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I was born on augest 4 1991 and my zodiac is goat. can u tell me what this means.

2006-11-20 13:48:11 · 4 answers · asked by Joho 7 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

4 answers

July 23 - August 22
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
* pleasures, fun, playfulness, entertainment
* creativity, recognition, compliments
* romance, love affairs, sex, offspring
* children, childlike activities, childishness
* taking risks, gambling, sports, games
* performance, drama, limelight, applause
* hospitality, appreciation

Leo element: Fire

Leo ruling planets: The Sun

Leo Symbol: The Lion

Life Pursuit: To lead the way

Vibration: Radiant Energy

Leo's Secret Desire: To be a star

Elemental Quality
Leo is the fixed fire sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to a fire burning in its appropriate place, such as a campfire, a blazing log fire, or a bonfire around which everyone can gather. Fire changes substances, and Leos like transforming things with their energy. Being a fixed sign, Leos may be loyal, stubborn, and proud of their achievements.

Spiritual Goal
To learn the true meaning of love.

Secret Leo
Inside anyone who has strong Leo influences is a person who wants to be on top. Potential competitors should remember this. Leo is not interested in winning, but in being king or queen of a particular castle. Privately, the typical Leo craves love more than anyone would ever guess. Love, adoration, appreciation, recognition: these are what keep Leo's generous, fun-loving nature burning brightly. While typical Leos may appear to be confident, especially when they take center stage in the limelight, they have secret doubts about their true worth and may seriously undervalue themselves.

Ruling Planet and Its Effect
The Sun rules the zodiac sign of Leo, so anyone whose birthchart has a strong Leo influence may expect things in life to orbit around them.
In astrology, the Sun is the life giver and the source of creativity. Like the Sun, Leos can be a source of life-enhancing warmth, joy, and pleasure to friends and family.

Leo Lucky Connections
Colors:Yellow and Orange
Plants:Sunflower and Laurel
Perfume: Olibanum
Gemstones: Cat's eye and Olivine
Metal: Gold
Tarot Card: Fortitude

The Leo Look
People who exhibit the physical characteristics distinctive of the sign of Leo look majestic. They may seem tall if (typically) they are proud of their appearance. They are either very particular about their looks or apparently somewhat careless. Either way their appearance catches the attention of others -- a usual Leo trait.

Physical Appearance
* Body: slim and graceful in movement
* Hair: long or short, bushy and curly or straight -- a feature of pride which they emphasize by stroking, running their fingers through their locks, or playing with a curl.
* Baldness: a Leo will either wear a well-made hairpiece or make the bald head a feature!
* Face: oval with large eyes
* Voice: strong

The Leo Male
If a man behaves in a way typical of the personality associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, he will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below, unless there are influences in his personal birthchart that are stronger than that of his Leo sun sign.

Appearance of the typical Leo male:
* has a well-proportioned body
* is slim and athletic if he takes care of himself
* if disabled, will fight to regain prowess in some sports-related aspect.
* has sex appeal and may be a playboy when young
* walks tall with a noble bearing
* dresses to impress

Behavior and Personality Traits of the Leo male
* likes to show off
* is trusting
* appears to be in control of himself
* gives and expects loyalty
* likes everything he does to be exciting
* is generous with affection and money
* likes an elegant environment
* is popular
* needs to be adored
* uses charm to get what he wants

Leo At Home
If a person has the personality that is typical of those born with a Leo sun sign, home is the most natural territory, and he or she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below.

Typical Behavior and Abilities when at home, a Leo male or female:
* is head of the household
* creates an elegant, comfortable home
* offers superb hospitality
* expects others to respect his or her territory
* is able to fix most practical things
* enjoys entertaining
* shows courage and strength in emergencies

Leo as a Parent
* is conscientious about bringing up children
* wants to be proud of offspring
* may put too much pressure to succeed on children
* expects to be loved and appreciated by offspring
* is capable of giving great warmth
* knows how to play with children
* is generous with pocket money
* insists on honesty
* makes every effort to teach children many things

Leo At Work
At work, the person who has a typical Leo personality will exhibit the following characteristics.

Typical Behavior and Abilities of the typical Leo at work:
* gives a good first impression at interviews
* is able to act a part or exaggerate when necessary
* must be in charge of something
* can work very hard
* finds it difficult to apologize

Leo as Employer a typical Leo boss (male or female):
* has huge self-confidence
* can get everyone working hard for him or her
* loses confidence if his or her authority is undermined
* is thoughtful toward workers and their families
* is generous with praise and compliments
* enjoys showing people how to do things
* tends to take the credit for everyone's success
* cannot tolerate failure
* can charm people into working devotedly

Leo as Employee a typical Leo employee (male or female):
* needs to have his or her superiority recognized
* works hard
* is very loyal
* can keep customers happy
* makes a good showperson
* responds to genuine praise of his or her efforts

Working Environment the workplace of a typical Leo male or female:
* is convenient and comfortable
* has an air of luxury
* usually has pictures on the wall
* often has status symbols displayed
* is a place that inspires admiration

Typical Occupations
Leo is often associated with leadership, promotion and sales, any job which has a special title, acting, directing, teaching, politics, public relations, management, the law, or a self-employed skill or business. Leo often shows his or her inner strengths when under great pressure or when a crisis occurs.

Leo and Love
To Leo, love is a dramatic ideal. Male Leos seem to have no trouble attracting women, while female Leos attract many men with their natural beauty and liveliness. A typical Leo in love will have many of the characteristics listed below.

Behavior when in Love the typical Leo:
* is romantic and proud of it
* becomes more regal and noble
* is very generous to the person who is loved
* is attentive and loyal to the loved one
* is radiant with happiness
* is caring, protective, and supportive
* will make great sacrifices for love
* will fight to the death for the loved one

Expectations the typical Leo expects:
* to be adored by the loved one
* to be the envy of others
* to be treated like royalty
* his or her love to be seen as very special
* total commitment from the loved one
* the partner to be dependent in some way

Leo and Partner
The person who contemplates becoming the marriage or business partner of a typical Leo must realize that Leo will believe that he or she is superior in some way or other. Given this, the person who partners a Leo can expect warmth, loyalty, support, generosity, and undying devotion. Only lazy, foolish Leos look for a partner who will worship them.

Leo Man As A Partner
He will want a partner who enhances his own image and who enjoys being in the spotlight as much as he does. The partner must be good-looking but should not outshine Leo himself. Leo man wants a marriage partner who will place him at the head of the table and believe in his dreams. She will be a woman of good manners who will never do anything to tarnish her own, and therefore his, reputation and she will be a devoted mother to their children.

Leo and Friends
In general, Leos like their friends to be successful, but not so successful as to completely outshine and detract from Leo!

Positive Factors
Leos are friendly, warm, and often playful. They enjoy their friends and are proud of them; they are generous to their friends, but the friends are expected to show their gratitude, either in kind or by performance, puttings Leo's support to good use.

Negative Factors
A friend who in some way fails a Leo, perhaps by seeming to criticize or failing to appreciate something Leo sees as very important, may be dropped without explanation. A friend, partner, or business associate who has personal aspirations may find it increasingly impossible to take second billing to a Leo, and so may end the relationship. A compatibility chart, below, lists those with whom Leo is likely to have the most satisfactory relationships.

Leo Likes and Dislikes:

* activity
* anything that promises pleasure
* being creative, e.g. gourmet cooking
* receiving birthday cards
* beautifully wrapped, personalized gifts
* silks, satins, gold
* receiving thanks
* an appreciative audience
* sincere compliments
* children and pets
* unusual food and new recipes
* exotic drinks
* luxury furnishings
* top-quality, fashionable clothes

* physical hurt
* sedentary activities
* being ignored
* being backstage
* lies and deceit
* being laughed at
* being told something they don't know
* one-upmanship

I hope this gives you some insight to being Leo : )

Love & Blessings

2006-11-20 17:37:12 · answer #1 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

Yes, you are Leo, nice to meet you, same as me, now that thing of the goat, I guess you mean in the Chinese Horoscope, dont you? well go to any page, write in the search "Chinese horoscope" and there you'll find what you want. The chinese horoscope is based on birth years, not months as the zodiac, my year for instance is 1990, so i'm a horse. But all that is full of stupid things like "you have a strong character, and you were born for being a leader, you are popular, and hot", and so on.... That's what mine always says.

2006-11-20 13:55:32 · answer #2 · answered by Abbey Road 6 · 0 0

Hi! I'm a Leo also (female) we are generous, sweet, loving, people love us, we make friends easily..However, we can be pompous, dogmatic and stubborn :)

2006-11-20 14:21:10 · answer #3 · answered by AnnaG 4 · 0 0

The Leo male is essentially a happy individual...warm-hearted, devil-may-care and something of a show-off on occasion. He is also possessed of drive, ambition and lion-hearted courage. Given the chance, he will play the role of sweetheart for ever, making sure that his life revolves around the partner of choice...although this may not stop his twinkling eye from roving just a little from time-to-time. Regardless, this is basically a loyal and faithful man...two traits which are very important to any male who falls under the jurisdiction of this Zodiac Sign. However, his is inclined to bring his beloved roses on a wet Tuesday (for no other reason than to brighten her day) and then totally forget her birthday the following week. This man likes his mate to be admired and noticed by other men and loves to take her out and about where she can be seen. If the Leo male happens to be wealthy, then he can be something of a playboy and on occasion, all Leo men appear to take nothing seriously, which can be a source of irritation to those around them. Nonetheless, this man is blessed with a considerable amount of charisma, always appears assured and assertive and adores doing things in style.
On a more negative note, the male ruled by Leo can be a hypocrite and the inherently superb strength can lead to a bullying nature...one bursting with bravado, puffed up with pomposity and prone to treat others as pawns. If this man gets his own way often enough and tends to be somewhat negative to begin with, he can turn into a true tyrant or despot who will constantly abuse his power...not in a psychological or argumentative fashion, but in a very grand and haughty way. The Leo man wants permanence in all the primary aspects of his life...a fixity which may also lend a degree of stubborness to his nature. This male is unlikely to give way easily on things because it is not in his nature to do so. However, an ounce of flattery may well go a very long way with the man who falls under the jurisdication of this Sign. Males governed by Leo insist on personal freedom and are constantly eager to lead others in thought and action. However, these men are urgent rather than aggressive...conservative rather than radical. By nature, they are extremely independent and often resent being commanded. The business instinct here is keen and, despite the fact that the judgment of Leo men in important matters is frequently too hasty, they do appear to be inherently better fitted to rule than be ruled. The placing of responsibility upon the shoulders of the Leo male will cause him to show real worth and executive ability. Indeed, he likes to be the "breadwinner" of the family.

When it comes to the choice of a partner, The Leo male is attracted to a woman he can be proud to be seen with...one who makes him look good and wins admiring glances which will reflect favorably upon him. A woman who emits an air of the dramtic or who appears regal and aloof is particularly appealing and this male may well select a mate based more upon good looks or popularity than for true compatibility on all levels. In short, this male desires a woman who is glamorous but who is also worthy of admiration and respect. Of course, it will expected that such admiration and respect be returned. Men who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo also expect loyalty and need to feel appreciated. Above all else, however, the Leo man needs to be noticed. Feeling ignored or unappreciated will make this male feel insecure...thus, he can be rather easily enticed by a female who flatters him with praise and/or rapt attention. Women who are of the "bossy" type tend to hold great appeal for the Leo male...passion and drama are also added bonuses. The male ruled by Leo is passionate and insistent. As a husband, he will never give his wife a dull moment and as a father, he likes to play games with his children and they mean a lot to him. However, when they go too far, he will emit his infamous roar, send them off to bed...and then blame his partner for the lack of discipline. Nonetheless, females tend to find the Leo man a lovable if maddening character. Although somewhat ambitious and self-centered, the male Leo is certainly no egotist and delights in sharing what riches he may have with his loved ones.

Leo individuals, regardless of gender, are far better fitted for mental labor rather than manual labor. Males who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo will be fond of grandeur and power. They aspire to lofty positions in life and make fine lawyers, judges and commanders. They also excel as bankers, brokers and manufacturers, as well as cooks, caterers, confectioners and house or floral decorators. These men are natural philanthropists and delight in working for the advancement and uplift of humanity. With proper training, Leo subjects (regardless of gender) can become the most skillful and efficient individuals in the world within the field of medicine.

Daydreaming all afternoon sounds heavenly to the Goat. This creative, esoteric Sign needs plenty of time alone in which to feed its Muse. Goats are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Goats tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Goats tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Goat can be quite a lavish gift-giver.

Perhaps it's that artistic temperament that so often causes Goats to feel insecure, but the result is that these high-strung creatures need to feel loved and admired lest they start worrying incessantly. For this reason, Goats tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Goat must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Goats need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Goat will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.

If the romance is going well, however, Goats won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it! This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Goat has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Goat, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.

Goats would be well-served by learning to relax and let others run the show from time to time. Once they can be certain that their friends and lovers won't be gone when the Goat returns from its daydreams, life will be a field of daisies.

The most compatible match for a Goat is the Pig or the Rabbit.

Best Wishes and Good Luck :-)

2006-11-20 13:58:07 · answer #4 · answered by Echo Forest 6 · 0 0

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