Here's the wikipedia article about it.
2006-11-20 13:34:30
answer #1
answered by i luv teh fishes 7
The sign you speak of is how pagen people used to hail Pan. You know that cute little fella with the goat legs and little goat horns on his head. He is a pagen god.
The only reason it is assoiciated with the devil is because of the smear campain that Christinaity did against thoes who didn't believe as they did. (It also ment they were giveing good money and gold to trees, wells and other places they thought wronge because all it belonged in thier pockets.) The Holy Roman Church used to be just as powerfull and infuntial as the president. If the pope said it was the sign of the Devil then everyone believed it to be so. Have you ever noticed how closely the Pan and the Devil look. This is because a pope decided that that was what the devil looked like. And I am sure in his eyes that is what he believed because in some areas Pan had more followers than Jesus did.
The sign didn't morp into the Rock on symbol until hard core Rock and Roll was born. I am talking heavy metal style. (Let's face it you wouldn't see the beach boys giving that sign at one of their concerts.) Ozzy Osborn was a big part of popularizing the gesture. The youthful masses embraced it because they wanted a way to rebel against "the man". Now you find almost every rock artist flashing the sing. The sing has morped again into "Rock On."
In short, it really does mean all of that. It just depends on who is giving it. If you see a man wearing a pentical around his neck he is honoring the Horned One Pan. If you see an old preist doing it he is trying to ward away the devil. And lastly if you see a kid in a riped up black tee shirt wearing too much mascara it means Rock On.
2006-11-20 14:48:48
answer #2
answered by last_red_dragon 2
It means a couple things. Rock on, symbol of Satan for the Church of Satan, Symbol for the horned God in Wicca, Symbol for Baphomet an ancient god. Keep you thumb extent out and it would mean I love you in sign language. I really can not think of anything else at this time.
2006-11-21 05:37:24
answer #3
answered by Nelly 4
In Paganism, that sign is used to invoke the Horned Lord. It has nothing to do with rock music or Satan, when doing it in Pagan ritual.
2006-11-20 13:32:22
answer #4
answered by Maria Isabel 5
The sign first showed up as an invoking of the horned god Pan - who was not Satan.
2006-11-20 13:35:41
answer #5
answered by Holly R 6
It means a few things.
Yes. Rock on. To some it's the sign of satan. If you put your thumb out it can mean "i love you".
2006-11-20 13:32:25
answer #6
answered by IMHO 6
quote "has a variety of meanings in heavy metal, where it is also known as devil sign, devil horns, goat horns, metal horns, metal sign, throwing the goat, evil fingers, Pommesgabel, mano cornuto, peka evil or just the horns. "
2006-11-20 13:40:01
answer #7
answered by zedvilla 3
If you know any deaf kids or people that is sign language for
or I love you
2006-11-20 13:38:24
answer #8
answered by Wicked 7
It's Satan's horns.
Rock on!
2006-11-20 13:32:40
answer #9
answered by Chris J 6
"The horned Lord", I like that!
Rock on................................!
2006-11-20 13:34:42
answer #10
answered by tattie_herbert 6