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On issues like?
Gay marriage
Large corporation

2006-11-20 16:08:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

I think I've gone in the opposite direction.
1) Gay marriage: A ban on gay marriage says the government is getting involved in the business of churches. That is flat-out prohibited in the establishment clause of the First Amendment, without which our great Constitution could not have been ratified. Score one for Liberals.
2) Abortion. I oppose abortion on a personal level. I also posit that THIS isn't the business of the federal government. It might be the business of states. There are certainly controls contra abortion in place in the form of doctors who refuse to perform them on moral grounds, etc. Apart from the semantic and biological arguments about when a fetus is viable, it becomes a religious question, again going straight to the First Amendment, without which our great Constitution could not have been ratified. Score another one for Liberals.
3) Large Corporations: Large corporations and the people who own them (the shareholders) tend to think they shouldn't pay taxes to protect their interests. I'm not parsing words here. Someone who has nothing should not be shouldering the burden of military contracts and pork and bailing out savings and loans and an expensive standing army. The people who should pay for that should be those with "interests" to "defend." My sources on this topic are Rome (which fell because all the slaves didn't have a lot of interest in defending other people's property, IMO) and pre-revolutionary France, where a monarch (horrible people) upon being informed that the people had no bread, said "Let them eat cake." And they did. So, I have this idea that the wealthy should pay taxes, no matter how good of an accountant, Congressman, Senator, or President they can afford. Look what you get! The most powerful military in the world to defend your "interests." A robust middle class who will protect you from the poor and desperate (who shouldn't be poor and desperate and we ALL know it.) This goes way deeper than the snivelling "I shouldn't HAVE to pay taxes, because I EARNED my obscene wealth." Go hire an economist to figure out how much you would have to work to "earn" that kind of wealth. The equation will have to include the conversion (that's a legal term) of labor into "profit." In my journey through life I have discovered that Liberals don't like paying taxes, any more than Conservatives do. Liberals promote taxes because things like social programs, education, a valid military, and other good things we ask the government to do for us (the consequences of not having done being more overwhelming than I care to think about any more than I do) cost money, and as such, We, as civilized People, ought to be willing to pay taxes for, even if we don't like it, and even if we are just profiteers with no actual moral compass other than the intent to make a killing. Now, if you think it's okay to kill poor people for sport, because you honestly think you are more well-armed (you're not), and have no moral compass (you do), keep trying to destroy the middle class by making (your marionettes in Washington DC make) us pay for EVERYTHING. It's an absurd practice which does not promote a sustainable society. I always evaluate arguments based on the actions they promote. Mine is based on promoting a sustainable society. A society where a handful of people control all of the resources and everyone else is destitute is not sustainable. A robust middle class is required. Just my thoughts on big corporations and the sway the seem to have held on my government for a period that I think is a bit too long.
Big Pharma: Where shall I begin? In passing, I would normally lump them in with "Big Corporations," but I have been seeing evidence that they realize that not all Americans can afford their products at the prices they want to charge Americans for their products. I think that sentiment bodes well for their continued success in America. Just because such a large proportion of the world's wealth resides in America does not mean that it resides with the People of America. My hat's off to Big Pharma, for the moment, not because of exceeding growth and profit expectations (which they don't seem to be producing) but because of actions that promote a sustainable American Society. As for the legalization of drugs, I was once a proponent of that idea, because Americans have rights concerning their own bodies, and to deny those rights to anyone is something that I viewed as a sort of tyranny. Then I learned of some of the horrors people experience (perpetually) because of some drugs:
Methamphetamine: Nothing feels good, except methamphetamine. Makes your teeth fall out. Nothing feels good. Addiction = a form of tyranny.
Cocaine: causes permanent brain damage after repeated use. Threat to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of an individual (occurs with or without criminalization, because a user typically becomes enslaved to the buzz seeking morbidity.) I knew someone who reportedly prostituted himself for cocaine. That is grounds for immediate dismissal of the drug. Cocaine should be illegal (except for highly skilled and regulated prescribers, who would never leverage the drug for questionable sexual purposes... basically, it should be illegal in the USA)
LSD: effects under-researched, but seems to have turned a whole generation of people into 'peace-niks' during USA's Vietnam Conflict... presents a destabilizing element to rational domination of an educated youth by people with 'more guns.' Has not been shown to be addictive.
Marijuana: Causes friction in attachments between neurons. Also under-researched. The friction between neurons in a casual user MIGHT lead to stronger connectivity in unaffected neurons. Seems to cause many kinds of friction. Friction with parents, friction with the cops, friction with teachers, and most importantly, friction with the opposite gender. Has been shown to be addictive (but never fatal, except through cancer or stupidity... If ALL your neurons are coated with THC, you're basically an idiot, and in spite of what your buddies may think, it's NOT COOL!
My opinion on drugs? Well, obviously, some of them should be illegal. All of them should be regulated. There is nothing cool about being a slave to drugs, money, or religion.
Abolish slavery.

2006-11-20 17:46:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I did. Then I grew up. I don't care about gay marriage. Get married. I think the issue is purely about politics, like women's issues. Tripe. I am now 98% against abortion. Abortion is all about killing babies. Large corporations are a necessity, a fact of life, they create many jobs, and contribute greatly towards taxes. Unless they really are polluting or employing four year olds, big deal. I prefer driving large foreign cars on long trips, and everywhere, to trekking across town with an expensive walking stick.

What about drugs? People need prescriptions. The conservatives made it possible for the weakest to afford them. I don't believe in handing out drugs to addicts on the street, for some belief in rehabilitating them.

Speaking of rehabilitation, I think career criminals can't be rehabilitated if they don't work in jail. Free meals, and a free home does not mean that when a repeat offender steps outside the penitentiary, they have changed their ways. I don't think they should have their right to vote reinstated. They chose to do the crime. These are the consequences.

Spotted owls, moths, buzzards, dolphins, and whales are nice, but so what? They survived. Hiking, worrying about global warming, kitchen waste mulch, recycling, organic apples, free-range, starving vegan, mood music, chakras, reike, PC, touchy-feely bleeding heart, want to change the world as I reinvent it, coffee houses, drum circles, saying "dude", and parroting my professors are in my past. I have been cured by reality and a suit. I have a spine. No one is perfect. I'm not even a good Catholic. But I am now 90% conservative. And healthier for it.

2006-11-20 16:55:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'm not sure that all or even most of the issues you mentioned were around at that time, but Ronald Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild, an entertainment union, in the late 1940s and was generally considered, even by himself, to be a liberal Democrat by the standards of the day.

After he left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party, he ultimately migrated pretty far in the direction of the opposite end of the spectrum, wouldn't you say?

2006-11-20 16:19:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, just the opposite, from a conservative (In the service) to what you would probably call a liberal, but I am a pragmatist! ( after I found out we went to war over a Lie, kids were murdered at Kent State by the National Guard (they should never be issued ammo in the US) and "Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred And Twenty Nine. Every one of them a son; a brother, or a father, a husband, a cousin, a lover, a neighbor, a friend. Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred And Twenty Nine boys brought home in boxes. For what? For ******' nothing.

2006-11-20 16:16:33 · answer #4 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 1

Yes. I stand next to the elephant, but had my liberal roots dyed from time to time. I now lean to the right, sometimes to the libertarian apex.

I have always been disappointed in the past when I voted for a lousy democrat. I learned my lesson. Dems talk pretty, but are rotten to the core. I will now do all I can to oppose dem dirty tricks in any government position.

2006-11-20 18:06:04 · answer #5 · answered by Em E 4 · 1 0

hi Alan, So your coronary heart could be in Chicago yet you're an Arkansas boy desirable? i could not agree greater with regard to the modernization of the church. the sole difficulty with modernization is that usually people water down the real message of Jesus in attempting to pander to the so observed as "youthful technology." Many older people look on the church as a enterprise and it exchange into consistently meant to be the religion of the people and didn't want a church construction, nor church amenities. people who think of the church is an hour on sunday have regrettably neglected the element. If a individual isn't living the christian life 24/7 then they are going to be sorely dissatisfied as Jesus' coaching is quite sparkling on the element. regrettably there is plenty emphasis on the "church worship provider" as though that's the pivotal activity of the church - examine the e book of Acts and you will see that modify into for believers basically yet in the present day the church lazily makes use of that as an evangelistic gadget. unhappy relatively. regards Mike D 140411 playstation I only examine your further archives - unhappy to confirm every person is so entrenched - Paul's coaching approximately females exchange into in a time while females weren't knowledgeable. that's not the case in the present day and that i've got heard some large females preachers and leaders. One has a tendency to affiliate Arkansas and Tennessee as pink neck hill billlies and what you're asserting isn't doing something to dispell that stereotype. inspire them to expand their outlook - you may coach old dogs NEW tricks. Mike 140411 i seen something else related to music - Choruses could be large in the event that they're worshipful yet diverse choruses are shallow and glitzy. some hymns are large and a few extraordinarily dirgy and uninteresting and uninteresting. possibly the stability is combining some upbeat hymns with some worshipful choruses... basically a concept. Regards Mike D 150411

2016-10-22 11:22:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I have known Liberal couples that became Conservatives after the birth of their first child.

2006-11-20 16:29:04 · answer #7 · answered by dakota29575 4 · 1 0

Gays, yes they should have a legal agreement not marriage.abortion is murder but women have a right to kill there children.large corporations suck. capitalism sucks.cause there in control of so much of the government decisions.All drugs should be legalized, drug company's should be controlled not us being controlled by them. my views about all this has changed over time.It might change drastically over time

2006-11-20 16:15:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

How you gonna keep em down on the farm after they seen Paree

2006-11-20 16:19:53 · answer #9 · answered by HawkEye 5 · 1 0

I am against abortion, but to become a complete conservative I would have to inflict an injury on myself that caused brain damage.

2006-11-20 16:11:46 · answer #10 · answered by opjames 4 · 0 2

There are many politicians who changed colors just like a chameleon so that their interests will be served.

2006-11-20 16:17:07 · answer #11 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 1 0

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