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having an abortion. I know that if I didn't want another baby I shouldn't have had sex without a condom or at all for that matter (for all of those that will have something smart to say) but I don't know what to do. I consider myself a christian and really don't believe that having an abortion is the right thing to do but finacially I can't afford another child and mentally I'm afraid that I won't be able to handle having 2 within a years time. I suffered from post partum depression with my current baby and although I'm seeking treatment and taking medication now I'm afriad that I'll go into a severe depression after having another one. I've heard so much about moms who lose it out of no where and hurt or even kill their children. Not that I would do that to my children but im sure those mom's thought the same. My bf (also the father of my baby) seems to think that an abortion is okay and I won't go to hell if i do. Any serious advise & what to tell him if I decide to keep it?

2006-11-20 13:21:18 · 31 answers · asked by Pickles 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I never said that I was set on having an abortion and I'm not trying to say that having an abortion is the easy way out because on the day of judgement I know that I will be the only one faced to answer for what I've done IF i chose to go that route. I know more than anything that it's wrong and I'm really more looking for some people to talk this stupid idea out of my head. I will pray and ask God to guide me.

2006-11-20 14:09:11 · update #1

31 answers

That is a tough situation. You have to go with your gut on this one. One infant is very expensive...not to mention two. I'm sure you'll manage somehow if you do have the baby, but you have to think what's going to be best for you in the long run. Are you going to be a better parent if you have two young children? Will you be able to deal with the after effects of an abortion? If you do decide on abortion, then get it done right away...before you get too attached. As far as the dangers in abortion goes...Statistically speaking it is safer to have an abortion than to go through child birth. So don't let anyone scare you into making a decision. Its your choice. Do what's going to be best for your well-being as well as your families.

As far as adoption goes...that's always an option, but I think some people posting advice use that option too liberally. Yeah, lots of people want babies, but there are a hell of a lot of kids who don't end up being adopted and just bounce around from foster home to foster home. Is that fair to them? And to all of you people who say women should give up their babies for adoption instead of having an abortion...how many kids have you adopted lately?

2006-11-20 14:05:40 · answer #1 · answered by tangyterp83 6 · 0 1

Well I would say talk to Guy 1 and see what you can do because in this situation you need someone to help you through this tough time. But Guy 2 is married so what would his wife think that's my concern? Because I'm sure she has no idea that he's even seen you and now ur pregnant with his baby. I hope you pick the right choice and no that god is with you every single day. Good Luck!! Also, if Guy 2's father finds out yea he's going to be in a difficult situation because a Muslim can't be going around with different women when their married.

2016-05-22 03:09:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well if you consider yourself a christian then you know how God views abortion. I dont agree with abortion esp when used as a form of birth control. Can you really look at your 3 month old and picture killing the one in your stomach. Why not do adoption. Doesnt this baby deserve a chance at life to. Do you know how many people out there who would give anything to be able to have their own baby. It sounds like you already have your mind made up on what your gonna do from all the excuses you gave. Are you just looking for an ok? Go see your pastor about this or call a ramdon one out of the phone book, but dont kill your unborn child. I got an endovaginal ultrasound done at 6 weeks and my baby had a heartbeat, his arms and legs were starting to grow. Have you ever googled abortion and see what they do? Look at them babies they tear apart and the little arms and legs they put on a quarter and then decide if you can do that or not. Pray and God will take you. You just have to believe. God bless

2006-11-20 13:31:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I think that it is very understandable if you don't think you can handle having two babies so close together. However, I think the least selfish thing to do if you don't think you can handle a second child is to give it up for adoption. Because abortion is essentailly killing a tiny human and can also decrease your chances of having a healthy baby in the future, I would not reccomend that route.

If you decide to keep it, tell him that you think it isn't fair to kill a tiny, helpless person simply because you didn't think you could take care of it. Adoption is a great choice because it allows the child you created to live and gives that child an opportunity to grow up in a loving family where it will be able to be well taken care of while also allowing a couple who may not be able to have a child on their own experience the joy of being parents.

2006-11-20 21:55:03 · answer #4 · answered by IamCarissa 2 · 1 0

Abortion is the mothers choice. No matter what you do in this situation it will be a tough choice. Abortion would be the extreme last resort. If you cannot mentaly take care of another baby, give it up for adoption. Someone out there will be able to give your baby the life it deserves. Not sayin that you cannot provide for it, but you dont want to run the risk of having the severe depression ect. People put their children up for adoption alot. Its the better choice rather than abortion. Your choice will be a hard one no matter what. Talk to your ob/gyno or who ever you are seeing about your depression and get the professional opionon. Abortion is not okay, its accepted because its a easy way out of a messy situation.

2006-11-20 13:37:00 · answer #5 · answered by Katie 2 · 3 0

Im afraid I can't tell you what to do. I also have a three month old and suffer from mild depresion. If I were to fall pregnant now I would keep it. I don't believe in abortion, and could never give away my child. I know it would be tough, but like the old cliche, when there is a will, there is way. There will be people to support you no matter what you choose. Did you plan on having another eventually? Good luck, and remember you can manage anything if you really have to! You don't know your real strength until it's tested.

2006-11-20 13:31:20 · answer #6 · answered by Karen B 2 · 2 0

I think you should NOT have an abortion because if you are not ready mentally or even financially you can always go with adoption because there are so many people out there who want a baby and they are ready for one who can't have a child. I think you should consider that because if GOD didn't want you to have another baby you wouldn't have made the decision to have sex unprotected you never know this baby could be the president one day or something special like that. I know that sounds weird but just think of how important your three month old is to you and how you feel when you hold her you can give that feeling to someone else. If you need to talk just IM me or e-mail me I will be more than happy to talk to you.

2006-11-20 13:28:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First I want to say for all the rude people out there who may have a commit that all sins are equal and judging people is a sin so lets be understanding and not judge. I personally don't believe in abortion there are so many women and men out there who can't have kids and would do anything to raise a child. I do understand the financial aspects but an adoptive parent will help with all pregnancy related expences and sometimes with living expences during the pregnancy as long as you agree to sighn away rights and give them the baby when it is born. There are many risks associated with abortion. The father of the child I'm pregnant with now has a sister who had an aortion and now can't ever have kids again. They screwed up and because of the release they make you sign she can't even sue. She spent a week in the hospital. Whatever you decide to do please make sure you know all the risks and are prepared for any outcome. Know this also there is no sin that can't be forgiven except suicide and not believing in christ. As long as your belief stays strong you will go to heaven. There are many women that have found themselves in difficult situations and made decisions that others may have not made. No one deserves to be judged unfairly or harshly. Abortion is something I couldn't do even when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd that I'll have to raise on my own but I did consider it, then finding out about his sister gave me my answer. For everyone that answer is different.

2006-11-20 14:03:54 · answer #8 · answered by lil sis 3 · 0 1

I believe that abortion is not the right thing to do though i dont think it really matters whether your a christian or not. i personally belive that if you cant take of it financially that there are places that can help you with food, wic, hud, and other things. I think that if its really going to be hard for you to see if you can got to a human resources to see if there are any temp or respit foster homes that when you really need help they can help you. Theres so many people out there that cant have children that want them or would love to help other people and yes its hard its your child but no matter what a good mother wants the best for the child even if thats giving them up for adoption or having so help. look into it and ill pray for you.

2006-11-20 15:47:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well if you honestly dont want to keep the baby but you don't want an abortion.. how about adoption? Give things some time before you make a decision-- you still have awhile before you need to make any concrete decision on what to do. My sister went through the same thing-- and within two more months she could see how everything was going to work out and that keeping the baby was the best decision ever.

2006-11-20 13:27:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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