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Hi, I'm 5 days past my due date and the doctor is talking about having me induced if nothing happens soon. I have read in books that it is very painful and I will need an epidural. Anyone on here had to have labour induced? If so, what was it like for you?

2006-11-20 21:58:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

20 answers

Its not that its more painful, its just that it happens quicker. Normal labour is gradual and you get used to the pain as it increases. Induced labour kicks in more or less straight away from 'oh this is ok' to 'OMG' - I've had normal labour and induced. Hopefully baby will come out soon on his/her own, being as 5 days isn't all that late. My daughter was 12 days late and decided to get her act together the day before I was supposed to be induced. But if you need the epidural, take it - don't be a hero and Good Luck!

2006-11-20 22:10:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pain Induced Labour

2017-01-14 08:49:12 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Congratulations on your upcoming birth. It can be more intense as you normally have time to build up the contractions, been induced can make the contractions come quicker and more stronger then spontaneous labour. You should take it how it comes before jumping into an epidural.

You might be lucky and are able to handle the labour without an epidural, just because its induced does not mean you will need one. If you have an epidural you will be bedridden and if you try to let labour progress as much as possible then you would know you gave it 100% before having the epidural. There are many ways of inducing labour, for instance there is the gel, which is artificial sperm to soften the cervix. the drip which will bring contractions on strong and painful, breaking the waters which is the best and closest to natural labour. Make sure your you understand how they will induce you and have a birth plan ready.

The ways to bring on labour naturally sex lots of sex, it will soften the cervix and make it easier to dilate. I wish you all the very best and hope labour runs very smoothly for you. The pain is worth it no matter how bad it is because you will have it at the back of your mind once holding you beautiful healthy newborn baby. Congratulations and best of luck.

2006-11-20 23:59:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone told me exactly what you are talking about, also that it increased the chance of a C/S in first pregnancies by 60%. I will tell you a little of my labour story (9 weeks ago). I was induced 4 days late. My obstetrician knew I was VERY anti a C/S. I opted for the epidural because my mothre said it hurt more, as the contractions come on faster. I never had a proper contraction until about 30 mins before he came out. After 7 hours of being on the induction drip (seratonim??? something like that, not sure how to spell it), my obstetrician was going to stop it and start again the next day, as I had not dialated anymore (was 3cm the day before, and still was). She said if I wanted to avoid a C/S that was the best option,to stop and start tomorrow. She said she would give me another 2 hours, just to see what happened in case. When she came back after 2 hours, he was out 17 minutes later. I let my epidural wear off, in case it was slowing the contractions. I still had a lot of pain, but it was actually because my cervix was swollen and stopping the babies head from coming down any further. I wouldnt get an epidural next time, but if you start having contractions, it is a good idea to get it, it does help those. I went from 3cm-8cm in 2 hours... the Ob put her hands in to push the cervix lip behind the babies head, and after 17mins pushing he was out. He was 8lb9oz (3.884kg), a large baby, was VERY long and had a large head, and I didnt even have a tear thanks to a very good Ob. I did end up in theatre with excessive bleeding later, but that had nothing to do with the induction. I will definately have an induction again for my next labours, without any doubt in my mind at all. Just make sure you know exactly what you want when you go in. If you are against a C/S, then make sure your doctor knows that, so he can take measures to avoid it at all costs. My mother asked me about 5 mins after I had him, would I ever go through labour again, and I shocked everyone, and said, in honesty, ABSOLUTELY! Induction is not something to be scared about (like I was). I had him 9 hours after I had the drip, but it can take up to about 12 (naturally or induced). After that, the baby MAY (not always) get distressed. GL and congratulations!

2006-11-21 17:17:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Induced labor is more rapid. Itt brings contractions on stronger and then a little faster then normal. I was induced with my 2 year old and about to be induced again next week. And yes I had to have the epidural only because I progressed more rapidly then with going naturally. I have 2 other children on my own and had them without pain meds. It depends on you and how well you handle pain. I strongly advise getting an epidural especially if this is your first child. It will be much more comfortable for you. God Bless and Good Luck

2006-11-21 00:37:34 · answer #5 · answered by Heather H 2 · 0 0

I am going back 47 years, to the old days, when husbands couldnt be present at the birth etc etc. There were no epidurals in those days either! I was 12 days overdue, and was induced. It was my first baby, I had an 8 hour labor and tho it wasnt much fun I cant say that I went out of my mind with pain. I just got on with the job. He was born and weighed 8lb 9 ozs (dont know the grammes, thats how old I am!) and apart from being shrivelled up a bit because I was overdue and he "dried out" , and his fingernails were really long, everything went fine. Dont worry, do as you are told, and the 'breathing ' really works (even in those days). No doubt you will have family support with you too, lucky you.! I wish you all the best, and assure you, you have nothing to worry about.

2006-11-20 22:14:36 · answer #6 · answered by Daydreamer 5 · 0 0

I just delivered three months back and I had an induced labour because my water broke but I had no contractions and my opening was just a fingertip. I never delievered without induction so I don't know really whether it was more painful than that or not but yes it was painful. It was the worst pain that ever happened to me. And it lasted for a long time too. But once your baby will come in your arms you'll forget all the pain. So don't worry the pain is temporary. people would not give birth again if they feared the pain. Good luck anyway

2006-11-20 22:04:22 · answer #7 · answered by Shanu 3 · 0 0

Don't worry about the pain - they will all make sure you are taken care of - the docs and nurses.
Being induced is a different sort of labour. I learned that well after I was induced. Natural labour comes on in ebbs and flows - it builds naturally, then recedes. With being induced, the labour pain just kind of slams into you, with no real build up. Just remember that everyone is different, though, and what matters is having a healthy baby.

2006-11-20 22:07:48 · answer #8 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

My pregnancy was induced, I was in labor 12 hours had iv drugs but they were wearing off too soon and slowing down labor process so i ended up getting a ephidural towards the end of the day and it wasn't that bad i guess. (i thought it was at the time) but it didn't hurt as much as i expected. My son was 9lb 9oz and natural birth. The worst part was the pushing i couldn't feel any urge to push and the nurses made me hold my breath and push which i didn't like. My son didn't want to come down the birth canal he kept springing back up after each push. But finally it was over. The stiches aftwards is the worst part if you tear. Relax and don't worry it will be over before you know it and you will have a beautiful baby in your arms. It all worth it and don't think or worry about the pain because you will consintrate on the wrong thing and it will lessen this wonderful experience. I wasn't nervous about giving birth it is natural. I just wanted a heathly baby. Which i ended up with. So good luck and Congrats!!

2006-11-20 23:42:06 · answer #9 · answered by mistiful2001 2 · 0 0

Labour is painful induced or not. Some women take pride in labour pain and others can't just stand it. Epidural is your decision alone. My wife decided on epidural and she's due late December and our doctor said that it's rarely harmful. Congratulations and I know you're a bit scared but know that the one who took good care of you when you were pregnant will take good care of your delivery. Pray and best of luck.

2006-11-20 22:07:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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