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4 answers

A good way to look at it is look what has happened to you at your present state, has something happened and you couldn't explain it and then something happened that changed all of that?

I have had so many different things that has happened to me this past year, I am only going to name of a couple just to give you an example of what I am talking about...

My best friend which is now my ex best friend insulted me in my house and said some pretty nasty things to me...Normally I would have hurt her seriously but that never happened I even tried to apologize for the way things has went down and I thought she was too but it never happened, in her prideful way we no longer speak, Now really it did happen for a good reason, She was placed in my life for only a short time and then she was moved why because all that happed did happen for a really good reason....I could have hurt her and she would either be dead and the children would be without a mother or I would be in jail and my children would be without there mother...so good came out of something bad.

Here is another the same young lady hurt my sister with a bunch of things that was said and emailed it to my pastor of my church, this hurt me, my sister and my youngest sister who happens to be her best friend not only that half all the congregation heard about it and was hurt by what she said too! What happened? She now no longer comes to our church anymore why because there was a reason, the reason was too many people got hurt by all that and there would have been a so much anger and animosity that it probably would have been a fight of some kind but it happened and good came out of it...Since she left which by the way she was a member of the Usher board the same group my sister belongs to my sister is now the President and have gained two new members and a third to join pretty soon...so good came out of something bad

See when things to happen there are reasons for them some to keep people from losing there lives and some to gain something good out of there lives...God is the only one who really knows the answers to all of this and believe me he is the only one who can make things happen and to eliminate things out of a persons life that might cause them pain later on down the road...I believe it and I will always believe as a child of God!

2006-11-20 13:39:31 · answer #1 · answered by beagirl40 4 · 0 0

Yes everything does happen for a reason. Sometimes you can explain it but sometimes it takes time to understand. We all create where we are. In the end, we are all responsible for all the good and bad things that happen to us. It's all a matter of how we think about ourselves and how we think about the world we're in. If you think about happy things and positive things then that's what will happen. If you focus on misery and depression then you will be miserable and depressed. We all have to make choices and when we decided to make the choice then we create what we want. When you wake up in the morning ask yourself what kind of day you want to have......a good or a great one. When you look in the mirror are you happy what you see?? If you're not then make the choice to change it. Are you happy with your job??? If not, make changes to get the job that you desire. Make the choice and live a fabulous life........you have to choose.

2006-11-20 13:51:45 · answer #2 · answered by danny_austin4 4 · 0 0

Yes, why else would it happen? We're not just all wondering through life waiting for our time to run out filling it up with nonsense. We all have a reason for being here and reasons for doing everything that we do. If one thing doesn't happen then how will another?

2006-11-21 05:23:49 · answer #3 · answered by OneidaMami 2 · 0 0

watch te movie "buterfly effects" it will answer all ur questions
i loved it

2006-11-21 00:34:00 · answer #4 · answered by spanish-one 1 · 0 0

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