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i am 15 and i havent had my period for 4wks. my boyfriend and i never use condoms because we are only sleeping toogether not with anyone else. we know that i could fall pregnant and its wat we both want. i just feel pregnant and my stomach gets cramps and i have been really tired latley. i dont have morning sickness or any other symptom you get when you are pregnant. i dont want to go to the doctors because they will ask why i am so stupid to have a kid at my age. my boyfriend and i have spent days talking about what we would do if i was to have a baby. please help and please dont judge me its wat i want. thnx

2006-11-20 10:28:47 · 16 answers · asked by lovers_babe_forever 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

16 answers

Go get a pregnancy test. The doctor wont treat you bad because of your age. Doctor will help you decide what best for the baby and give you alot information. Dont be scared.

2006-11-20 10:33:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I know this is what you think you want.. and I'm probably not going to change that.. but when you actually have a kid it will be a different story. You haven't even finished school.. I'm sure you can't support yourself and the baby financially.. I'm not judging you but I just think your perspective will change.. A LOT. A baby takes a lot of hard work and time and you won't be able to live like other kids your age, you'll have the responsibility of a baby. And even if you are only sleeping with each other you should still use a condom- you never know if you could pass something on. But that's all said and done, and if you are pregnant, I give you support. Go to the doctor, they deffinitely won't tell you that you are dumb because you are pregnant at a young age, they will be mature about it and talk to you. If you are not pregnant, though, I suggest you re-think this decision, and don't try to get pregnant. I hope this all works out for you.

2006-11-20 10:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If your periods have been regular up until now then it sounds as though you may well be pregnant. However, there is a chance that stress (such as worrying about being pregnant!) may have made you late. The only way to find out for sure is with a pregnancy test either from the chemist or at the doctors. No good doctor will judge you, but if you are pregnant and want to continue with it, it is important for both you and the baby to get good advice early about nutrition, supplements etc. If you can, tell your Mum - she will no doubt have a lot to say about this - some of which you won't agree with, but speaking as a Mum we all want the best for our children. Their lives don't always go the way we imagined but in the end our kids happiness and health is the number one goal. She might surprise you!! Good luck and take care.

2006-11-20 11:08:36 · answer #3 · answered by Cathy S 1 · 0 0

May I start off with I too was 15 when I became pregnant with my now 12 year old son . So I have been in your situation. I begin in advising you that since you are sexually active, you really should use protection. You know this, there are a lot of diseases you can contract. For as to the problem of you being absent of a period in four weeks , though alarming is not uncommon in teenagers. Teenage girls are prone to sometimes being irregular (a little late). I must plead with you though, to make an appointment and see a gynecologist /obstetrician as soon as you can. It's your obligation. It is for literally the health and life of you and possibly your baby's that you do. You can go to your school's guidance counselor and he can help direct you to some agencies skilled in teenage pregnancy . They can consul you of your impending situation and options to take. Keep an open mind and truly consider all the information that is given to you. Some people will be judgmental , it is the way the world is. It is just something that you will have to accept. Any choice that you should choose is a huge one ,and make sure that it is right for you and most of all the baby's . A lot of complications and problems can occur with you being pregnant. Your pregnancy will be considered a higher risk one because you are so young. Your body , though able to become pregnant is not fully mature to give birth. Your symptoms of being "tired and crampy" can be symptoms of pregnancy. Know that if you are pregnant and decide to keep the baby it is a huge responsibility. It is good to hear that you are possibly weighing some of your options. When weighing your options consider that your relationship may not endure. Children are a blessing. They also are a lot of work ,money, and require a lot of time and understanding. Check out www.teenwire.com for some immediate and quality answers. I wish you well.

2006-11-20 12:16:28 · answer #4 · answered by jaybirdsweetmom 1 · 0 0

Well get a home pregnancy test...It'll put your mind at ease...The doctor won't judge you either..He/She's there to help you not judge you...You should always use a condom tho..even you are the only person ya boy is sleeping with...B/c at your age there are a zillion other things to be doing besides sex...! If you arent pregnant, then maybe next time you will use protection...! Also..are you ready financially to raise a child...are u gonna stay in school...do u have a good support system...what about sumone to pay your doctor bills...? Is the baby gonna have clothes on its back..what about food in its belly...? These are the things you need to think and talk about before bringing a baby into this world...!

I got pregnant at 15, and kept my baby...the only reason why is b/c the dad was still there and my familly supported me 100% thru the whole pregnancy. I dont regret her one little bit tho...I love her with all my heart and wouldnt trade her for the world..! I'm 17 now and still doin great...!

2006-11-20 13:28:57 · answer #5 · answered by *Proud Mommy Of 2* 4 · 1 0

Part of being a grown up is knowing how to handle criticism. if you can not even put up with the Dr.'s comment and then you might no be emotionally ready to have a child. You will get a lot more comments and criticism than from your Dr. I hope everything works out for the best and if you are not pregnant then start using some sort of birth control until you both a more mature to handle what comes along with parenthood.

Best wishes.

2006-11-21 09:51:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know what, I was ready to judge the hell out of you and tell you in so many ways how stupid you are for making that mistake.Nonetheless, I feel sort of sad for you because you are so young and I know it seems right but there are alot of things that go into creating and caring for a baby. I just want you to know that is you are pregnant, it okay. it was a mistake and you will find that out soon enough, but keep your head up sweet pea and try to think before youact. As for the matter, I really can't tell because pregnacy is different in people. I didn't have any morning sickness either. Don't worry about the doctor people judge because we can but you have to take care of your responsibilities. Tell your mom. I know it sound stupid but tell her. She'll want to know

2006-11-20 10:50:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off, go get a pregnancy test. This is the only way to tell if you're pregnant. No Dr. will call you stupid...at least not out loud. I would highly advise against having a child at your age... you have no idea what an impact it's going to have on your life. I had my first son when I was 19. Even with being married, having a decent income and a stable life .... it's still challenging to raise a child. I couldn't imagine what it would be like at 15. You'll miss out on your youth and no matter what your boyfriend says, their is no guarentee he'll stick around. Minds change like the weather hon. You should go ahead,get to the Dr....get a test. If you're not pregnant, you should start practicing safe sex.... for your own sake. The world is full of oppertunity and experiences, don't sell yourself short with motherhood at an early age.

2006-11-20 10:34:35 · answer #8 · answered by bscottsbabygirl 2 · 1 0

Honey, you are WAY to young to be trying to get pregnant. Where are your parents? You shouldn't be having unprotected sex at your age. I'd say that you shouldn't be having sex at all but I was 15 when I lost my virginity, however I was on Depo... I hope that you wait until you are older and truly ready... If you are already pregnant I wish you the best! If not, I really hope you will reconsider.

Also, I don't think that wanting kids at any age is stupid, it's part of being a girl. But waiting until you are all grown up yourself is the responsible thing to do. If the first doctor you go to treats you like you are stupid, find another because they won't all be like that.

2006-11-20 11:01:23 · answer #9 · answered by lover_of_paints_&_quarter_horses 4 · 0 0

I'm in my teens so i can understand a bit from your point of veiw however i do agree with most of the people in here who say you are too young just not with the way some of them put it (thought it was quite rude) I'm not saying that its a bad idea but either am i encouraging it. I have friends who feel pregnant at 15 and had a child and now have 5 year old and are doing great and they are healthy, BUT i also know of other people who couldn't handle it and ended up having child welfare on their door taking away their child. I would give it a few years before making a huge disission like this one.

2006-11-20 12:53:49 · answer #10 · answered by mommy2b 1 · 1 0

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