The easiest is by far a c-section!
2006-11-20 16:44:53
answer #1
answered by Alison 5
I was scared too, but all my fears of labor were somewhat wasted because I ended up with a c-section.
As far as labor and delivery, a c-section is the easiest and most pain-free. But the recovery period is so much longer, and the risk of complications is very high. Even though it is very routine, a cesarean section is still a major surgery, and you do not want to have one if it is not medically necesary.
Vaginal birth is much better for the baby and mother, especially when it comes to the recovery period. After delivering her baby vaginally, I know many mothers who were up and moving just a few hours later. And then the c-section mommies were still needing help standing up a week later. I moved in with my mother for several weeks because of how difficult it was to do the simple things, like bending down to grab a dropped blanket, or picking the baby up out of the cradle. And my fiance had to help me take a shower for the first two weeks, and he sat in the bathroom with me for the third week because I couldn't stand up for very long adn I would get light headed.
But I think it's nuts to go completely natural, with no drugs at all for the pain. Some people violently disagree, but that is their opinion and this is mine. I just can't see hurting that much when there is a way to lessen it. My suggestion is to wait as long as you can, and then get the epidural. You won't see then needle, and by that time, it'll be the last thing on your mind anyway.
Try not to stress, too, because the more relaxed you are the quicker and easier it's likely to be. There are several different things you can try, including walking, sitting on a birthing ball, and getting into the bathtub as ways to cope with labor pains.
Your dr's office probably has a brochure or booklet with those types of suggestions available.
Good luck, and congrats!
2006-11-20 17:44:13
answer #2
answered by Queen Queso 6
This would be different for everyone. I personally did not want to opt for c-section surgery unless it was medically necessary. I am a big wimp when it comes to pain so natural birth without pain medication wouldn't have worked for me. I am also terrified of needles, especially ones going in your back. But to be honest with you even with my fear of needles when I was feeling my labor pains with no medications I did not feel the needle at all. The pain of labor outweighs the pain of needles 100 to 1 maybe even more then that. I couldn't have enjoyed my birth experience had I been feeling those contractions through to the end. I am glad I had an epidural and I would do it again next time. Whatever you decide now may change once your in labor. Everyone handles pain differently. I was crying in pain before my epidural but that doesn't mean you would do the same. Good luck and treasure the rest of your pregnancy. It is so worth all the pain.
2006-11-20 20:18:53
answer #3
answered by Bellas Mama 1
I just had my first baby on September 30th and I had an epidural. It was great! I was in so much pain with back labor and it was hard to hold still while getting it because I just wanted to hold my back and try to move around but it went pretty fast and it wasn't too bad-it was worth it, especially since I had a short but difficult labor, my son didn't want to come out and his heartbeat dropped into the 70's, they ended up using the vacuum. I also tore and so I was so glad I had the epidural. The only thing I could feel was a little pain in my back since it was back labor and the baby was having a hard time coming out, and I could also feel the doctor pulling down trying to give the baby more room.
The epidural is well worth everything you have to go through which isn't much at all!
The epidural doesn't hurt. just a lttle itchy afterwards.
Congrats and Good Luck, Hope all goes well for you
2006-11-20 16:52:40
answer #4
answered by Ryan's Mom 2
For me, it was natural childbirth with no epidural. Yes, it hurts. But an epidural can slow down the labor process which can cause more damage to you and baby. Without the epi, my son was born after 8 hours of labor and 20 minutes of pushing.
All women experience birth differently and there really is no "easiest" method. What was great for us, may not have been so wonderful for someone else.
The only thing that will make it easier is confidence in the method you are choosing and confidence in your body. Women were made to give your body.
2006-11-20 16:55:10
answer #5
answered by Jen 3
Heh heh, needles are the LAST thing that you will concider painful when you are in labor!!!! I had my first without an epidural and it HURT so much that it was difficult to push with the contractions. My second, I had an was AWESOME!!! I could watch TV, talk to my family, and when it was time to push, I could set my mind to the task at hand and not to the BLINDING PAIN. However, both of my labors were over 17 hours after that 8th hour of pain epidourals are looking pretty wonderful! However, if you are out of shape, you might want to go without the epidoural. Reason being, when the baby's head crowns, it rests on a nerve that fills you with the overwhelming urge to push, and it helps you to have the strength to push the baby out. When you have an epidoural, you cannot feel this, and if you are not in shape, it is hard to ush for a long time.
2006-11-20 16:47:44
answer #6
answered by The Nag 5
I just gave birth to my first baby 4 weeks ago. I'm scared at long needles. However, I was in so much pain, I requested the epidural. The doctor and nurses know you'll be scared of the needle, so they won't show it to you or allow you to see it. You'll just feel a little pinch at first and then you won't feel anything. However, you will still feel a light contraction and when you push, you will still feel a little pain down there. Try to rest and sleep as much a you can. You'll be very exhausted when the baby comes. I pushed for 20-25 minutes and my baby came out. It's still a lot of work.
2006-11-20 17:01:41
answer #7
answered by Mrs Apple 6
I was planning on a vaginal birth, but wound up with an emergency c-section. I had an epidural before I had to get the c-section and trust me - it was well worth it! You don't even see the needle and I couldn't even feel it because all I could feel were my labor pains. But, if you would rather squeeze a whole little human out of that small, strechy hole without meds, then go for it. I have mixed feelings about women who are totally against meds or an epidural - One is that I have respect for them doing it the old fashioned way. The second thought is that I wonder if they are crazy. :)
2006-11-20 16:51:18
answer #8
answered by LIl One 2
If the needle phobia is a problem, check out the hospital where you delivering because a lot of hospital policies is hooking you up to an IV whether you're surgical or vaginal. With vaginal you heal a lot better and faster and once you have the baby...ALL pain stops!!! Do lots of research and express your concerns to you dr. Also make sure you have a responsible and supportive labor partner. My husband just surfed the internet with my youngest and gave me dirty looks when I asked him to move so I could pee (had to move the pitocin/IV cart) with me to the bathroom (eventually he went home for the majority of the labor and came back for the last 1 1/2 hr). A supportive labor coach is VERY instrumental in labor and delivery. When both of my children were born I was in the USAF at that time so I was no where near any family for support that's why I was stuck with the husband.
2006-11-21 03:25:24
answer #9
answered by doom92556 4
I have had 3 babies. The first was ALL natural. I remember nothing but extreme PAIN. The second I had an epidural and it was the most magnificent thing in the world. I remember every detail ( I even helped catch her and I cut her cord) The third was a c-section due to position of baby. I had a lot of pain in recovery. It was hard to lift my baby and nurse her do to my incision
2006-11-21 15:37:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You need to do some serious fast education on your options. C-Section is NOT the answer. That is major surgery and has multiple risks for both you AND YOUR BABY.
Please go to my web site to the resource page. Especially check out the web sites Childbirth Connection and International Cesarean Awareness Network. Also, on the page "Info For Parents" you will find information on C-Sections, epidurals, inductions, etc.
The most important thing is to put some trust in your body. It already knows exactly what to do, how to give birth. Most complications occur when we interfer with the natural process.
Good luck,
Claudine Crews CPM, LM
2006-11-20 16:58:12
answer #11
answered by claudineintexas 4