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I'm writing a paper on stereotypes and I'd like to get others' points of view. I asked this in another category, but I've added a few more occupations and I'd like to see some more answers. What stereotypes (personality and appearance) do you associate with the following occupations?

-Elementary school teacher
-College professor
-Mary Kay beauty consultant
-Real Estate agent
-Social Worker
-Coal Miner

All input is greatly appreciated!

2006-11-20 14:36:52 · 6 answers · asked by miss_amy018 2 in Social Science Psychology

6 answers

that's a lot, but I'll give you my impression of a few of them...

50, overweight, sweat-stained white T-shirt, apron, greasy balding hair, lecherous grin, pilfers from the register and waitress tip jar, bad breath, disgusting bulgy eyes that leer at you.
40, tall, slender, starched whites, smells like lysol, pinched face, stern, looks down at you over bifocals.
25, bleached blonde with black roots, teased hair, too much makeup, chewing gum, shiny latex pants & high heels, more interested in loudly telling details of last night's sexual encounter to the hairdresser at the next chair than client sitting in her own chair. Peg Bundy type. Doesn't look at you at all, just the hair.
Coal Miner:
30 but looks 60, very skinny, leathery grey skin, dingy clothes with patches sewn on, can of Skoal in back pocket, carries well worn picture of wife & 7 kids in lunchbox, hoarse cough, tooth missing, poor, uneducated, regular church goer. Looks you straight in the eye. And smiles.
Attorney and Physician:
40-50, fit, healthy, tanned, well groomed, Italian shoes, expensive watch, always seems like he'd rather be somewhere else. appears to look through you rather than at you.

2006-11-20 15:19:07 · answer #1 · answered by Squirrley Temple 7 · 0 0

Bartender - tall, dark hair, nicely dressed guy...great listener and conversationalist, well groomed

Detective - Gruff attitude, very business oriented not a lot of time for small talk...dressed reasonably well but only because he has to

Physician - Gentle voice, caring attitude, when he listens you know he's paying complete attention...thorough and knowledgeable.

Nurse - crisp well kept clothes, very efficient, knows more than doctors a lot of the time, can do several things at once and do them all well.

Attorney - (this is a little hard for me I've had a few lawyers some idiots others exceptional) For the most part...well dressed, very business like, knowledgeable, capable, organized (or at least their assistant is), drive nice cars and make great money

Accountant - Glasses that slide of the nose, necktie a little crooked, pencil tucked behind one ear...sort of geekish looking

Elementary Teacher - Prim, proper, soft voice, long hair in pony tail, well dressed in conservative way, tries to be happy all the time and whisper when she talks about the children

College Professor - Tall, spry, very well spoken, shirt with no tie and cardigan or pull over with no sleeves. hand always in pockets unless he's trying to make a point...then he has one finger (index) pointing upwards in a gesture of "but you know...or you see"

Minister - Soft spoken, understanding, compassionate, usually dressed well although depending on whether they live on a farm or not :) they could be caught at times with kaka drawers :)

Hairdresser - always a new and different hairstyle, color etc. Trendy, well dressed very fashionable. Sometimes a little over tanned :) but...

Waiter/Waitress - usually busy, rushed, a little curt at times, sometimes forgetful, multi tasking specialist, usually cleanly dressed but like casual duds a lot.

Mary Kay beauty consultant - not a good experience with these folks I'm afraid...pushy, too much make up on themselves, reeking of perfume, tons of jewelery, nicely dressed with a beater car that has Mary Kay stickers front and back :) (Sorry anyone who is one...this is my own personal experience and I am certainly not saying ALL consultants are this way! But first impressions...)

Real Estate agent - again I've met great ones and not so great...well dressed, usually nice vehicles, some arrogant and down right ignorant with no concept of what the words "24 hour notice" means...others extremely helpful and very professional and likeable.

Social Worker - No experience with these folks but I'd hope that they'd be considerate, understanding, efficient, thorough, capable of making decisions that need to be made rather than going strictly by what the book says. Semi casual dress for the most part, well groomed normally

Coal Miner - Tired, very casual dress rarely dressed in suits etc., very dedicated and proud. Rarely complaining but like to party :)

2006-11-20 15:11:42 · answer #2 · answered by dustiiart 5 · 1 0

Bartender-Harsh yet friendly-good listener

Detective-Trench coat, beat up old car, and drinking problem

Physician- White lab coat, cold and somewhat dry personality

Nurse-Young friendly, naive, sweet

Attorney-Backstabbing liar, always wearing a suit

Accountant- Glasses, total nerd, dry sense of humor

Elementary School Teacher-Sweet, energetic, fun loving. conservative.

College Professor-Conservative, harsh. glasses, sweater vests

Minister-Bible in hand, sweet, kind

Hairdresser-Expressive, talker

Waitress/waiter-Cig in mouth, white trash, or young and naive

Mary Kay-Overly nice, somewhat annoying

Real estate agent-Pushy, deceitful.

Social Woker-Kind, conservative.

Coal Minor-Rough, Hard hat on, over alls

2006-11-21 17:48:56 · answer #3 · answered by Atllas 3 · 0 0

Detective - Always in a plaid trenchcoat and carrying around a magnfying glass as big as their face.
Physician - In a white lab coat
Nurse - A young, gentle woman in your usual hospital garb. Wearing a white cap with a red cross in the front.
Elemantary school teacher - Woman with who god knows why, loves kids. Has neat writing.
Minister - Wears black with white band around the neck
Waitress - Short skirt.
Mary Kay beauty consultant - Talks more than they need to and wears more makeup than needed. Has dark red, extremely long nails.
Coal Miner - Have YOU seen Zoolander?

2006-11-20 14:48:31 · answer #4 · answered by Basiate 5 · 0 0

stereotypes as what? but ill answer as good as i can. bartender--a man with a sad, lonely life
detective--a guy that is crooked and sleazy
physician--know-it-all but doesnt really know it
nurse--kill joy
accountant--a dude that is good with numbers
college professer--has a severe case of "god complex"
coal miner--rough guy
social worker--has much patience
minister---good hypocritcal guy but still is kind of a @ss
real estate agent--good at PR

2006-11-20 14:48:42 · answer #5 · answered by SwordDancer 5 · 0 1

-ok ... purely being user-friendly right here ... you asked for stereotypes that I affiliate with right here - right here is going ... Bartender- youthful,hip, immature, participant! -Detective - no -nonsense, extreme -well being care provider - clever, enormous ego -Nurse- being concerned, thick skinned -attorney- debater, preppy -Accountant- nerd, clever -user-friendly college instructor - liberal, earthy -college professor - liberal, dorky, clever -Minister- paternal, being concerned -Hairdresser - ditzy, socialble -Waiter/waitress- youthful, energetic, airhead sure..... i recognize this would not be conscious to all .... those are purely stereotypes that come to my strategies for human beings in those professions.

2016-10-17 07:38:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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