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27 answers

Because they haven't properly applied. Just because Mexico has destroyed their labor market and economy doesn't mean we should flood our country will people escaping Mexico and destroy our economy too.

Personally I think our country should take the policy of many countries in europe and shoot border jumpers on site. It threatens our countries security and economy.

I also think that citizenship should only be granted AFTER the person appying has proven they can speak and write our primary language - ENGLISH.

2006-11-20 16:17:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

At least you are trying to form a question. I congratulate you for trying.

There is no simple answer here. But, there are a few facts to discuss.

First of all.....we are talking about many Millions of people who have entered the USA Illegally.

Most are good people trying to make a better life for them selves.

We have a system that has been out of control for many years.

Nothing I can say here can change that system or allow One New immigrant into this country.

When a person is desperate they will break the law. Many Millions have broken the Law.

The people in the USA are looking at the complete problem and demanding that the government solve the complete problem.

That will not happen any time soon....what will happen is that the taxes will increase to pay for the added students......Pay for the uninsured Illegal immigrants.

The complete problem has *Tipped* against the Immigrants.

Fences have gone up.....More Border Patrol....and individual states are enacting laws to punish the Illegal immigrants.

In 1864.....15,000 people a week came through New York City....Most were from Ireland.

We all hope for a fair solution soon.

But, In reality....Nothing will be done very soon, except more Police action and more outrage form American citizens.

Best Regards.

2006-11-20 16:55:15 · answer #2 · answered by Mav 6 · 0 0

I'll pretend the question makes sense.

George Bush actually favors a guest worker program.

If amnesty were granted to undocumented immigrants, then there would be a huge number of falsified documents created. It happened in the eighties with the Simpson-Mazzoli act. Many people who had never been to the U.S. bought documents for up to $2000 that "proved" they had been working in the U.S. and deserved amnesty. I personally know many of these people who got to stay in the country this way and they pay taxes now and they're not criminals, they just cheated the faulty system.

It's pretty much impossible to just give document without having some people falsify them. However, since amnesty won't work, many say a guest worker program will work, but the same problem arises. There needs to be a crack down on corporations and private business owners selling these documents claiming they had all these employees.

It hasn't happened, so I guess people will just expect all the immigrants to just leave on their own. It's basically impossible to find 12 million people and kick them out, so there isn't a solution that everyone agrees with.

Oh, no some antagonists are going to bombard me with their... thumbs down? Please! Thumbs down all you want, I know the reality of the situation. I live near the border with the most daily crossings than any other place in the world. There's no point in complaining about the people who are here. Complaining will get you nowhere. Do you people actually propose we find 12 million people and send them back to Mexico? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

2006-11-20 16:20:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Maybe it has to do with the world ( Illegal)as in Illegal Immigrants
If you cant follow the rules why should the US cater to you ?
Your question is either flamebait or you need to learn that you should not expect to be rewarded for breaking the law .
There are lots of people welcomed to the US every year people who followed the law and did what they where asked to do .
Tell me when you go to the movies do you like people shoving there way a head of you ?

2006-11-20 17:41:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because American citizens don't appreciate illegal aliens not paying taxes as we do so that the country can support itself. An illegal alien is nothing more than someone benefiting from our system while stealing from it by not paying their fair share. As a result we pay more because the system thieves (illegal aliens) won't go home or pay their fair share.

How would you feel if I came to your house and stole the dinner off of your table? We have less and have to work more to pay higher taxes because illegal aliens are stealing from our country and the citizens that are doing our part.

I think we should build a wall 20 feet tall between USA and Mexico and shoot anyone trying to climb over. Want into USA? Enter LEGALLY and PAY YOUR TAXES!

2006-11-20 17:33:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will not disparage the quality of your navagating the English language as I am unfit to devise anything of comparable quality in Spanish, French, or otherwise. However, if I understand your question properly, you desire to know why President Bush doesn't want to give legal status to immigrants.

Your question should be: Why are there American citizens who don't want to see legal status given to individuals who have disregarded the laws of our nation?

Answer: I don't think I would experience any perplexity over the Mexican governments refussal to grant standing to my illegal presence in its soverign territory.

As for President Bush, he has demonstrated himself desirous of granting some newly defined status to immigrants in the U.S. who have violated the immigration laws contained in the Federal Code. However, those of us desirous of sustaining the sovereignty of our nation are the ones preventing such status from being granted.

A study of Greek and Roman history may help you understand our apprehension for unbridled population influx.

2006-11-20 16:54:11 · answer #6 · answered by K. A. Harvey 1 · 1 0

President Bush supports letting illegals stay, after they do a few things to prove they want to be Americans.

2006-11-20 16:31:57 · answer #7 · answered by dakota29575 4 · 0 0

1. your question is flawed and hard to read.

2. If people enter this country LEGALLY they are documented. Undocumented is the politically correct way of saying"Illegal Alien"

2006-11-20 17:19:58 · answer #8 · answered by janssen411 6 · 0 0

And he did not care, both. Obama isn't smart and has no particular understanding in corporation or economics or something else that concerns. he's a BS artist that were given on the typical public tit once he became able. he's been there ever in view that. i'm proudly balloting hostile to him in November.

2016-11-29 08:06:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is us, the citizens who pay for everything with our tax dollars. If an immigrant comes here illegally, they need to go home and come back to the US the way the other aliens do that have come here legally. It is not fair to legal aliens or the US citizens that illegals are not doing this legally and want amnesty. I am a 3 generation Mexican descendant whose grandfather came here legally.

2006-11-20 16:17:30 · answer #10 · answered by Sparkles 7 · 4 1

Because unless they have green cards or visas stating that they are allowed in this country, they are illegal. We have enough legal people to worry about first before we start handing things out freely to illegal immigrants. America is the land of the free but free isn't free unless the government tells you that you are here legally.

2006-11-20 16:15:43 · answer #11 · answered by mejenna892002 1 · 5 1

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