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If parents were more strict and didn't let their kids run wild then don't you think they wouldn't become pregnant? If parents would just put their kids (teenagers) on birth control then don't you also think there wouldn't be so many teenagers pregnant. Birth control is very effective if used correctly.
Another thing how can someone forget to take their birth control pills? I mean if i had it on the brain about a baby i would be making sure i took that pill everyday.

My parents were strict with me and i didn't get pregnant while i was on birth control so please don't even tell me birth control dosen't work.

Do you think it is okay to be a teenage mom?

2006-11-20 14:40:32 · 19 answers · asked by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Nope i am not pregnant and i did not get pregnant while i was a teenager.

2006-11-20 15:27:57 · update #1

19 answers

I just turned 18 in October and I'm almost at my due date. I don't think my parents are to blame at all. I have only been with ONE guy and we are still together. We have a place of our own and are doing just wonderful. Of course my parents were dissapointed at first but now they're excited.. first grandchildren. I guess in some cases when young teenage girls become pregnant, especially when they don't know who the father is... then the parents might shoulder some blame. Parents need to know where their children are at all times. This is an interesting question, I guess if I was like 14 or 15 ya know.. younger.. then I would feel that my parents just let me run wild. They did a good job with me though, I take all the blame. But I'm happy so it's okay! I know I'm going to make a great "teenage mom".

2006-11-20 15:56:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No it's not the parents fault. No matter how strict parents are or are not they can not watch their kids 24 hours a day. It's impossible. Also, you can't force someone to take birth control. Yes, people can forget to take it. You must not have a busy enough life where this happens. Some of us work or go to school or have other things going on and I believe that people truly do forget to take their pill on occasion. Also the pill isn't 100% effective.

So do you want a metal because you didn't get pregnant?

I was a teenage mom. I had my son at 18. I worked, went to college, had an apt and took damn good care of my son. Im 22 now, have my four year college degree, am married to my sons father and we have a home, our own cars etc etc. I think we are better parents then half the parents out there. I see a lot of great teen parents.

You're just stereotyping all teens as having bad parents and not being good parents themselve. So are you going to stereotype all different groups? What about people who are gay? or Africa Americans? Or Jewish people? Or fat people? I mean come on get over yourself.

2006-11-20 15:18:14 · answer #2 · answered by ktpb 4 · 5 0

No, parents aren't to blame. As a parent you cannot be there 24/7 all you can do is take the right precautions and talk with your children and hope that works.

Birth Control DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK WHEN USED CORRECTLY. This I know as I was on birth control when I got pregnant with my second child. I took the pills at the same time everyday, and still, I ended up having a baby. So please don't let people think that it is 100% effective.

No, I won't say that its OKAY to be a teenage PARENT, but its very possible for it to be done. I was once a teenage mom, and I took care of my daughter without anyone elses help BUT my husbands. Now I am a soon to be mom of 4, stay at home mom, my husband has an excellent job, and we don't live off other peoples money.

2006-11-20 15:05:10 · answer #3 · answered by Trisha 3 · 2 1

First, age doesn't matter. I think that if you want to be a teenage mom, more power to you and kudos on doing such a good job as well as KEEPING the baby. Second of all, maybe you should do some research before you open your mouth. Birth control A) is not 100% effective and B) is sometimes bad for a person. I went on birth control and it messed my body up real bad. Not only that, but I went on birth control because I have irregular periods, and because of our religion, my mom didn't want me to take it at all! Not only that, but it doesn't matter HOW strict someone is, if a kid wants to have sex, they are going to have sex. End of story. If they have to climb out a window in 20 degree weather at 2 in the morning to have sex, they'll do it. Next, even if parents do put their child on birth control, they are obviously old enough to have sex which means they are old enough to know the consequences and remember to take a pill. A parent shouldn't have to remind their teenager to take a pill. Parent's have many things to worry about, and many things to do. Also, you can't be a Nazi to your children. The older you get, the more freedom you have to give them. It's called responsibility. They get to go out, but they have to start doing their own laundry. That kind of thing. So to answer your question. NO. The only way I would blame an adult for their child getting pregnant would be if A) in some sick twisted way they got them pregnant or B) they took their child and someone of the opposite sex and FORCED them to have sex. I don't think that anyone who had a child get pregnant intended for that to happen, and to make matters worse, i'm sure they felt horrible, like it was all their fault because of people like you. No, it's not their fault. They didn't have sex. You seem like the type of person that never does anything wrong and blames everyone else for everything. Mind your own business. Do you have a teenager that is pregnant? You stated you didn't get pregnant on birth control. So why are you so concerned? Why are you so judgemental on a topic that you haven't even been involved with?

2006-11-20 15:33:32 · answer #4 · answered by JulieW 3 · 3 2

No I don't think parents are to blame...The parents aren't there stripping their kids down naked and forcing them to have sex.
FYI I got pregnant TWICE while on birth control. Whether you like it or not it is NOT 100% effective. I took my birth conrol pills the same time every single day...I guess some of us are just "lucky" that way. Being "very" effective and 100% effective are two different things and every woman on this planet is different. So your tirade about not getting pregnant on birth control doesn't hold water...by the way my parents were strict as well...But I didn't get pregnant until my early 20s, although I was having sex in my late teens. My second pregnancy came when I was in my early 30s.
As for teens and sex. I've known girls who's parents were strict...didn't even let them date until they were 18...That didn't stop them from climbing out their bedroom windows in the middle of the night and running around. I do know one girl who was literally chained to her bed by her father...CPS took care of that situation. I think if more kids were intelligent enough to pay attention to the education in sex and all of the consequences that come with it as well as birth control there would be fewer teen pregnancies. But I doubt YOU or stricter parents will put an end to teen pregnancies...They've been around since the first humans walked the earth and are in no way an endagered species.

2006-11-20 18:15:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Birth control doesn't always work, sometimes it fails to do the job. No parents aren't to blame always. If you raise your kids the best you can and you really tried to raise them right, then why is it their fault. They can't make all the decisions for their kids. No, I don't think bad to be a teen mother (DEPENDING ON THE TEEN). If the are mature enough and responsible then everything should be okay. I was 16 when I had my son, I was out on my own with boyfriend, we had own place, own bills, groceries, etc. And now we are doing better than a lot of people double our ages. It's very hard but can be done if you put your kid/kid's before everything else. Not every teen can pull it off. You have to grow the moment they are born. No more child's play. Don't go around judging everyone. It's not right.

2006-11-20 15:27:25 · answer #6 · answered by lilmoma4202006 2 · 0 1

First of all. Birth control can be defective. I would know because I was on it for 5 years, and me and my boyfriend got pregnant, I am now 6 months pregnant and happy. Second of all, no the parents are not to blame. And third of all, yes its okay to be a teenage mom. If they are responsible then everything is okay. I don't respect you sterotyping everyone. Stay out of people's business and stop acting like you are perfect. Just because someone gets pregnant doesn't mean they are a slut and that their parents raised them wrong.

2006-11-20 14:45:07 · answer #7 · answered by kasey06 4 · 4 0

Honestly, being the mother of five, I cannot agree that putting your children on birth control will prevent unwanted pregnancy. It does however say for them to go ahead and have sex if they want since they are protected. We might as well hand them knives. A parent can only teach a child what they agree to learn. We can talk to our children until we are blue in the face, but unless the child chooses to make decisions remembering that they are the bases for our future, then nothing is learned. Thank god, Three of my kids are grown. One of them got married and has a baby girl two years old now. The other two are dating, but no kids, while the other two are too young to worry. None of them were ever supplied condoms, or any form of birth control in this house.
I don't really think that birth control should be used to get out of being a parent. As far as being a teenage parent, if it happens, then it must be dealt with, just like anything else our children may do.

2006-11-20 15:16:20 · answer #8 · answered by Ofie 2 · 3 2

You'll get the same two usual responses to this question. they'll be similar to "yes--it's the parent's fault, they should take better care of their kids and pay more attn. to what they're doing" and then you'll get "well, if the kid's wanting to do this type of thing then they'll find a way regardless of what the parents do or don't do."

I wasn't a teen when I became a Mom, but I wouldn't want to imagine how hard it would be/was for those who will become mothers while still a teenager. It's very hard to raise a child, and it would be even harder if the parent was still a child themselves, don't you think? There are varying circumstances to each pregnancy, regardless of the female's age....planning, surprise, rape, molestation, the list goes on and on. And, regardless of where the blame lies (which is a personal veiwpoint), the child in the womb is the innocent, and that needs to be thought about.

2006-11-20 14:51:46 · answer #9 · answered by Midnight Butterfly 4 · 1 2

Yeah that could be true about being strict but the stricter you are then the more they will sneak out or do anything to make the parents mad...in some situations the parents are to blame but in some they aren't.

and just because you didnt get pregnant then that doesnt mean everyone wont...the pills arent 100 percent effective and it is very easy to forget b.c i have forgotton before..

and it doesnt matter to me what age they are as long as they take care of the baby

2006-11-20 14:48:04 · answer #10 · answered by kamdens mommy 3 · 0 2

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