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Can anyone tell me what's in store for me in 2007?

2006-11-20 18:56:58 · 4 answers · asked by sugarfree_eyes 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

4 answers

2007 predictions:
This influence will cause many changes in your emotional and personal life. These changes may be quite hard to handle initially, but they can be constructive if you take the trouble to master the energies involved. The basic effect of this influence is to greatly increase your sensitivity to the world around you. This is one of the psychic influences, in that it stimulates your latent psychic abilities and makes them the vehicle for much input from the outer world. The problem, however, is that at first your conscious mind does not know what to do with this material, so you become confused or misinterpret the information from the unconscious. This happens especially when the conscious mind receives feelings that cannot be easily reduced to rational considerations. With this influence there is the danger of being confused by your emotions, believing that you feel one way when your real feelings are quite different. This is particularly difficult in a love relationship in which you are romantically fascinated by someone who is completely inappropriate for you. You may also be so fascinated by an idea or an ideal that you can no longer clearly see the world around you. You should be very cautious about taking up any idea or belief that seems strangely obsessive and fascinating now. Such ideas are significant and important, but they may not mean what you think they mean. Sometimes you will be very reluctant to deal with the real world under this influence, because its illusions are rather alluring. The challenge is to relate illusion and reality and not try to separate the two. If you can learn the language of the unconscious mind and discover what it is saying, you will gain great insight and wisdom through this influence. This influence will alter your attitude toward the world tremendously. If you have always been a materialist, you will find that spiritual concerns, perhaps disguised in some way, will become important to you for the first time. This does not necessarily mean that you will be attracted to an organized religion, for your expression of spirituality is likely to be more unorthodox. You will be concerned with a direct experience of the divine or nonmaterial aspects of being. You will recognize that purely material considerations do not give ultimate meaning to your life. This influence stimulates your compassion for others. You may express this by working for charities or in institutions for people who are physically, mentally or economically disadvantaged; or you may become more concerned with helping people in your immediate environment. One peculiar characteristic of this influence is that you will not be terribly concerned about gratifying your own ego through such work; you only want to be of assistance to others. In general, this is a rather idealistic time in your life, and you will want very much to actualize your ideals. But nothing will be handed to you now. You will have to work to achieve what you want. Your creative imagination is also stimulated by this influence. This is a good time for any kind of creative effort, particularly if it involves rather abstract notions. This influence operates in a rather immaterial way and is at its best when dealing with the abstract. Artistic creativity, especially in music and poetry, is favored during this time. The most negative side of this influence is that you may be tempted to sit around and daydream. Reality may not seem as interesting as your dreams, but this is a time when you can work successfully to realize your dreams, so it would be a tremendous waste of very creative energy to just sit! Any course of action as described above would help you to become a more creative and happy individual. There is much potential in this influence. This is one of the most emotionally trying influences. It is frequently associated with domestic or professional problems, emotional depression, loneliness, difficulties with women or difficulties with personal relationships, often leading to breakups.
This influence represents an "alienation crisis," that is, a crisis brought about by the discovery that you have been neglecting your emotional and psychological needs. As a result you feel alone and disconnected from others, like an alien in the world whom no one else can ever adequately understand. To a greater or lesser extent, everyone's life revolves around an overall task or purpose that makes one's life unique. The purpose may be a job, motherhood, fatherhood, some movement that you believe in or anything else that gives you a sense of purpose. Often an alienation crisis occurs when you discover that you have gone too far too fast in pursuit of your life purpose and have neglected your psychological and emotional needs. Perhaps you have neglected your relationships or your domestic life, or you have repressed your feelings. In this way you build up a wall between yourself and others, which makes you feel alone and alienated. You must make your personal life and your profession or other central purpose work together. That will require changing your lifestyle so that you can pay equal attention to both. During this time your ideals will be aroused as they seldom are at other times, and you will approach life with a greater sense of compassion. People who cannot help themselves will win your sympathy especially, whether you encounter them personally or through working with others in a charitable enterprise. Your primary concern is to help individuals by giving them a hand. You may be less concerned with transforming the social order that has given rise to the conditions that oppress the people you are dealing with. Your interest in spiritual, religious and mystical philosophy is likely to grow at this time, and you may become involved in a group that is studying these subjects. This world no longer seems to meet your needs adequately, so you have to turn inward to find a world that can give you what you really need. Here, too, you will discover that the ego's drives for self-gratification and self-assertion may be the major factors in preventing you from getting what you want out of life. At this time the demands of the ego must be quieted at least a little, so you can hear what the inner self is really saying. Unfortunately there is another side to this influence, which you should watch for. Some people develop a feeling of false happiness, like living in the dream world of an opium smoker, with no basis in reality. You may feel that everything is all right when it is not, or you may feel that you can do anything you want and get away with it. That is why this influence is often associated with gambling or taking risks with limited resources, often with disastrous results. This is not a very good time for investments, not because you will necessarily lose out, but because you just won't know for sure, and you will be tempted to gamble even when it is a poor risk. For the same reason, in business deals be sure you are not the victim of a massive misrepresentation. With this influence it is best to avoid purely selfish concerns, for when your actions are thus motivated you are most likely to encounter its negative side.With this influence it is very important that you keep your affairs from getting out of hand. There is a strong tendency to excess, which may make it impossible to keep up with whatever you are involved in, simply because it is more than you can handle. Be particularly careful concerning financial matters, for you are likely to spend without thinking, confident that there is an abundance of money or other resources to back you up. You may not notice the pinch immediately, but shortly after this period you may experience shortages that will be severely exacerbated if you spend money foolishly now. But money is not the only area of concern. You may be overcommitted to projects that demand more time than you really have. So in every area of your life, make sure that you really have the time or resources to do what you have set out to do. Do not overestimate the resources at your disposal. If you avoid that pitfall, this can be a very fruitful influence, because it gives you more confidence and optimism and allows you to undertake projects that you would ordinarily be reluctant to take on. Also your basically positive attitude helps to ensure that your affairs will turn out the way you want. Under this influence some persons experience a kind of ego inflation in which they have delusions of grandeur or overestimate their self-importance. This can lead to arrogant behavior and inflated pride with little or no real substance behind it. What this influence does is test your sense of proportion. You have to know what you really can and cannot do and who you really are. Insofar as you fulfill those conditions, this influence will give you apparent luck and greater power to achieve. This can be and usually is a very positive time. But you can make more or less out of it, depending upon how you handle it. In most ways it represents a period of culmination in your life, and you will be tempted to expand beyond any reasonable limit. There is no question that you have a good chance for success in any one of a number of endeavors at this time and, within reason, you should pursue them. However, you should not restrict yourself solely to material and physical growth now. Even if you don't have all the material goods that you want, you should turn your attention to spiritual and inner needs. Ultimately, nothing satisfies like satisfaction. Objects that you acquire, possessions, money, and even social prestige are merely devices to make you feel that you have satisfaction. They are not the state of satisfaction itself. It is your inner difficulties that make your life less than it could be, even if you have corresponding problems in the material world. You must look for the solutions within yourself, and this time represents a turning point, where you should begin to look for the answers. Under this influence, the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you want. Then, as the influence subsides, you may feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was before. Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everything right. Through meaningful encounters with others, especially intimate one-to-one encounters, you can find out which way you should go at this time. Work with another person and think in terms of mutual growth. By trying to achieve goals set by both of you and by trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious of what you are as an individual. If you can recognize the real meaning of this influence in terms of your own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth-oriented time, a period that will always have meaning for you.

2006-11-20 20:01:29 · answer #1 · answered by Echo Forest 6 · 0 1

I'm not sure what your rising sign is but I can give you the rest.
Moon: Aquarius
Mercury: Cancer
Mars: Leo
Venus: Taurus
Jupiter: Pisces
Saturn: Cancer
Neptune: Sagittarius
Pluto: Libra
I would go into more detail but it would take a few hours so I won't but good luck looking these up. If you need to know your rising sign go to Astrology.com and get a sample report.

2006-11-21 03:07:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no but in the near future i see you getting a best answer of someone
hope this helps dude

2006-11-21 03:05:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You'll turn 33 .. just like Jesus did the year he died.

Good luck!

2006-11-21 04:52:59 · answer #4 · answered by Minmi 6 · 0 0

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