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How would that work out?

2006-11-20 16:46:35 · 9 answers · asked by AlexisB 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

9 answers

im a virgo and it would work great. u and i r in the same predictament.

2006-11-22 11:13:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Virgo With Libra: compatibility = 4 /10
Virgo is very particular to detail, while Libra is easygoing and detests detail. The conflict of interest will cause a storm soon after the physical novelty has worn off. Family matters will keep these two together. Virgo must not keep secrets from Libra or there will be a price to pay. Virgo needs to keep Libra balanced and both will be happy. The prognosis for a long-term involvement is excellent provided no secrets are kept from each other. Libra enjoys spending money, going to parties, and being the center of attention. Virgo will try to curb and dominate Libra's fickle and outer directed nature. Virgo is reserved and practical, and Libra is a bit more extroverted and extravagant.

Love & Blessings

2006-11-21 01:47:56 · answer #2 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 1 0


Libra is everything that Virgo would secretly like to be, charming, and romantic, dashing, devil may care, and popular. When Libra turns on the charm then Virgo is swept away in a romantic haze without ever realizing that he or she has done this dozens of times to different love interests, often using the same words and actions. Eventually Virgo will come to realize that most of the appeal that Libra oozes from every pore is superficial, and this is the beginning of the troubles.

Virgo must learn to accept Libras infidelities and learn to live with them or become very bitter and disillusioned with love. If Critical Virgo analysis Libras inner personality too deeply then Libra will be outraged and leave him/her. Virgo is ruled more by his/her intellect while Libra is ruled mainly by feelings and deep emotions. Libra will call Virgo petty and narrow minded to insist on faithfulness, and Virgo, who sees no logic in disruptive behavior, wants a quiet, calm home life with a more domestic type. Libra will won't to stay involved in fights with Virgo and this is not something that peace loving Virgo will put up with for very long.

Virgo, is more straight forward about his or her approach to sex and Libras methods of the "dance" can drive him or her up the wall, as Libra will try to make love at any given moment in any area of the house, and the next moment he/she will court, or want to be courted, for hours before the first move is made. This is a union not destined for longevity that brings unhappiness to both parties; not a match made in Heaven.

A lot of signs have a problem dealing with Libra's inability to make a decision. Virgos might have the hardest time. In fact, Libra can drive them stark-raving mad with it. Virgos are always on an agenda. The decisions have been made and they're ready to forge ahead. Libra's wishy-washiness will make them want to just grab their hand and pull Libra along. Instead, a Virgo is more likely to be critical, and not in a constructive way. On the bright side, Virgo and Libra will really enjoy each other's company and feel at home with each other. If they want to make it work, focus on that.

Try to relax and enjoy your connection. Not everything in this world is logical.

2006-11-21 00:58:58 · answer #3 · answered by Skull 2 · 0 0


If you love a Libra, it must mean you are making a conscious effort to balance out your life with more fun. Libra can help! The two of you could not be more different. Virgos like work so much that they will give up play for it, but Libras will be resourceful about finding shortcuts at work so they can get out and play more often. To be fair, Libras network professionally while socializing -- something your lover could teach you a thing or two about. You tend to be a bit reclusive, so Libra's influence will be a breath of fresh air.

Both of you are analytical and brainy but not deeply emotional. Hopefully, you will both think up ways to keep the embers of your passion aglow. In bed, allow your Libra lover to be playful and relax you after your long day's work. They are wizards at setting the scene of romance -- the low lights, soft music, seductive gestures -- even years after you've met. Don't criticize Libra's efforts or the shape of his or her body (not everyone looks like Nicole Kidman). Be open and accepting and I guarantee your passion for one another will only grow over time. Libras are ruled by the erotic planet Venus, so how can you go wrong?

Libra is the sign of marriage, and your nature is to be giving. Since you are a mutable sign, you are flexible and open -- this bodes well for the overall health of your relationship. Libra is a cardinal sign, so you can count on your lover to push against the limitations of life, and to explore new experiences and frontiers. Cardinal signs ensure things are never dull. Libras are lively and talkative, so you can count on plenty of sparkling conversations.

You will love Libra's elegant ways and your lover will always be fun to hang out with. Air signs have more friends than anyone else, so you are sure to meet some very interesting people. Your lover has sensational taste, and Virgo is no slouch either. Your attractiveness as a stylish twosome will be a source of pride for you both. Virgo's clothing is always smart, fashionable, polished, and clean -- after all, your sign rules detail and the search for perfection. Libras, being ruled by Venus, put a great deal of emphasis on making themselves attractive and keeping up their natural good looks. As a Virgo you are careful about being healthy and fit, and you can influence your partner to take care of his or her body in ways that go beyond just cosmetics and clothes.

All in all, although you're not a classic pairing, you do have many gifts to share with one another if you open your hearts with love.

2006-11-21 10:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by ~NEO~ 4 · 0 0

It could work out well, with Virgo being a fixed earth sign and Libra being a mutable air sign. The most important aspect is what's going on in their respective 8th houses (partnerships), and both of their rising signs (hour of birth). If you're really gonna rely on astrology have Natal charts done on both people. They're far more specific than a simple Solar chart.

2006-11-21 01:02:51 · answer #5 · answered by WhoMe 4 · 0 0

Virgo is an earthy sign, libra is an air sign.
Virgo looks for details, libra looks for balance.
Virgos are beautiful, Libras have dimples in their cheeks, are cute.
Virgos have sense of service as do Libras.
It would workout well.

2006-11-21 00:53:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hell no libras r to good 4 them

2006-11-21 02:02:34 · answer #7 · answered by kita 1 · 0 0


2006-11-23 00:27:10 · answer #8 · answered by sharon 3 · 0 0

Virgo, the virgin (August 23–September 22); Libra, the balance (September 23–October 23);

Hey Baby, What's Your Sign? - The Laid-Back LIBRA
By Emily Battaglia, LifeScript Staff Writer

It would seem like the seventh sign of the zodiac – the Libra – has been taking some pointers from its ruling planet Venus, the ancient goddess of love. Both Venus and Libra are the objects of much affection. In fact, Venus was so beautiful and admired, that many great works of art were inspired by her. A Libra may not garner as much inspiration as an ancient Roman goddess, but a Libra has certainly cultivated a great appreciation for art, as well as for luxury and elegance. To find out more about this graceful sign and its other dominant traits, read on. Plus: Does your marriage need some extra spice?

Libra in a Nutshell

Born: September 23 – October 22
Element: Air – communicative and logical
Quality: Cardinal, the quality that signifies change and movement
Symbol: The Scales
Lucky Day: Friday
Lucky Number: 6 and 9
Special Color: Blue and lavender, the colors of harmony and refinement
Libra Traits: Charming, indecisive, diplomatic, easy-going, vulnerable, idealistic

Nobody will ever accuse a Libra of not being fair. With the Libra symbol of the Scales on your side, you are a seeker of balance, justice and order. You are objective, always able to see both sides of every story, and you are good at handling a crisis. You avoid conflict at all costs, which is why you try to be so peaceful. Striking a harmonic balance in all areas of your life is a continuous goal of yours. But don’t think just yet that every Libra should enroll in law school to become a judge, because your ever-present indecisiveness would get in the way of making rulings. Because you are always striving to do what’s best and most fair for all parties, you make it difficult for yourself to ever make an actual decision. In part, you are extremely idealistic.

You have an aura of beauty that surrounds you, probably passed on to you by your ruling planet, Venus, the goddess of love, and it begins with your physical looks. Librans are noted to be exceptionally beautiful, and you are probably used to getting a good degree of attention for it. Not only do Libras themselves tend to be pleasing to the eye, but you also indulge in everything that is beautiful. Your good taste and elegance influences your affinity for all things luxurious, and most of your money is spent toward the finer things in life, often with a frivolous abandon.

Being beautiful doesn’t hurt your social status either. A hermit you are not, dear Libra. You’ll never be the last to be picked on a team, and not necessarily because of your great skills, but because you are just so likeable. You are the poster child for being socially graceful and you have every angle covered: charm, allure, exceptional manners, and elegance.

Partnerships with friends and lovers bring out the best in you. You are emotionally driven in all of your relationships and possess the gift of understanding others’ feelings and needs. Part of your charm is having a knack for making other people feel important. It’s a good thing you are so socially inclined since you despise being alone. One relationship technique native to the Libra sign is giving in during an argument just for the sake of not ruffling any feathers, even when you know you’re right. This is where the diplomatic side of you comes in. You are also very empathetic and are more willing to look past a partner’s flaws than most.

As an air sign, your best romantic matches are also air signs – Gemini and Aquarius. A true romantic, you are in love with being in love. To you, love represents the beauty and pleasure which you strongly associate with. In a relationship, you want to be admired, and you are neither overly dominant nor overly dependant.

Every zodiac sign has a part of the body which they govern. Libra rules the lower back, called the lumbar region, buttocks and kidneys. Libra women may have a lovely small of the back and curvaceous buttocks and Libra men may have a well-defined back. However, these attractive parts are also susceptible to health problems. You may be cursed with a bad lower back, especially when you overexert yourself. Practice good posture and always wear a back brace when lifting weights or heavy objects. You may also suffer from kidney problems like kidney stones, so avoid heavy drinking. Exercising with a partner or in a group is a good way to maximize your fitness potential.

Any kind of job where you get to channel your creativity and be among a lot of people is the right job for you. You are a great team player but not exactly a great leader because you are too indecisive. You always boost the group morale and serve as the calming influence; you won’t partake in gossip in the office either. Your laid-back nature is often mistaken for being lazy, and while you aren’t the most ambitious of people, you simply get things done with a little more ease than others. Occupations that a Libra should consider include a lawyer, artist, interior decorator, banker, social worker, beautician, antiques dealer, administrator, mediator, landscaper, and academic counselor.

The dictators of the world ought to take a lesson from your worthy sense of fairness and justice. And your lesson, dear Libra, is to start trusting yourself to make the right decisions and to not let yourself get run over simply to avoid conflict – your ideas are much too valuable for that.

Does Your Marriage Need a Little Extra Spice?
Sexy or sex-starved – which describes your marriage best? If you didn’t hesitate to answer the latter, your marriage is in need of some serious TLC – and we’re talking tender loving care of the spicy variety. Take this steamy sex quiz to find out just how adventurous or bland your sex life may really be.

Hey Baby, What’s Your Sign? – The Virtuous VIRGO
By Emily Battaglia, LifeScript Staff Writer

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, is represented by the Virgin. But don’t assume this prudish representation should be taken so literal. While a Virgo is certainly modest and shy, it is more the motives of the Virgo that is most accurately represented by the Virgin. In ancient times, a Virgo was worshipped as the great goddess of the harvest, which makes perfect sense considering the greatest calling a Virgo feels is the need to serve a greater good in life. Just as one harvests in order to produce nourishment for others, so the Virgin “harvests” to give something back to humanity. What motivates the Virgo to be so selfless? Find out more about the Virgo. Plus: Do you make a good first impression?

Virgo in a Nutshell

Born: August 23 – September 22
Element: Earth – practical and steady
Quality: Mutable, the quality that signifies adaptability and flexibility.
Symbol: The Virgin
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Lucky Number: 3 and 5
Special Color: Gray and navy blue, the colors of taste and refinement.
Virgo Traits: hard-working, modest, critical, pragmatic, meticulous, conservative

“How can I be of service to you?” is the motto in which a Virgo lives by. You have the sense of duty of a serviceman and you don’t do things artificially or for show. Nothing gives you a greater sense of accomplishment or joy than when you know you’ve served a greater cause. While you are undoubtedly purpose-driven, your sense of accomplishment may always seem to lie in limbo because you’re on a continuous quest for improvement. In fact, your bookshelves may be brimming with self-help books. However, you don’t read them for leisure – you read them to learn something that can be applied to your life. Everything you do has a rhyme or a reason to it. As an earth sign, you are truly rooted in a factual world rather than a fantasy world.

If there ever was an ultimate perfectionist, Virgo would be the “perfect” candidate. You use your nervous energy to drive your penchant for perfectionism. Your attention to detail works beautifully in specific areas, like at your job, but sometimes it can work against you. You tend to overcomplicate and overanalyze everything, and can’t seem to get satisfaction from things as they are. Your meticulousness also comes through in your appearance. You have immaculate hygiene and you wouldn’t be caught dead with bed-head hair or wrinkled clothing.

The restless quality of your nature can lead you to become overly critical, but your over-analytical eye isn’t just confined to others; you can be your own worst enemy. As a Virgo, you are extremely conscious of your shortcomings and are the master of concealment with your emotions. But underneath your stoic surface is an emotional volcano that your cool, calm and collected nature hides.

It’s difficult for those people around you to tell how you’re really feeling because you can be so reserved. Sometimes you’re so self-critical that you don’t want to let anyone in, which prevents you from committing to new relationships. You prefer to engage in conversations of substance, and are not good at small talk. You are the go-to person for wonderful advice, but people often wonder if you’re more than just someone who gives great advice – do you really feel what you’re saying?

As an earth sign, your best romantic matches are also earth signs: Taurus and Capricorn. Your discriminating and reserved nature makes you choosy when picking mates (which can be a very good thing), and potential partners have to live up to high standards. You keep your emotions on heavy lockdown until you know you’ve found the right relationship, and even then it can be difficult to emotionally release yourself. The perfectionist side of you works hard at maintaining a relationship, and a loving and secure relationship brings out the absolute best in you.

Every zodiac sign has a part of the body which they govern. Virgo rules the nervous system and intestines. You are particularly prone to problems with the digestive systems, such as indigestion, gas, ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome. Exotic, spicy or seasoned foods should be replaced with plenty of fruit, water and fiber. Virgo is the sign of health in the zodiac, and you pay extra attention to all facets of it. You enjoy exercise and may even do it fanatically. However, you are often the cause of your own health problems because of your nervous and anxious nature; Virgos are often hypochondriacs.

You are a better follower than you are a leader because you doubt your own abilities and you lack the strategic foresight to see the bigger picture since you’re so engulfed in the smallest of details. But once someone asks something of you, you stop at nothing to produce it. You won’t put off any projects and won’t miss any details. Your sense of duty to your boss and your company is admirable, but make sure to strike a balance between work, family and leisure because you tend to be a workaholic. Occupations that a Virgo should consider include a scientist, analyst, literary critic, copyeditor, writer, mathematician, bookkeeper, executive assistant, inspector, psychologist and fashion designer.

For those born under the Virgo sign, there’s a lot to be said about paying such close attention to detail. You get to see the intricacies that make life beautiful. But don’t overanalyze to the point of missing out on the bigger picture – revel in the imperfections and inexact sciences of life to find a deeper meaning.

Do You Make a Good First Impression?
As the old saying goes, you can’t judge a book by its cover...but people do it all the time! Sure, it’s unfair, but first impressions can haunt you forever. Like it or not, your attitude, appearance and overall demeanor say a lot about you. What is yours saying?

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Bill D

2006-11-21 01:11:06 · answer #9 · answered by bill d 1 · 0 0

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