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No spiritual or religious suggestions please.And don't tell me to find a mate.

2006-11-20 16:39:18 · 21 answers · asked by seeker 1 in Social Science Psychology

21 answers

the fact that you are blessed with so much shows life still holds tight on you. to get up each day to look at the world around you is in itself a great incentive. our mind is so conditioned that it serches for incentives it cannot accept silence. u need effort to do something and to do u need incentive . but to remain silent u dont need to do anything. u have had a very successful life all along and u r not interested in having a mate, nor r u religious, its fine to be that way. "be as you are', and dont feel bad or guilty that u need incentive to live on. enjoy ur life the way u like and accept everything and please dont ask anyone any opinion about how to lead "ur"life.

2006-11-20 18:38:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I find it interesting to note that you call yourself "seeker". What is it you are seeking? Permission to end your life? If that is what you are asking, I would personally advise against it. Why end it when something wonderful might just be around the corner? If you are asking if it's alright to feel this way - a way which sounds like depression, well, I guess that's alright, if that's what you want. I think, based on the fact that you call yourself a seeker and you are also seeking/reaching out to this generally fine group, you are seeking a reason to live. You prefer not to die. So I won't go into the spiritual aspects, though there are many rewards there. If you believe that life just ends when you die, why would you want to end it sooner if this is your only opportunity? Please don't leave the party before it's over, even if right now it sems boring and useless. Find something to do that gives you pleasure and live as long as you can.

2006-11-21 00:50:05 · answer #2 · answered by PDY 5 · 0 0

You said that you have time on your hands, health, money and no obligations to the family and you can't find anything to do like a passion for traveling around the world or perhaps do some kind of social service, any kind that suits you. Funny. I am in exactly opposite postition than you. I am young, not in a very good shape, stringent financial problems and a huge family to look after including in-laws, my parents and my child and husband and I often have to struggle with myself to find time to do things I like such as making something new or teaching a poor child. I always wanted to be a hospital clown but cannot become one because I cannot leave my job or skip work at home to get the training or take out time to go to the hospitals to entertain terminally ill children. What a paradox!

2006-11-21 01:14:15 · answer #3 · answered by Smriti 5 · 0 0

Ha ha ha !!!

I got your point.

Is it true ? First thing " I am 100 % sure that above statements you made are wrong" Now do not argue with me.

Just write down on a piece of paper your question (obove question). Take it in your hands and read it several times in mind and aloud.

And you got it. "Your statement is wrong.. Mr. Seeker " You are seeking something and on the aobve of that you say that "you don't have incentive to live a life" .

This is called misguiding one's self. Your mind is playing trick and you know and at the same time you don't know what you need.

Dear friend this is juglarry of mind.. ha ..ha.

You poor creature.. try to introspect your thoughts .. you have continuously searching for something and at the same time you say you don't need anything to live on.. Oh.. poor creature..

You need deep introspection..You have to learn a lot of things..
Firstly learn to understand the tricks of mind.. Very very amazing are they. Man has always been fooled by his own mind.

Disassociate your thoughts from your self and you will see where you are..

If my advice sound too complicated to you..

then Keep mum for some time and by God's grace you will know what is there for you in this world.

Probably you are seeking what you are denying..

Regards and Sorry for harsh words if any...

Your wellwisher

2006-11-21 07:43:14 · answer #4 · answered by Deve 2 · 0 0

Well, figuring out a reason to live could be an incentive, could it not? Or just being open to the possibility of finding out.

I don't see what's *WRONG* with having no incentive to live --- that's just an arbitrary value judgement. Who's to say why we are here?

Sounds to me, like, if nothing else, you could at least either contemplate the weirdness of it all, or just have some fun, or both.

2006-11-21 00:44:56 · answer #5 · answered by Aaron W 1 · 0 0

Forget everything. Had you been double, you could have enjoyed the balance life. Neverthless, you can still make good the balance life with available infrastructure with you as you say you are self sufficient. God's creation of the life should be enjoyed. You need not have to have any further incentive other than what you have. Enjoy the time with friends, relatives, mainly children. Accomstom to them and be happy. Please be ambitious to see the other edge of life.

2006-11-21 02:07:14 · answer #6 · answered by munikoty 1 · 0 0

It is perfectly alright if you have no incentive to live. You may simply be a dull, and lazy person. There is a place in this world for you. You know the saying, "it takes all kinds." I find life to be one never ending learning experience. Simply sit back, and let those of us that want to dominate the world with our actions, and leave our imprint on it, handle things. We shall see that you are taken care of. Cheer us on!

2006-11-21 00:54:36 · answer #7 · answered by Proud Liberal 3 · 0 0

If you are basically healthy, find something that interests you and get back into life. For 2 years after I retired I cared for my mother until she died. For several months afterward I had to come up with a reason just to get out of bed in the morning. You need to find something to give you that reason to get out of bed. If you don't need any additional income volunteer some time to a cause that interests you. Get active in some community group or activity that will give purpose to your life.

2006-11-21 00:49:10 · answer #8 · answered by Country girl 7 · 0 0

oh there are plenty of things to live for, plan a trip to Alaska, go to that diner you have never been to down the street, just your city alone needs some exploring. boldly go where you haven't been before,Since you have no incentive you can do things with bravado , pretend you are security and sneak into a concert or movie and take pictures. read that book you always thought you would.

2006-11-21 01:14:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try to interact with the young minds - i.e. to say with young children and the yoouth - you experience a lot of changes in your thought and the life spectrum. you may be able to analyse what you have achieved what yet left behind. share your experience with them extending an helping hand will make a real pleasure. Highlight the probables and improbables in llife and society. create a self awareness in their mind .visit and console the helpless one suffering in different kinds imbibe a sense of self confidence make to realise the bounty of nature"s gift to mankind and other living beings . To the extent possible make your company enjoyable to them and feel cheerful by sharing their own outcomes in llife. you find yourself a thouroughly changed soul on earth and find thel life is rather meaningful. God help them those help themselves. Be positive . the energy and strength will follow. THANK MOTHER ALMIGHTY FOR HAVING GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY to help the society.

2006-11-21 02:17:34 · answer #10 · answered by hari prasad 5 · 0 0

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