how to help u
2006-11-21 04:54:32
answer #10
answered by bealzebabe 1