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and could you name the area - thanks

2006-11-20 17:19:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

11 answers

When I was about 12, I was in bed one night and my matress shook real fast all of a sudden. I didn't think anything of it ~ I figured it was me moving around. A few years later it happened again (In another state and on another bed) but I noticed that I was perfectly still so there was nothing to shake it. The last time it happened was last year (again, another state and a different bed) and I completely ignored it. I heard somewhere that when you feel your bed shake real fast for no obvious reason, that a person who has just died may be trying to get your attention. All three times it happened to me was within a week of one of my elder family members death...

2006-11-20 17:30:46 · answer #1 · answered by ♥michele♥ 7 · 1 0

First one: My friend's (16 years old at the time) Aunt and Cousin got murdered, and a while after that her and another friend and I decided to have a seance. I ended off seeing this guy standing at the end of the coffee table wearing a burgundy football top, and a pair of rugby pants. I described him to the other 2, and the friend who's cousin it was said 'holy crap! that's him' Apparently after he died, nobody could find his favourite football shirt, which is what I saw him in. (I had never met him before). Also, I don't know if this is a ghost story or a ufo type of thing, but here goes. My friend (another one, a little older- 38 or something) was having his birthday on Oct. 30th, and he was very much into holistics, stones, etc., so we went to a stone circle in the north of England for his birthday. There were 4 of us. We were walking around in the pitch black looking for this poxy stone circle, then I noticed what I thought were 2 street lights, which was wierd because we were way out in the wiles of wanny. Then, the lights started moving closer, so I thought it might have been a car. Then, they started coming down the hill, but they were weaving in and around each other. They were also sort of going out, then coming back on, and coming closer and closer. 3 of us decided to run as fast as we could, but the birthday guy wanted a closer look!! I was freaking! I told him 'we're going, come on', and he finally came with us. It was the wierdest thing I've ever seen. Hope that helped!! (They're both very true, btw...:))

2016-05-22 04:28:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Once upon a time in a noble land a wicked witch called Mrs Thatcher came to power. She did her best to destroy society, but the people finally saw through her evil ways and she was deposed. In her place a new force took control. At first people thought things would change for the better. But Tony Blair and New Labour, were just as horrid as the wicked witch and things got worse. All this and more happened to England and the UK.

2006-11-20 23:08:11 · answer #3 · answered by I'm Sparticus 4 · 0 0

True ghost stories simply do not exist, what people
describe is all in their minds. A sound or fleeting
shadow or both, at the same time, can spur your
mind to see or even feel ghostly figures and noise.

These shadows and sounds are produced by wind
blowing, curtains moving or even objects moving or
spinning. If taken seriously, these facts can create
neurotic symptoms in one‘s mind which will grow
like weed in the grass, so it is not wise to stimulate
such phenomena which will finally turn into an insane
mind, especially in those who suffer from bipolar

2006-11-20 18:15:07 · answer #4 · answered by Ricky 6 · 1 1

A haunted house in Pomona, CA. I lived there and I got the s***
scared outta me. I'm thankful I never saw anything, but we heard
alot of activity. One time, I was laying on my bed with my then b/f
talking...We suddenly heard the water running and the dishes
clanging and fridge opening and shuting. The thing is...I just got
done doing the dishes. We thought maybe the owner came home
early from work( we rented a room). So my b/f kept pushing me
to go say hi..finally I relented. But we were wondering why he was
re-doing the dishes ?? As soon as I stepped foot in the hallway
and getting ready to go in kitchen...no one was there. Nothing. So
I ran and asked my b/f did he hear the same thing ?? He was like
ya, why...I had to tell him there was a ghost in that freakin house!
That was 1 thing, there other things. I think, now, that it was try-
ing to communicate with us. It was very weird!!! I couldn't wait to
get outta there.

2006-11-20 18:40:03 · answer #5 · answered by CraZyCaT 5 · 1 0

Ghost stories are true and i tell you what i wasnt scared at first living in the house i grew up in well my mom committed suicide there and i didnt think that it would bother me that much soo when i was 17 i moved back into the house. I was having a party one night and somethings were said and all of the sudden my bathroom light started flickering off and on and my bathroom sink turned on. Everyone there ran out of the house and took off. In her bedroom where i once had mine me and my boyfriend was fixing to go to bed i turned on my side and in the pick black i was something that was sqwatted down toward me and when my eyes got focused i realized it looked like a grim reaper and slept with the light on the rest of the night. I was also babysitting one day and the lil girl was in the frontroom and i was doing dishes i heard her speaking to someone and didnt pay no mind until she invited them in. I went and asked who she was talking to and she said it was a secret that she would never tell. Well her mom came and picked us up because i was in a frantic state of mind and as we passed by my grandfathers house she waved and said shhh i will never tell. This is all true my grandfather tore the house down because things had got so bad

2006-11-20 18:41:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I always remember as a kid being in bed one night and i absolutely swear to this day (about 25 years later) i could hear somebody else in my room breathing. I was so scared i just laid awake all night and couldn't even bring myself to switch the light on.

On another occasion i wanted to get up and go to the loo but my bedroom door was jammed shut. I really pulled hard on that door and made so much noise i woke my Mum, Dad and brother. My brother opened the door with just a gentle push.

After we left the house my Mum, me and my brother all said we had felt something strange there particularly around the hall stairs and landing area.

The house is in Cannock, Staffordshire. UK

2006-11-20 21:27:10 · answer #7 · answered by Grizzly 4 · 1 0

t was Halloween 1975 at the El Camaroncito Nite Club off Old Highway 90 [San Antonio] when a handsome stranger waltzed in and turned all the women's heads.

A brilliant dancer, he had all the moves. Even the shyest girl in the room, says local historian and author Docia Williams, couldn't resist his request for a cumbia.

"But something strange happened when they were dancing," Williams said. "For a moment the enchanted woman broke out of her almost hypnotic trance and she glanced to the floor. 'Your feet! Your feet!' she screamed, and tore herself from the tight embrace of her partner."

Horrified patrons stared at the dance floor and saw long, skinny claws protruding from the stranger's trouser cuffs - chicken feet.

"It's the sign of the devil," Williams said. "Other women began to scream and say prayers."

Suddenly, the stranger disappeared into the men's restroom and left without a trace.

That is, except for a strong smell of sulphur - the devil's scent.

2006-11-20 17:33:37 · answer #8 · answered by Blouberger 2 · 1 0

i am from Philipppines, one place where im living now there were a mangroove trees and of course there is water. one night said our neigbor named Frank while he was relaxing outside his home about 11:00 in the evening he was not expected that at time he saw a water pond and there he saw a girl taking a bath, and what he did he go inside and told to his family of what he saw, but then when they all went out they saw nothing but water and a mangroove trees. they realize that the girl he saw was a white lady.

2006-11-20 18:06:18 · answer #9 · answered by Nangnetz 2 · 1 0

You realize that "true" is up to the eye of the beholder, right?

And what do you mean by scarey? What some people find scarey, others find a walk in the park.

2006-11-20 17:27:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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