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14 answers

He's a grandstanding political hack.

2006-11-20 15:23:45 · answer #1 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 3 3

I don't know, maybe he's more on Bush's side. Rangel claims he wants it reinstated so that in the future, Congress will be more reluctant to giving, or allow themselves to be forced into authorizing a war based on lies.
Bush on the other hand, has a completely different agenda, and will soon need to reinstate the draft to make his war machine more sustainable for a longer period of time.
Bush is just using this idea that war is good for the economy, since he has no knowledge on the intricacies of economy. He knows nothing about a balanced budget, deficit spending, or that China, who holds a great share of our debts is takinig our power. This gives China the upper hand. They were shrewd in this investment. And know very well that they may call for repayment at the worst possible time. Will they want the blueprints to our nuclear weaponry? Will we share our deepest secrets? Will we have a choice? Our hands will be tied by our obligations.
To others who answered rich white kids will also have to serve. Don't bet on that. People with the means can buy their way out of service. Look at our President Bush for just one of many examples. There are other loopholes, the rich would secure an administrative position for their offspring in the instances where they were drafted and couldn't get out of it.

2006-11-20 23:26:00 · answer #2 · answered by Schona 6 · 4 2

Right. I saw a report on CNN tonight stirring the pot about the draft, implying that the government, i.e. Bush's watch, may force us to fight. There was no mention of Rangel. Reporters ran footage of interviewees scoffing at the very thought of Bush daring to push the draft on them. Yes. How dare he.

BTW: Do we want "fresh meat" drafted like the treasonous rich boy, Kerry The Clueless? We need intelligent people, like the colors we have now.

2006-11-20 23:37:56 · answer #3 · answered by sobriquet 4 · 1 0

You seem so uniformed regarding congressman Rangel's proposition. His point is that all you neo-cons who rave about supporting the war and troops should put your money where your mouth is. If you're so pro war then you should send your kids to fight for the wars this country gets us into. He is correct in saying that if we had a draft in place before 9-11 there is no way we would've chosen to invade Iraq. There have been no sacrifices asked of us during this so called war. Instead we're given tax cuts(well the top 1% anyway) As long as the upper class americans don't have to send their kids off to war, they'll keep supporting ill conceived and unreasonable wars. Let the poor minorities and illegal imigrants fight their chosen wars for them. I'm all for enacting the draft system again, if only to make our leaders and citizens think twice before starting unecessary wars! Charlie Rangel makes a very good point when he says that as a poor kid in the slums some so called friends started fights but when it was time to actually fight, they'd hold his coat for him while he did the actual fighting! That's what we're doing in this country, we start battles and then hold the poor's coats while they do the fighting! That's so not right! Mr. Rangel knows what he's talking about, as he fought in the Korean war as a poor minority in order to make a little money and go to college on the GI bill. He may know that his draft bill won't ever pass, but he sure is making people think and maybe crap their pants thinking their own prevelidge kids could possibly be drafted!

2006-11-20 23:53:41 · answer #4 · answered by liberalthinktank 3 · 3 2

Obviously, you haven't been paying attention to Rangel or Bush for that matter. Rangel's draft would not allow any exceptions, so my daughters will go just like their brothers. I think it will be strong enough that money won't easily buy a way out. At any rate, if we can get out of Iraq in the next 2 years sort of smelling like a rose then we need the draft. Our current troops need to have a break from combat and there aren't enough volunteers to replace them. Also, the Iraqi gov't needs some kind of ongoing support, altho I think it should be limited during an extended pull-out.

2006-11-21 00:11:41 · answer #5 · answered by GRANNY12GR1 4 · 0 3

He doesn't, but he's found it's the only way to get his mug on TV for his 15 minutes of sound bites on all the news and cable shows. Just like him saying, "Who would want to live in Mississippi?" He'll say anything to get attention.

He knows the draft has no chance and is not supported by his own party nor the opposition. Like most Liberals he's got to make it a race and class issue, even though it's an all volunteer military. No one forces anyone to join any service branch. But I am thankful enough do who want to protect our country, see it as a career path, a chance to see the U.S. or the world, retire in 20 years at age 40 or so, or whatever motivates them.

But my deepest appreciation and our nation's honors should go to All our men and women who choose to enter the armed forces, whether for 2 yrs, 4 years or 30 years. They are all brave and helluva tough Americans to go through what they do for me and you. It takes a smart, intelligent, mentally and physically disciplined individual to serve in today's/tomorrow's military.

The day may come when the draft is necessary again but it's not now and Rangel knows it. In the meantime, it's "all about me, look at me, listen to Char-ley".

2006-11-20 23:36:52 · answer #6 · answered by Farbles 1 · 1 2

people have to LISTEN to Rangel. yes he wants a draft but noooo one knows more than that beyond ignorant rhetoric they told themselves.

Rangel specifically says that if there was a draft, then we wouldn't have gotten into frivolous wars like that in Iraq because there is nothing protecting those rich republican children from being sent to war as well.

as a way to support the war with "fresh meat," bush just rotated the military personnel in and out of iraq as well as dipping into reservists and the coast guard.

democrats have no problem protecting this country when its called for. check the voting records of people in the military. i believe they are mostly democratic. democracy is about freedom to choose. and democrats choose to lay their lives down for this nation a hell of a lot more than republicans ever will have the balls to do.

the draft is a scare tactic in place for republicans who scream war without any real facts. if they knew what really was going on and that bush was and still is lying to the nation, then war in iraq would have been less likely to occur.

of course rangel knows it isn't going to fly. but its a wake up call to republicans who run around the nation believing the president word for word even though its obvious he's lying.

but, then again it doesn't matter who's lying when it isn't your life or your family's lives on the line!!

2006-11-20 23:05:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anthony Taurus 3 · 4 2

He has been squaking for a draft for several years. He doesn't think that there are enough rich white kids in the military.

2006-11-20 22:51:56 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 5 1

Someone wrote: "the draft is a scare tactic in place for republicans who scream war without any real facts. if they knew what really was going on and that bush was and still is lying to the nation, then war in iraq would have been less likely to occur."

I agree 1000%!!

Why not just spill the "secret" TRUTH?

GWB's "Iraq War" is not just about getting Saddam out of power!!

What it =really is= is R-E-T-A-L-I-A-T-I-O-N for some Iraqi group of people's failed attempt at killing his own FATHER G.H.W.B. !!

And do NOT expect to hear that announced on the news!! But that makes it _no less_ of a *FACT*! Forget the media's 'brainwashing' trying to convince you otherwise!!!

IMHO, a forced draft would be as valuable to someone like GWB as a " listing for potential 'U.S. political sacrifices' "

Would _YOU_ allow the U.S. Gov't to sign your death warrant =ahead of time= ??

2006-11-21 00:01:02 · answer #9 · answered by Chuck S 3 · 0 2

He wants the Conservatives in office to double think next time about going to war if their own children will be sent.
I am a conservative and I am against the draft. It wont perform as well as the all-volunteer force we have now.

2006-11-21 00:26:10 · answer #10 · answered by ace 6 · 0 2

Because he knows his Democrat playmates won't vote for it! He is trying to make a political statement by wasting our tax dollars playing politics. Let's hope they hold his @ss to it in a vote. I am Conservative and I am for the draft.

2006-11-20 22:48:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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