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I watched a movie on TV in approx 1995/6. I cant remember the title and am desperate to see it again. It was really long and there was a plague or something, as they were going in planes to spray the crops.
I remember there was a women working doing phone sex calls from home.
At the end 2 men take 1 or 2 girls into bat caves and rape them.
The movie has many characters in it, whose lives arent connected.
If you can help that would be great. This has been annoying me for the past 10 years!!!

Many thanks.

2006-11-21 03:24:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies


It is indeed Short Cuts. I just looked up the film and it definately is that one.

Thank you so much"!!!!!

2006-11-21 06:53:37 · update #1

3 answers

Some of it sounds like "Short Cuts" by Robert Altman (R.I.P.)
It took place in California and I remember an earthquake at the end.
The parts I do remember from the movie was the phone sex operator, and I remember 2 of the male characters talking about raping a woman on a camping trip, didn't remember about bat caves

2006-11-21 06:38:20 · answer #1 · answered by Bamabrat 6 · 0 0

Have you looked on ebay or eith columbia house. Columbia house.com has a lot of movies there and plus when you join you get like 5 free dvds at least i did when i joined. Hope this helps.

2006-11-21 11:31:15 · answer #2 · answered by Qt PIE 3 · 0 0

Nick you are so good

2006-11-21 11:25:57 · answer #3 · answered by boy_jam_arch 6 · 0 0

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