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Children means 16 years old and above.
Sex before married also including relationship between man and woman by living together, having baby without married.
I think, Its against Christian Faith, no wonder our spouse (muslims) eager to change the world.

2006-11-20 17:40:53 · 31 answers · asked by Rockzmaniac 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

31 answers

Well, i think most parents attempt to keep children under 18 from engaging in sex.
however, once children are 18, parents have no say in the matter.
most peoplle love their kids and want whats best for them, and just have different ideas about what that is.
But the bible never said that you wont go to heaven if you have sex before marriage. i mean, i don't think God will keep you out of heaven for indulging in teenage hormones.
I hope you can find a way to accept other people without wanting to change them to your religion.

2006-11-20 17:46:43 · answer #1 · answered by Olive 3 · 3 0

Ok confused person let's clarify.

Children means 16 years old and above? I think you mean for the purposes of your question, children are those under 16.

Our spouse (muslims) ? No comprende I think you mean our counterparts or people of Islamic faith.

UK Parents don't allow children to have sex, they don't send their kids off to school with a packed lunch and a packet of durex , but they cannot be with their children 24 hours a day, and whilst most parents would be horrified, some under 16s are mature for their age and are sexually active.

Men and women living together or having a baby when not married is common in countries throughout the world. Not just something which happens in the UK.

Why should Muslims be eager to change the world because some couples live together without being married?

Your questions is poorly worded and makes little sense. I would suggest you get your nose out of the Bible or Koran or whatever religious reading matter you have been bombarding yourself with and have a look at the real world and things which really matter.

As long as people are considerate of others and kind and compassionate what difference does it make if they are married or not, as long as you are a good person it shouldn't matter about different religions' ideals.

Why not go out and have a one night stand, might lighten you up a bit!!!!!!!!!!


2006-11-20 18:16:41 · answer #2 · answered by Caroline 3 · 3 0

The first point I'm going to raise is that the wording of your question is complicated. I don't know if it was rushed, you're illiterate or if English is your second language.

I would like to ask: Since when does sex before marriage include a relationship between a man and women living together?...

1. Be careful with generalisations. To generalise shows a narrow mind.
2. Why are the parents to blame? The UK is democratic and with this comes freedoms. Although your religious beliefs may not allow for freedom of sexual relations the law has a different view. The U.K is a democratic nation and these freedoms are what makes it so appealing to it's people, immigrants and visitors alike.
3. Why did you single out the U.K and not Canada, America or Australia?
4. What's to say that Muslims don't have sex before marriage?
5. Who said Muslims want to change the world?
6. Who said Christians don't want to save the world?
7. Is this really a question about premarital sex??

2006-11-20 20:57:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

What a terrible way to ask what would otherwise be a great question. It is not simply in the UK, it is all over the world. Teenage pregnancies are increasing even as far away as Australia. And for most of the time it has nothing to do with the parents. What people fail to realise, is that whilst living in the modern, Western world that most, yes, even if you are a devout Christian Muslim/Jew, you like, and take advantage of the Western World. Things have changed since the Bible was written. You like your Nike trainers and other such niceties, and yet feel that young people should be locked away until they are married. This leads only to extremism - it is against any human nature - if you stop kids from seeing eachother, forbidding certain things, they will only go out of their way to go against you. Simple really.

And please, don't go excusing Muslim extremists for the methods of 'trying to change the world'. Many Muslim communities worldwide have girls as young as 11 years old baing married off - those girls are children, but because they are married, the husband is allowed to do what he wants. At age 11 for crying out loud.

People should really step out of the Stone Age. You cannot live such an easy life as you are given in the West, with all the mod cons that we have, and yet still hold such firm beliefs which may have been acceptable hundreds of years ago, but certainly are not now.

2006-11-20 21:06:46 · answer #4 · answered by Emma Jane F 2 · 1 0

I live in the Muslim world and whilst in the same way as the Christian and probably every other religion tells people not to, folks here are quietly disobeying.
The down side here is that in order to retain their( technical) virginity the women tend to allow a somewhat dangerous sexual relationship to develop.
I agree that the western world has become obsessed with sexual freedom; but I would almost rather see that than what I do see happening here where fear makes young girls pay such a high price for making a bad choice and boys and men get away almost blame free.

2006-11-20 17:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by Christine H 7 · 2 1

No parents really want their children in any sexual activity at that age with the ristk of getting pregnant etc. However, looking on the other side here. If I had children and they were at the stage of about to have sex then I would prefer it under my roof then up some back alley somewhere. Either way they'll do it so is it best to accept it and show them that you can treat them as adults.

2006-11-22 03:40:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know exactly what you mean. When I was younger, I was so proud of my faith, and said I would NEVER have children before marriage, and never EVER have sex before marriage, then I got drunk one night, and did it, and once I'd done it once I slipped on this downward spiral and just didn't stop. The "good" news is that it was only ever with one person, and we do now have a baby together. I regret very much doing all of this outside of marriage and hope very much that I can teach her to learn from my mistakes and get married first. The thing is, that marriage doesn't even mean anything anymore. People do not take their vows seriously at all, and the average life span of a marriage is around 4-5 years if your lucky.
People get married cos they been with someone a few months, they think they know them, and they think they love them, and its a good excuse for a party. They pay NO attention to the vows "til death parts us." Thats why so many children even if their parents were originally married, end up with divorced parents and living with one or the other. I agree with you, it is no wonder people are turning to the muslim farce, because so many Christians are hypocritical, as I am sitting here doing so myself. I know I did wrong, and since my baby was born my partner and I have not had sex (16 months now) because we agreed that we should not do it anymore until we do get married.

2006-11-20 19:43:16 · answer #7 · answered by Resolution 3 · 0 4

Parents having control over 16 year-olds?

Who are you kidding?

Even back in the 60's, I would get all the dire warnings from school, clergy and parents, but it didn't stop me nipping out for a quick shag when I was 14.

Most so-called good Muslim boys seem to be much the same, except that they try to pick up down-market white girls and shag them instead.

As for it being against the Christian Faith, how many people have that these days?

Smell the coffee!

2006-11-20 19:23:54 · answer #8 · answered by musonic 4 · 4 0

It is a side effect of having freedom. I think religious people like yourself are confused and this isn't a critisism of your faith, I simply mean that all religions recognise that mankind has been given free will, if anything part of your religion is to reject the urges that free will provides. Yet, you seem so surprised at the way the world is.

Surely if there were no sin your religion would be null and void as all major religions speak of sin and evil and the triumph of good, if it were not for sin, there would be no religion!!!

2006-11-21 00:37:02 · answer #9 · answered by valleylaydee85 2 · 1 0

The age of consent doesn't mean that people are "allowed" to have sex, it means that criminal charges aren't going to be filed.
As a child becomes an adult one of those responsibilities is that of deciding as to whether or not to engage in sex. While your "religious" belief may prevent it, your religion nor any other is not allowed to be put into a law in order to make everyone follow them. That's what is referred to as "freedom".
I find it interesting that your cultural taboos are such that you feel sex outside marriage is so wrong you will allow a man to marry many women to avoid it. We require that OUR men marry only one and Honor her by forsaking all others, not marry another because he lusts for her.

2006-11-20 23:03:22 · answer #10 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 1 0

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