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When you were a kid, how'd you think you'de end up?

When you were a teen, who was the person you wanted to be?

Did you turn out this way?
Are you happy with yourself?

Do you think we fullfull our expectations?

Or do we personify mediocrity in our scociety, are we slaves to the cycle?
Wake, eat, work, eat, eat, work, sleep, rinse, wash, repeat.

Are you everything you wanted to be---anything you wanted to be?

And if your not there yet, if you're still in the figuring out part...do you think you'll make it? Do you think you'll be--more?

Or are you destined for the mediocre life, the system, the cycle.
Maybe the cubicle, or the couple who haven't really spoken in years, though they move their mouths at each other.

Is there any passion left in us?

What about the new generation? Is there anything but media-drivel left in them (us, since I am one). Do we have anything to aspire to other than some morons opinion on MTV? Where are our dreams?

Are you the person you wanted to be?

2006-11-20 16:57:37 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

16 answers

I wanted to be an astronaut......I didn't make it........I'm in an honorable profession but feel like I didn't try hard enough.....

2006-11-20 17:11:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's pretty deep stuff.

If I had fulfulled all of my expectations for myself, wouldn't that leave me with nothing left to strive for?!? And as we mature and change, does it mean we are selling out if we abandon certain goals and set our sights on new ones?

When I was a kid I wanted to be a world-famous novelist. As I became an adult my focus shifted and I became more interested in having a big happy family with a fantastic network of friends. I think I am a complete success in the family/friend department, so I am extremely happy. Giving up my literary dreams (or at least putting them on the back-burner) may seem like I'm settling, but it is only because I have a more important dream now. When my kids are all in school and do not take up my every waking moment (except for when I am playing around on Yahoo Answers, of course!!!) then I'll re-evaluate again. Perhaps I will resume my goal of writing. Perhaps another goal will be more important.

Maybe we don't need to fulfill the aspirations we had when we were younger. Maybe the important thing is to have goals and to allow our goals to evolve as we do.

2006-11-21 01:14:23 · answer #2 · answered by Kris 4 · 0 0

No. I doubt anyone is the person they wanted to be.
As a kid and throughout my teens, I don't think I ever bothered imagining my life as an adult. My life was pretty close to idyllic, honestly. I didn't wish for something better or different.
At age 19, almost everything in my life changed. For too many years all I wanted was to get my life back to being as great as it had been, not to what it could be.
I did achieve a lot after that and had a whole lot of fun, but most of it was only done in a vain attempt to try to get my old wonderful life back.
I always thought I was a go-getter, someone who made things happen. It's only recently that I realized that for the most part, things happened to me, not by me.
Passion. What a wonderful thing. I used to have it about so many things; probably too many things. I'm so jaded now that I don't even bother with it.

2006-11-21 01:47:37 · answer #3 · answered by LisaFlorida 4 · 0 0

There is a Jewish saying that goes, "If I try to be like 'him,' then who will want to be like ME?" I don't worry about dreams that DIDN'T happen, but I relish the ones I have realized. I have far-exceeded my own expectations in my life. I look back over the last 30 years since high school, and I realize that I took the initiative in my younger years. I reached for my goal until I was no longer able to play ball. I made a AA Texas-League roster in the early 1980s because of my passion for baseball. I had a very high on-base per centage, so I actually made the parent club's roster. I slid into second base, broke my right knee, and ended my career before I was able to step onto that gorgeous, lush green yard in San Diego. I was good enough to make the squad, but the one thing I will never know is if I was good enough to stay there. Even with that little bit of sadness, I thank God for the chance to go out and try. I got to see "the promised land," just like Moses. It simply wasn't to be for me. That team went on to play in the 1984 World Series against Detroit. Great company, great friends, and wonderful memories. I wouldn't change any of them for anything in the world. I don't dwell on what could have been. I dwell on my future. Here's a little piece of wisdom for you. Next time you wonder where the road in front of your house will take you, remember it will take you anywhere you WANT to go. You have to have the chutzpah to take the trip, though...Keep on ticking, enjoy your life, do all things for the good of mankind, and plant a few "flowers" along the way. In other words, leave the places you've been better than when you arrived! Oh, and don't worry about the generation. Just worry abuot yourself, and you'll do just fine...

2006-11-21 01:12:56 · answer #4 · answered by Roosterkroozer 4 · 1 0

This is a question I often ponder on with education systems. How does anyone know what they want when they are a teenager? Firstly I wanted to be a teacher - that was stupid! I wanted to be a singer - not much chance. LOL. I wanted to be a wife and mother. Well I got that, but not with the right person.
About ten years ago some really bad things happened and I had to re-evaluate. What I really wanted was to be happy. So I got rid of all the toxic people and surrounded myself with good company and small touches of things that bring me pleasure. Now if it makes me unhappy it gets bushed. And I am exactly how I want to be, people respect me for that.
I think you under estimate the younger generation. They have hopes and dreams too.

2006-11-21 01:25:57 · answer #5 · answered by obenypopstar 4 · 0 0

no when i was teen i never thought i'd be diagnose with pyschosis,i was discharged from the military because of it.when i came home my friends welcomed me back when i didn't leave to go back to the military they asked why i told them should have made up some kind of lie though.know i live wondering if they think i'm crazy and what my family members think.just wished i could getaway to a town full of strangers i'm so depressed nothing in my life ever worksout i tried to kill myself couldn't even do that right. i was very religous now i'm atheist and i work swing shift at a crappy job mounting tires .i want 2 go 2 college but i just don't know anymore.i hate the cycle it sucks and there's no passion in my life except for in my dreams.

2006-11-21 01:13:46 · answer #6 · answered by tyler m 3 · 0 0

The big mistake I made was to live the version of my now X, husbands life and not find someone who would match my version of what I wanted in life.

I am not in my mid 50's and am more true to myself than I have ever been. Although I do feel I lost time in the marriage....I did learn some important lessons along the way.

My highest compliment from my kids (after the divorce) was that they said they see the person I was suppose to be....bubbling, artistic, creative, writting, funkie, etc. I was thrilled that my kids saw that.

I would love to be in a relatlonship again, but not at the expense of losing myself again.

2006-11-21 01:05:47 · answer #7 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 1 0

No, I'm not the person I thought I would be. I settled for a job because it has a pension and I never finished college. I will be more, I retire in just a few years and I will go on to be a teacher. Took me a long long time to figure out what I wanted to be but I found out I am good at teaching.

2006-11-21 01:03:32 · answer #8 · answered by uknowme 6 · 1 0

I am not yet completely the person I have dreamed of when I was a kid but through self observation I noticed that the passion and calculation is still aiming the same direction and one day it might hit the target.

2006-11-21 01:16:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I never thought I'd end up like this. I'm not happy with myself. I have no expectations...they only leave me disappointed. We are slaves to the cycle. I don't think I'll ever be more. No passion. Nothing. I pray for the next generation.

2006-11-21 01:00:31 · answer #10 · answered by IMHO 6 · 2 0

When I was a kid I would always talk with my friends.. When I become a teenager I would never turn out rude and start swearing and breaking rules..

I'm still a teen but I want to grow up to be more of a disciplined man with a sense of leadership, aka I want to join the military. Or at least I want to help out the world in some way...

I turned out to be the kid who teases other kids and swears like your average teenagers, but I try everyday to stop myself, so I only tease or joke to my friends, non insulting jokes to the public and I well insult joke my friend a lot like "you dumb ***.. etc etc kidding... etc"...
I'm no way happy with myself, I would love to be in the military JROTC if my school had one.

No way, we do not fulfill our expectation when we are so young, because we become so naive and think we can be better then those above us that have gone through the passage of growing up.. Like a 6yr old would say I would never drink then when he is 20 he is a drinker.. However some people do fulfill their expectations, but not exactly the way they predicted.

I don't think we're slaves to the cycle, because well the cycle is pretty good... A good workout in the morning and eating then work and eat workout rinse wash sleep then wake up repeat is an ok cycle for me, because it actually provide me with a guideline where I don't have to wake up and take a shower because I forgot to take a shower int he last 5 days and become late to school... But I would love to see new things during those cycles, like new student during the work or school period, new and exotic food during eating period...

Am I everything I wanted to be? No, not really, I am sort of something I wanted to be... I'm smart, I have friends, I'm a lot more disciplined then other kids. But I want to take it up another step, I wish I had aggressive in-lines so I can do tricks and such.. More skills the better, and learn more language..

I'm still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up or how I turn out, but I do know that I want to have a fun job, a great family, and a very honorable and disciplined life where I can teach my children to be honorable and never do horrible things. I think I might make it, I'm mostly concentrating on my education and fitness and career + friends + behavior...

I know I will NEVER EVER be in a cubicle, I promised to myself and my parents and friends that wouldn't happen to me, I don't think anyone is destined for anything. It's what they make if their life that they will be destined to. I will always maintain a relation with my wife that's for sure, and my children.

People create passion in themselves, they believe in something that motivates them. Just sometimes they stop believing because it turns out that their belief was a masked up lie being spewed out into the public.. Or that they just stop believing just before they make a break through.

The new generation.. Hmm... I'm only 13 and close to 14 in the 8th grade.. I personally think the media is screwing us all, sure it gives us some of the world news, but the political crap is brainwashing us into believe something is horrible while something is good. MTV, and those wannabe thugs is what ruins the world today... They think it's all cool and want to fit in so they do all that nonsense, and end up on the streets...
Always follow your dreams, and we make our dreams and we follow them.. As we get older and wiser our dreams could change with new interests or it wont... For now my dream is changing, I want to be in the military one day, next day a scientist, or a teacher, or a doctor, but I want an honorable job.

Am I the person I wanted to be? Woah.. deja vu.. Not really, I'm only 13.. But some day I will make my self into some one I want to be and be a helpful member of society... Starting today.. well tomorrow.. ;)

2006-11-21 01:23:58 · answer #11 · answered by Shadowfox 4 · 0 1

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