"That's all folks!!" lol ;)
2006-11-21 04:05:20
answer #1
answered by dazed*n*confused 5
There are a lot of older cartoons with what is considered to be too violent content. I don't know how old you are but I remember quite a few Looney Tunes that I simply never see any more. If you go beyond Looney tunes, there are other cartoons where the characters actually get killed. That is a no-no in today's cartoons.
Beyond violence there is a good bit of racism in older cartoons.
I have seen quite a few that are at least edited. In some of them various explosions left the victim character in black face with what looked like braided hair with bows tied on the end. The inference was quite racial. If you see Bugs Bunny plug Elmer's shotgun just before he fires, and the explosion seems cut short, this is one of those edited times.
Even just for violence, some seconds are shaved from some Road Runner cartoons.
There are several old cartoons, Looney Tunes and others, where black characters have huge lips and other stereotypical traits. I have not seen them for at least 20 years. It is quite understandable.
Also, for a time the Cartoon Network would not play Speedy Gonzalez thinking Latinos would be offended. Fortunately, so I have heard, they like Speedy. I think the difference is he is a hero, and not being made fun of.
There are many others from the 30's-60s that are not played anymore. Tom and Jerry had a black lady "owner" who had a way over the top black way of speaking. Insensitivity of the time, or the sensitivity of today, or a little of both keeps a lot of animation in the vaults.
2006-11-21 11:55:58
answer #2
answered by raksasha_de_lune 2
if this is true, this country finally hit the all time low and the all time low of being stupid...
on any channel, any program and any movie they are ten times the bad words, ten times the violence at any given time of the day from all programing, even movies that are rated for children need to have an adult rating on them...give me a break....
never mind the music that is allowed to be sold and listened to on regular radio today...
how about the stuff kids get to do and watch on the computer..looney tunes is mild so mild I thought no one was even watching this ...
give me a break..
why don't those people who complained do some real good and get some really bad stuff off of regular TV..
nothing else better to do with their time I guess
good luck
2006-11-22 12:01:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Stupid people are always trying to ban something or other.
And I thought this was a country with Freedom of Speech and all that.
They (the Religious Right) even tried to ban the Smurfs at one time because they claimed that Papa Smurf (with his magical spells and books) was the work of the devil, and that he was corrupting the minds of children.
Oh, please....
Do these people have absolutely nothing else better to do with their lives than attack cartoon? CARTOONS?
2006-11-21 12:07:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
omgoodness!!! I loved looney toons as a kid.. actually I bet id still enjoy them now!! people have gone overboard with the restrictions.. i realize the world isn't safe and that we need to protect our kids, but if parents stuck to their rules and actually punished their kids for bad things they do wrong, and didn't dish out money like it grew on trees, but made their kids earn it, then we wouldn't have such messed up kids!!
2006-11-21 11:28:25
answer #5
answered by lily 5
hwo th e **** is that in any way violint children love it and since when do people care havent they watched adultswim that stuff is what would be considered violent but little kids still watch it
2006-11-21 12:56:07
answer #6
answered by emostwitch 2
Omg!! I cannot believe that. I grew up on loony tunes.
2006-11-22 16:17:12
answer #7
answered by farharringsingslia 4
yes its true i was take off cartoonnetwork a while ago wtf is that!?!?!? i grew up on that and i aint violent. i wonder why they can keep tom and jerry on the air though thats ALLthey do is beateach other
2006-11-21 11:27:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous