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when i go to partys and dance with my friends you know like bumping grinding and rubbing our bodies against each other i kind of get turned on. you see i always think about guys and i want to know if i'm bi, lesbian, straight or just plain horny?

2006-11-20 11:51:24 · 6 answers · asked by Candy 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

6 answers

young and impressionable maybe? Normal, don't worry

2006-11-20 11:54:52 · answer #1 · answered by Wendsday's child 3 · 0 0

Your born straight,you become horny,then bi-lesbian,then bi and bi.

2006-11-20 19:59:54 · answer #2 · answered by siaosi 5 · 0 3

YOur just you...Go with whatever feels good..AND If one day you want to experience a girl..THEN its okay to do so....Its great to run free with your feelings and desires...experience whatever you want..AND DONT BE SHAME : )

2006-11-20 23:46:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

None of the above, try stupid!

2006-11-20 22:41:01 · answer #4 · answered by Gail 2 · 0 2

Well I don't know,but if you are the ages 8-16 you may still have a courious mind,I had a freind who used to stare at my chest ,when i bent down to get something she tried to look down my shirt,ITS ok to be sexually intrested,here are some girls I know who are lesbain,-Hello, my name is Courtney, I am 14 and bi-sexual. I haven't really come out to anyone but I have dropped hints.

When I was in elementary school, I never thought of myself as bi or a lesbian. I always had crushes on guys, but then when I started middle school things changed. In my sixth grade class, there was a girl, Karen. She was beautiful. Long, blonde hair, clear skin, perfect smile and perfect body. She wore the trendiest clothes and was part of the "popular" crowd. I would stare at her in class, daydreaming of us becoming friends. Of course, she wanted nothing to do with me. I was not friends with the right people, I didn't listen to the right music or wear the right clothes. Still, I tried to talk to her as much as possible. Helping her in class, or asking her for help. She was my first girl crush. The feelings scared me and I tried to forget about her, but I couldn't. I didn't tell anyone. We were only in 6th grade, no one had come out in my school then. I kept my feelings private and tried to focus on boys.

In 7th grade, I met a few 8th graders who were bi or gay. I felt so comfortable but I still didn't come out. Though out seventh grade I had no crushes, but when ever Karen passed my in the hall, my heart beat faster. Then, when I got into 8th grade, I met another girl. Clair was amazing. Dark hair, tan skin, the same taste in music and clothes as me. I could actually see us together. I, once again, admired her from a far from my desk. I never talked to her, and I'm not sure why, I was just nervous around her. Then at graduation, we were seated next to each other. I began chatting with her at practices. She was so nice, and funny too. I wanted to let her know so bad, but I didn't' want to ruin our brewing friendship, so I kept my mouth shut.

I didn't see or talked to Clair all summer, but I dreamt of her. I wanted to let other people know, my friends would still love me. A few of my other friends were gay and no one stopped talking to them. But, I just couldn't do it. What would my family say? Now, as a freshman in high school, I am more accepting of myself. In my own way, I've come out to myself, telling myself "I am bi-sexual, and that's just who I am." I see that as a big step in accepting who I am. I'm not ready to come out to family and friends but I have told them if I were to meet a girl who stood out and I loved, I would chose her over any guy. So far, no one has said anything negative about that.

I hope my little story helps anyone to see in order to come out to friends and family, you have to accept yourself.


Hi My Name is Laura and i am 15

to start off with i really really liked Boys and i always used to say about every boy i went by that he was fitt an i always used to try and impress them but they didnt take notcie it all started when i moved home and moved to another part of the uk, And i am currently on my Last year at a new school met loads of new friends but there was this one girl on my first day we hit it off staright away and we are now best friends but one day i felt myself devloping a crush on her and everytime she would be somewhere or not be with me i would feel lost and i would want her here with me.

I still dont Know if Am a lesbian or not but i would react when she rtouched my leg others would proberly feel uncomfortable but me i didnt i didnt mind cause we were friends But i do look at alot of girls i dont fancy any but this one girl fancies me and said she didnt want to be with no one else i found myself feeling the same way but didnt think nothing of it so i forgot about it but i couldnt get her out of my head all i thoguht about was her i would be all cheery and happy when we spoke and all sorts we met on the net but we are very close

i havent told my family yet i still dont no i hope whoever reads this will give me some tips as to who i shud talk to cause i really need to know if i am a lesbian so i can start to tell people like someone elses story i told my brother and sister but they think i am to confused to really know but its hurting me inside because my heads saying im not and my hearts telling me i am an it am i need to know before i explode so if anyone knows how i will realise if i am without all of them things i mentioned because i cant Just say im a lesbian just because of what ive said hope someone reads my story and help me.

i told two of my closest friends but they said to wait a while just to see if you are but the longer i wait to see if i am or not the longer it will be for i come out and decide that my family should no. Also another reason i think might be because boys are typical and girls are easy to get no you cant go to a boy and discuss your problems and i cant do that i cant talk to a boy i am comfortable talking to a girls that might be a sign but i dont know.

2006-11-20 20:09:30 · answer #5 · answered by nicolette k 2 · 0 0

the decision is your..........sinful sexual relations or those condoned by the lord jesus, man on female.

2006-11-20 19:54:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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