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19 answers

Why do blacks have a problem with whites? Not only atheists are a tiny minority in the USA, they're one of the most despised minorities. For example, Bush Sr once said, "I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots". Perhaps they're tired of feeling persecuted for their non-beliefs, which is perfectly protected by the First Amendment? The reality is, even today in the USA, most atheists do not feel free to speak their minds on religion in the company of many other people, any more than gays feel so free to do so. It's a rare Christian that freely accepts atheistic views of another. And it's an even rarer Christian that, while recognizing the dangers of racism, don't recognize that there's still bigotry towards atheists, or that anything should be done about it.

2006-11-20 20:01:26 · answer #1 · answered by Scythian1950 7 · 2 0

I'm an atheist and I don't have a problem with believers. What I do have a problem with is when somebody tries to convert me and won't take no for an answer. What I have a problem with is when somebody tries to dictate MY life according to THEIR religious beliefs. What angers me is when people spread lies and hatred against us atheists or some other group for not believing the same as them. And people who disrespect me won't get any respect from me.

I can respect and tolerate people's beliefs without agreeing with them, but I expect the same in return. That being said, most believers I've met knew not to go too far and didn't do any of those things mentioned above. There are however some fundamentalists and holier than thou people out there who keep doing all of the above. It's freaks like that I have a problem with, not normal believers.

2006-11-21 04:58:56 · answer #2 · answered by undir 7 · 1 0

Actually, I don't have a problem with believers.

I honestly don't give a rat's behind if a person believes in God or is religious or not. I'm not, I might not agree, but I don't care. It's up to the person to choose how to live, not me, so it's not my place to tell someone else they're "wrong" to live a certain way religiously regardless of what I think.

Plus, I've had way too many people I care about in my family do just that to me and tell me I was "wrong" and "should" be a certain way. As a result of knowing how it feels, I'm not about to do it back. Then I'm just as bad as those who were nasty to me.

I have no problem with believers. The "problem" comes in when believers(or anyone, really, religious or not) are disrespectful to me. The minute someone disrespects me or starts saying I'm "wrong" or "going to Hell" and harasses me about beliefs that I have every right to hold, then I get ticked and things get nasty. But ONLY when it's done to me first. I know how it feels, so even if I don't agree, I don't make it my mission in life to go out harassing others about beliefs they have every right to have.

As long as people are respectful to me and my beliefs, whether they agree or not, I could honestly care less. Leave well enough alone, accept that we're all different, agree to disagree, and I won't have a problem with you.

2006-11-21 12:40:04 · answer #3 · answered by Ophelia 6 · 0 0

That's like asking why women have a problem with abusive spouses.

There is an old legal maxim:
"Your ability to throw a punch ends at the tip of my nose."

It means that you can stand around throwing punches in the air if you're hitting nothing and nobody. But the instant you hurt someone with that punch, you're guilty of assault. As well, those who you hit are NOT at fault for being there; rather, you, by throwing punches without checking if it affects others, are being reckless, whether deliberately or not.

You and all other religious types are perfectly free to have your religion in your home, personal life and church. But the instant you cross the line and inflict your religion on others, you are in the wrong and should not whine about that fact being pointed out.

The problem is, godbots see themselves as having a right to inflict their religion on others, that the religious are somehow being "oppressed" by not being allowed to proselytize or force religion into schools, government and the law.

Claiming that atheists want to ban religion is as idiotic as a bank robber claiming the police aren't letting him have his money. The bank robber can't figure out that the money doesn't belong to him, and the religious can't figure out that they have no right to impose religion on people who don't want it.

And no doubt, you won't pay attention to a word I've said because you want the ability to force religion onto others.


2006-11-21 03:52:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm atheist, I don't have a problem with anyone who has any belief. I just ask that they don't have a problem with me...... some people atheist or not, can get mad when someone tries to push another religion on them. I personally like to listen to what people have to say about why they believe, even though I don't personally believe myself.

2006-11-21 03:40:21 · answer #5 · answered by Curious George 4 · 4 0

One of the reasons could be the following. Many believers are more concerned with the fantasies of a heaven above rather than the realities of the earth in which we are living.

They place great weight on saving souls, the 'miracles' of the virgin birth, the resurrection and ascension of a dead Jesus or a Lazarus. All that is supernatural, superstition, that means very little, if anything to justice and peace on earth.

2006-11-21 04:02:32 · answer #6 · answered by Ecks 3 · 1 0

all depends on the atheist him/herself and the believer.
if the atheist is more tolerant of this stuff and the believer doesnt shove his/her belief down the atheist's throat, what could happen?

so best advice, believers shouldnt go overboard in shoving their faith down atheist's throats, abit is good, just dont condemn and anger the person.

and atheist should learn to tolerate abit of this things (if him/her isnt alr tolerant of abit), after all we live in a multi religion world. and everyone has their own rights to whichever faith they choose to believe in.

2006-11-21 04:02:23 · answer #7 · answered by pbtham 2 · 1 0

I have absolutely no problems with believers, not at all. Everyone has the right to their own faith, or lack of.

Why do so many believers have such problems with Atheists?

2006-11-21 03:45:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I'm a believer and don't steriotype atheists the way you do. Some are quite tolerant of us and some of us are quite tolerant of them.
Join the club.

2006-11-21 03:57:06 · answer #9 · answered by robert m 7 · 1 0

They don't. Believers are just so touchy that any little discussion becomes "They are intolerant and attacking me!!"

Atheists have the upper hand when it comes to logical premises, so "believers" (I guess you mean theists; atheists believe in science) feel stupid and, therefore, attacked....

2006-11-21 03:45:41 · answer #10 · answered by Mac Momma 5 · 3 0

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