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I have been on the Depo shot since July 2005. I have no periods, everything seems fine. One thing I noticed about a week ago was that my nipples were sore. My chest is noticeabley bigger. This hasn't happened with any of the other times. I took my last dosage recently, but this was happening before then. Do you think it's just a hormonal inbalance for right now, and then they'll return to normal (smaller). I believe so, just wondering if any other woman has experienced this symptom. Any other useful info on Depo would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2006-11-20 13:02:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

6 answers

You are injecting artificial hormones into your body and any sort of hormonal inbalancing or consequences can happen. Hormone "imbalances" can cause sore, swolen, or leaking breaks (like it would if you were pregnant). This may be just the beginning for you, so please watch carefully for other side affects.

Depo Provera is akin to forcing your body into an early menopause state. If you ever heard what women say about their personalities while "going through the change". Depo can produce the same thing!

I've been off the Depo Provera since 2000 and my hair and my eyebrows still haven't grown all the way back. I lost about a 1/4 inch along most of my front hair line. The rest of my hair came back and is thick and strong, but the hairline is not the same compared to what it was. In addition to the severe hair loss, I gained over 40 pounds, 20 while taking Depo and 20 after coming off. I never had a migraine before Depo and during use and for the first year after being off it, I had severe migraines at least once a week. My skin itched like I wanted to rip it off and I was hot all the time. I would get extreme vertigo with no warning. Just try staggering at work or while in the pharmacy and not look like you had a drinking problem! My bones also ached a lot. Depo has been proven to cause osteoporosis. Over a year after coming off the Depo Provera, I developed two serious blood clots one after the other. The cause was never completely determined because I had not been on birth control of any kind for over a year and my blood tests were normal. I finally had a rib removed and the clots stopped, but I will contend to this day the Depo had at least a little something to do with it. About the same time as the blood clots, I started having severe cramping and a year into it, my doctor found pretty severe endometriosis. With the resulting depression and the lack of sex from Depo you may not have to worry about getting pregnant because you won't want to have sex anyway. I know some people do just fine with this birth control, but it's not worth the chance. It takes upwards of 6 to 8 months for the effects to wear off and sometimes longer. My hair has never grown completely back along the hairline and I am having a hair transplant at a tune of $5,000.00 to fix it. I had to have my eyebrows tattooed because they will not fill back in! I am only 35! I can't wait until Depo is researched more deeply and to someday find out what else this drug did to screw up my system.

I got the (copper) IUD (since I can't use hormones anymore due to future clotting risks). My insurance paid for it. You still get your period, but it's worth it.

Our bodies are made to have periods unless we are pregnant. If you force your body into an unnatural state, it WILL fight back!

Please be careful and watch for other side affects. I would hate to see you have dire consequences for trying to make your body do something it should not. Remember, people do die from the changes that hormones cause their bodies.

2006-11-21 00:14:01 · answer #1 · answered by Brenda M 3 · 0 0

I have just gotten off the shot and it is a great relief. I got one period throughout the 3 months, which was extremely nerve wrecking. I also gained some weight and from what I have heard other girls gain 10-30 pounds. It gives some girls severe mood swings, including mysleft, which my boyfriend hated. The worst effect I think is that it may cause infertillity later on in life. I really recomend not going on the shot, even though it is very effective and there is nothing to remember to take, the side effects are awful and I havn't met anybody who's enjoyed depo.

2016-05-22 02:57:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, breast tenderness is a side effect.
This stuff is POISON, and should be outlawed. Get off it immediately!!

There are literally dozens of sites online that contain nothing but Depo horror stories. Go read some. It's so very sad what we women allow our doctors and pharmaceutical companies to do to us!

Side Effects of progestin (the "Provera" part of Depo-Provera):
* depression
*anxiety, nervousness
*fatigue, leading to chronic fatigue over time
*fluid retention and breast tenderness, weight gain
*angina, palpitations
*menstrual irregularities, spotting
*glucose intolerance; promotes insulin resistance
*general edema
*insomnia, sleepiness
*skin rashes, acne
*hair loss on scalp, facial hair growth
* Coronary spasm - This is most significant: 90% of men who have heart attacks have atherosclerosis or obstruction of coronary arteries, but only 30% of women do. The majority of women who have heart attacks do so because of coronary artery spasm.
*Pulmonary embolism
*Implicated in causing breast cancer
*sudden or partial loss of vision
*Liver disease
*Increases the risk of birth defects (remember, progestins are in all oral contraceptives).
*Gall bladder disease

Consider, for example, that one of progesterone's important functions is to protect and maintain pregnancy, while progestins are contraindicated in pregnancy because of potentially disastrous consequences to the fetus. If it's bad for a baby, how can it possibly be good for us??

2006-11-20 13:19:48 · answer #3 · answered by A Healthier You 4 · 0 0

I didnt have a period when I was on the shot either. I had problems with it producing too much progesterone for me and I started gaining weight so my breast got bigger because of that. I had to quit taking it due to the progesterone.

2006-11-20 13:07:49 · answer #4 · answered by cmsmith114 3 · 0 0

well when i was on the depo i had a peroid for 2 years after 2 shots.....and it also caused suecidal depression in me and i never wanted to hurt myself before....in my sister it caused her to gain tons of weight and depression also ezma on her arms and legs she still has it and she hasn't been on it for over 10 years the person said before that it is very bad and it is true......i have alot of family members that are on it and my cousin is trying to have a baby and can't due to the shot and she hasn't had it seince 1999....so please get off of it asap....its the best thing that you could do for your body....

2006-11-20 13:44:57 · answer #5 · answered by wendy p 3 · 0 0


2017-01-28 00:06:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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