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I understand the effects of patriarchal scripture (i.e. the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, the Qu'ran), but that cannot account for the rest of the world that does not abide by such scripture. It is because women have naturally less muscle mass than men (broadly speaking) and were thought to be not strong enough to survive in society without the protection of a male? Why was (and is) this idea so prevalent in societies around the world? What is it about women that makes people believe they are inferior? Or, rather, what is it about the patriarchal mind that allows it to view the female sex as subordinate?

2006-11-20 10:15:47 · 14 answers · asked by Ms. Iris 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

I understand the effects of patriarchal scripture (i.e. the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, the Qu'ran), but that can not account for the rest of the world that does not abide by such scripture. Is it because women have naturally less muscle mass than men (broadly speaking) and were thought to be too weak to survive in society without the protection of a male? It breeds quite an archaic notion of the role of God's most precious gift to the earth (according to some traditions), that intelligence and good character are canceled out my bigger muscles. I don't believe this answer is good enough. Why was (and is) this idea so prevalent in societies around the world? What is it about women that makes people believe they are incapable of doing great and wondrous things with this world? Or, rather, what is it about the patriarchal mind that allows it to view the female sex as subordinate, to view humanity on such a sexist level?

2006-11-20 14:22:25 · update #1

14 answers

Same way they became worshipped in cultures around the world for thousands of years....

There are societies where women control the resources, which are matriarchal. In some animals which have matriarchal societies, the females become physically larger, acquire resources, and control "harems" of nestbound males. So it's more likely that these observations you make about women are a co-effect with, rather than the cause of, male dominance.

The patriarchal mind psychologically lumps female bodies in with all other resources, which males expect to compete for and control. The female body is the limiting reagent when it comes to passing on anybody's genes, in the historical resource situations of human societies.

2006-11-20 10:27:36 · answer #1 · answered by zilmag 7 · 1 1

It grew to be that way.
I think it had to do with function at first. Women stayed with the children and did the gathering while men went off to hunt. It was a system that at the time made sense and worked. People learn from the models they see growing up and so they did as their parents did and as society expected even if they weren't happy in the roles or the roles didn't really work for them. Men became very comfortable with the absolute freedom they had and with women in a subordinate role and they actively sought to oppress women to keep them there. It benefits them to have women in a subordinate position.
You can still see it happening today. Today feminists are portrayed as ugly, undesirable, man-hating lesbians which is exactly how they were portrayed at the turn of the century when women were fighting for the right to vote. I saw an antique not too long ago of a hideous woman wearing women's sufferage buttons that said something to the effect that only bad women would want to vote. That antique was a form of oppression because it was meant to deter women away - through insults - from wanting to vote because they wouldn't want to be seen as ugly, undesirable or whatnot.

2006-11-20 22:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by Tobias F 2 · 0 0

Because women are generally physically weaker than men, they often end up being perceived as mentally weaker as well. It all comes back to judging a book by it's cover. Sometimes it can even become a self fulfilling prophecy if the woman is lacking confidence in her abilities, she starts to doubt herself and believes she is inferior. Men would rather women feel inferior as it builds up their own egos and makes them feel powerful. But times are changing and women are realising they are equal to men and are starting to believe in themselves and their abilities.

As women rise in the world, I'm sure many men will rebel, they will feel threatened and won't be able to deal with the serious female competition. But hopefully in time, things should settle down and maybe one day men and women will be on more even wavelengths.

I believe testosterone plays a big part in all this, as everyone knowns men generally have higher levels of testosterone than women. Tesosterone is the driving force for people to achieve goals and succeed in this world, which is probably why men do so well. However, some women do have higher than average amounts of tesosterone and some men have lower than average amounts of tesosterone. The women and men who have closer levels of tesosterone may view themselves on an equal level to each other. The woman will not feel threatened by the man and the man will not feel intimadated by the woman. So in generations to come, I think women and men may produce closer amounts of testosterone keeping a more even balance between the sexes. HTH : )

2006-11-20 23:16:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's already been stated well, but in a pure short-term survival situation...those who can't run as fast, climb as fast, lift as much or fight as vigorously are by definition, inferior to those who can.

In a long term survival view, those who can provide a continuation of the line are superior.

Problem is caused by the fact that we males think 80% short term and only 20% long term (witness the tendency to glorify war and similar events) along with a curious ability to 'not worry about what will happen in the future' sort of mentality.

This is a gross generalization, but seems to correspond with the mentality of most people I've met in my life. It's usually the female that 'coerces' the male into a long term view. Males that live alone often 'make do' with whatever, as long as it works. Males with mates tend to be the ones that are involved in home improvements, civic government, volunteer work, and pro-active organizations designed to make the world a better place.

2006-11-20 10:47:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I don't think that they were truly considered inferior, until relatively recently in human history. Only if you frame your premise with modern western views upon the traditional tasks which were part of the female bailywick would you consider them "inferior." Only when laws began to be codified and set in stone did these modern memes come into play. Ask any ancient man if he valued what the women did in their societies, and I would bet that they would unequivocally state that they were essential to their own survival. And it's worth noting that women, as much as men, played their role in forming these social norms.

2006-11-20 12:34:39 · answer #5 · answered by Aught 5 · 0 1

It way the world looks at women is the same way they looked at slaves in 1700s. It is because the culture of the 50's. The man runs it and the women had to do as told.

2006-11-20 15:33:15 · answer #6 · answered by Ian W 2 · 0 0

modern labour saving devices has allowed women not to fail because of their inhabitant physical weakness. it simply isn't a matter of muscle mass women that an with of testosterone that men do which equates roughly to a 25% less strength per kilo of muscle. in a jet fighter a woman is the equal of man , but sleeping rough, fighting with spear , shield and Armour, a female will get you killed. Additionally the lack of testosterone aggression would also be a factor.
simply they are observed to be inferior so people logicaly believe they are, and simply a woman is for my bed pleasure, to have my sons and serve my house hold.
it isn't a matter of women being thought not to be able to survive with out aman. Rome was one of the more civilised societies, yet if a crime was commit ed you couldn't just call the police.
women are protected by our society, this protection is an artificial system

2006-11-20 13:03:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

i think of they knew, even with the undeniable fact that it takes years for a oppressed inhabitants to earnings capability to combat. the main appropriate leaders might desire to be born and advance. Then, it takes years to cajole the worldwide that what they thought became into genuine, isnt... that how theyve been living for hundreds of years is incorrect. coaching previous canines new hints, takes a brilliant sort of time. human beings face as much as replace, exceedingly while it may threaten their place in existence.

2016-10-04 04:38:26 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't know, good question. However, interesting fact, all before this happened women were worshiped as Goddesses and men were considered to have around only as sperm donators. This was a period of time just after Neanderthal man. The reason for the switch is unknown I guess but here is a bit of history, link below...

2006-11-20 10:31:18 · answer #9 · answered by J. A. M. 4 · 2 2

I know why this is true...I have an interesting twist on it and I believe if you hear me out, it will make sense. It is all about sex, intercourse that is, and by this I mean that Man penetrates, and woman recieves. Obviously looking at it from a pure physics standpoint, the women are vulnerable, we have the hammer so to speak. Not saying its right now, but it makes sense. If we were still physically larger and stronger, but they had the penis, it would be the other way around, I just feel that we put a subconcious "stigma" on being penetrated, almost as if it is a sign of weakness. Now I dont feel this way myself, in the sense that women are inferior to me, I see us as equals.

Now if you think I am way off base here...look at the way homosexual men are percieved compared to lesbians in our culture...penetration with a penis, vs no penis...it makes sense...

2006-11-20 10:50:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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