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9 answers

Does your doctor have you on bed rest?

How was the 0.7cm measurement obtained.

I am an ultrasound tech, specializing in OB/GYN ultrasound at a women's hospital.

We believe the only accurate measurement of cervical length is obtained via Transvaginal ultrasound. This is an ultrasound where a wand shaped transducer is inserted into the vagina.

At 33 weeks and a 0.7 cm cervix AND dilated, I would ask my doctor if bed rest, so to keep pressure OFF the cervix, is warranted.

It is possible that you will last to full term. But you are still early and the fetal lungs are not mature, and for that reason delivery should obviously be delayed as long as possible. If you feel cramping let your doctor know so they can stop Preterm Labor if needed. Additionally, if you notice the leakage of fluid let your doctor know immediatly. Same goes for unusual pelvic pressure.

Good luck. Let us know what happens, please.

2006-11-20 13:55:34 · answer #1 · answered by Yinzer from Sixburgh 7 · 0 0

You can be like that for a long time. With my first I thought I would go into labor soon, because i was already dilated 2 cm when I was around 35 weeks. I couldnt wait...But I ended up having him the day before his due date. With my 3rd son, I was 4 cm dilated for a couple of weeks. The doctor said, that woman can last weeks at 4cm dilated too. You just cant tell when the baby will come.

2006-11-20 21:45:36 · answer #2 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 0

I was told in my Lamaze class that effacing-thinning of the cervix is harder than the dilation and you can walk around for weeks dilated but nothing is going to happen unless your cervix starts to thin. Not even your OBGYN can really know when...You're only 33 weeks, you have a few more to go (and they are the hardest, I promise) but it's all worth it!!! I suggest doing Kegels and squatts to help with labor and recovery. Good luck and enjoy!

2006-11-20 21:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by krisd 2 · 0 0

I was dilated to 3 and 80% effaced for weeks. Until the contractions start and your water breaks there's nothing to do. At 33 weeks you really don't want to deliver yet anyway - give that baby another 3 weeks if you can, at minimum.

2006-11-20 21:44:35 · answer #4 · answered by playing_shy 2 · 0 0

I was that way for about 4 weeks. Most women do not actually deliver until 38-39 weeks. The baby's lungs are not FULLY developed until 37.5 weeks. So you still have some time to go. Best of luck!

2006-11-20 21:44:02 · answer #5 · answered by shawna 2 · 0 0

Sorry to let you know that you can be that way FOREVER! I know its not what you want to hear but its the truth. At 33 weeks your baby still has a lot of growing to do anyway.Its hard to wait but it sooooo worth it to have a healthy beautiful baby!

2006-11-20 21:38:53 · answer #6 · answered by MrsA 2 · 0 0

I walked around at 3 cm for almost 4 weeks with my first child....it's tough to say how long you'll last. You could go into labor early, or you could go overdue.

2006-11-20 21:34:24 · answer #7 · answered by mama 2 · 1 0

until 42 weeks. You can be dialated and efaced for weeks and weeks and weeks and never go into labor... when babies are ready to come- they will.... and there's no predicting when. =)

2006-11-20 21:33:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

For weeks. Don't worry about it.

2006-11-20 21:48:25 · answer #9 · answered by Ontario_Mom 4 · 0 0

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