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Do they know Whites fought, and died for their freedom? If Whites "are"
indifferent to Blacks, it's because of the constant assualt on Whites by many
Blacks still today. Neither of us having anything to do with what happened over a 100 years ago! Equality cannot be onesided! It requires "mutual respect"!
I will probably get bullcrap answers, but the Black communities are the ones self-destructing over this! With a large portion of Black males doing time.
Think about it!

2006-11-20 17:02:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Yes, some White Supremists
said some bull about Blacks.
But Blacks are the ones feeding
it to thier children.

2006-11-20 17:05:14 · update #1

We can only understand through
our own experiences. Maybe my
own experiences with addiction
has exposed to me to a darker side
of humanity. But I've been in a
"privileged" position you might say.
A white who gets along with
blacks, and people on both sides
let their guards down around me,
and I see an ugliness I don't like
seeing. People always accuse me
of critricizing. But I'm confronting,
because I think we can do better!

2006-11-20 23:03:30 · update #2

16 answers

It has nothing to do with 100 years ago. It has to do with racism and discrimination that exist today

2006-11-20 17:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by October 7 · 2 4

Yes some Blacks are racist and it is as unacceptable as racism from anybody else.

However, it should be noted that there is still a great deal of racism in Western society towards a Black minority that only makes up about 15% of the Global population. There are current generations of people who lived during Colonialism in many countries, Jim Crow era only ended in 1967, Apartheid only ended in 1995! These issues are not old, they are very current and the trauma is still working its way out of our societies.

Police corruption, injustice. Look no further than our CCC (KKK) citizen Trent Lott, re-appointed with much aplomb from many as Republican GOP minority whip, no less. Right up to the hallowed halls of power continue to be horribly tainted in plain sight.

There is still a lot of work for all to do to get to a more harmonious state of existence. Like a marriage, it takes continuous effort and I think the majority of people are working towards a better future. (Maybe one day we may even stop the hate on our illegal immigrant Mexican brothers and sisters! LOL).

2006-11-21 02:03:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The part of the problem that you are talking about is much different from the racism question. Racism still exists no matter what we all think.

However, that wasn't your question. The problem with placing and rationalizing blame is not something that is limited any certain race, ethnic group, or even the race issue.

People, in general, have a very tough time accepting ANY blame or responsibillity that is rightfully theirs. Millions of people will find a way to make it not their fault. or "I'm only in this situation because so and so did such and such."

We won't solve any problems in our world until everybody can take true responsibility for our actions, beliefs and situations.

2006-11-21 01:14:50 · answer #3 · answered by BAWAGS 2 · 2 0

Okay, as a black person I see alot of racism. And as you know it goes both ways *shock yes people minorities can be racist* Yes, you may have nothing to do with racist actions that happened long ago but you must understand on the history timeline it hasn't been that long. And you say "If Whites "are"
indifferent to Blacks, it's because of the constant assualt on Whites by many. Blacks still today" there is never a reason to be indifferent. I assume your white, so you have to know that black people will be the brunt of alot more racism then you, so maybe they fell justified by 'assualting' whites. You're right "Equality cannot be onesided!" but you must also know egalitarianism does not happen over night.

“The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity” George Bernard Shaw

2006-11-21 01:13:17 · answer #4 · answered by Brittany G 2 · 2 1

I think all people are the same, but some people like any excuse to do things against other races. What happened years ago is in the past, and nobody can change that. There are many people who have suffered greatly who were not black. People of all races need to understand this and get off this ''kick'' of we are the only ones who have seen bad times. Peace to ya!

2006-11-21 01:11:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My opinion is that racism does still exist. I have seen it in the strangest places. However, it seems to me that whites are further along at getting past the whole issue. Blacks still want to blame other cultures for their own inequities in life. Racism is much more prevalent among other minority cultures.

2006-11-21 01:15:38 · answer #6 · answered by papaz71 4 · 1 0

If it helps, Blacks are racist to other Blacks too...

But you have to understand that you are speaking about a particular subculture of Blacks that are generally in America...Blacks from other classes and of other nationalities are not generally like that

2006-11-21 01:08:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I agree with you. There should be mutual respect on both sides and there clearly isn't. But I'm afraid I have no answer for you.

2006-11-21 01:07:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is in response to your very ..ahem... "educated" answer to my question..and since you're too cowardly to receive email.. I'll speak to you in a language that maybe you'll understand ( coz I'm sure you're an avid fan of Blue Collar TV)

" Next time you have a thought............just let it go"

2006-11-21 09:41:50 · answer #9 · answered by Dahlia O 4 · 0 1

You have a few valid points. But I don't think the majority of the black race feels this way. I agree with the person above that it is a subculture. It is true that some blacks are racist tagainst other blacks. I used to live in a city with a large Carribean population with most coming from two nations in the Carribean and the two groups absolutely hated one another. It sad too because the two countries actually have a lot in common. Unfortunately, if the the people within one race can't come to peace with one another,then that subgroup of people will never be able to get along with other races either. The ones that are still angry about the slavery issue need to stop and think about several things. 1) Slavery still exists but not in America. It exists in the very places in which their ancestors descended from. It is common for the African people to sell their Children into slavery. They do it because they need the money to survive but does that make any more right? No. 2) Many countries in Africa are poverty and disease stricken . Their houses are made of wood and rags, they suffer from drought and famine, they don't have access to proper medical facilities, and millions of people are dying of AIDS, maleria, cholera ,polio, and many other illnesses. Sadly ,many of those diseases are treatable. Would it not be better instead of getting angry over history that can't be rewritten, to put that anger to good use and try to help those people who are living in the very countries in which their ancestors came from? They claim to love their culture so much but they only cry and complain about things that didn't happen to them directly. Slavery was indeed a terrible thing, and the african american population has a right to be angry, but they are angry at the wrong people! I do think discrimination still exists, but I don't think the white population as awhole is as racist as they believe us to be . We are all eager to move past racism, but in order for that to happen there has to be change on all sides of the fence. We need to do our part and they need to do theirs. But as long as that small group of black americans continue with their misdirected anger, they will only continue to give all black americans a bad name that is undeserved, and they will only continue to anger the white americans by blaming us for things that we had no part of and throw the mistakes of our forefathers in our faces and whites will only continue to feel alienated from this. Also I do agree that they sometimes forget to honor the white Americans who helped to slavery abolished. They do not honor Abraham Lincoln , they do not honor the union soldiers who gave their lives so that they could be free, they do not honor General Robert Shaw the leader of the first black regiment in the Civil War, and these people had as much to do with helping black americans to have civil rights as Dr. Martin Luther King. You can't fight racism with more racism. As for White people who are feeding into Racism, they will continue to alienate the black population if they don't get over their feeling of Superiority. We are not Superior to any race. I do believe that this is also a subculture of people and that most white people are not racist towards blacks. But as long as the two sides continue to feed into each others greivances, sadly we will never be able to move on.................................. And to Tiffany J, above, No you didn't choose to be here. but does the Africa in my description above sound like a place you would rather be? If so , feel free to go there, as your a part of the subculture I was speaking about. And keep in mind that the picture that you have in your head of the colonials rounding up the Africans by threatening their lives with a sword isn't reality. And Africans were not the only people who were slaves in America. There were also Native American, European, And even white American Slaves as well .

2006-11-21 01:48:12 · answer #10 · answered by Michelle F 3 · 2 0

Thought about it.All blacks are not this way.The media always reports the smutt.Black communities are fine were I live.

2006-11-21 01:07:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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