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I have had a dream similar to this on many occasions. the dream is always the same i feel like iam awake and something or someone is holding my hands and strangling me. i try to call oout to my partner or my house mates but i cant scream at all. i have recently moved to a new university house, there is a stange feeling about this house. and iam not being paraniod.

I last had this dream 3 nights ago. in this dream i managed to make a slight whimper. with that i was able to release my hands. the thing is i didnt wake up i WAS awake i rolled over and held on to my partner. he later stated that i had cried out but he had heard not to wake people in a dream state as it can be dangerous. but he said i was facing away from him and he is not sure but he does belive my eyes were open.

please can anyone tell me what is going on! it is not normal and it is getting stupid i have been to the doctor they have given me vallium and other sleeping aids but i cant get to sleep.

2006-11-20 10:09:40 · 20 answers · asked by charlotte 2 in Social Science Psychology

i have had these dreams for sometime sometimes more than once per night.

2006-11-20 13:40:07 · update #1

when i was younger a toddler i did converse with spirts ( iam not nutty and not a liar) my mother said i used to sit at the bottom of the stairs in my grandmothers house ( a large house in stanwell moor, near heathrow airport. it had a large set of stairs which reminded everyone of the stairs from gone with the wind. it was about 600 years old) and talk for hours to a man. this man i felt comfortable around. this then became a problem as there were activities in the house. there was one bad experience when a carpet was being laid in a bedroom. the carpet fitter was doing his work my mother grandmother and i were in the doorway it was a very large room. they were looking at the carpet (adults debating if the colour was right) and also asking him if he would like a cup of tea. aparently i started laughing, my mother and grandmother asked what was so funny. i was watching the wall there was a picture which was on the right hand side of the wall i was facing.

2006-11-20 13:42:57 · update #2

. the picture slid accross the wall backward and forward. the distance acording to my mother and grandmother was 8 meters. the carpet fitter got up grabbed his bag and ran out he never came back. and i went and sat in the wardrobe. iam not weird and freeky. after that i started talking to more people there were 7 adults and one was a mother with a baby.
i felt safe, there was never anything bad. i found it all funny and the strange things that happened, as i could see what was happening. my father left my mother because he could not cope with this and i spent most of my time with my grandmother. it stopped quite suddenly one day. i went to the foot of the stair and i saw them all stood there they were covered in a green fog or ora i started to cry and they went.
i have not had anything as intence as that since but i did have one strange thing i was in another house which my mother and i moved to it was built in the 1600's.

2006-11-20 13:43:40 · update #3

i was walking on the third floor of which there were four. i stoped dead in the middle of the corridor and felt a warm waft of air. with that i felt drawn to look down. on the floor was a small cut out of an angel. i took it to my mother she was not sure what it wasas it seamed purposefull. it was perfectly cut out and seamed victorian in age due to the colouring and the method it was drawn i was 13 years old and i kept hold of this angel. a few days passed and my grandmother visited we told her what had happened and showed her the angel. she said they were very common when she was younger and had been for many years. aparently children used to collect them and swap them to create collections. i kept this angel in a box my jewlery box about a month later i went into the box to find it and it was gone. none of the memebers of my family knew where it had gone it was in a draw in the box which i didnt open often. the angel had gone and it was never found.

2006-11-20 13:44:55 · update #4

. we moved quickly after that as my mother saw something she saw a person she said to be a ghost in the kitchen she then went upstairs and saw the same person run into one of the bedrooms she followed and saw the person jump out of the window. she researched this as she wanted to proove it was unfounded. but she found that one of the maids whom had worked in the house many years before had had an affair with the head of the house and had fallen pregant. she was shunned by him and thrown out she was from a poor background and with the moral and economic reasoning of the age jumped out of the window, in a bid to end her torment. with these experiences i have become quite a strong person, but my dreams are beyond reasoning.
iam now a undergraduate at oxford university studying science and live by scientific theories. but with my experiences i cannot quantify or reason. iam just very afraid that i have tapped into a darker side.

2006-11-20 13:45:35 · update #5

20 answers

what you are expereincing are hag dreams, there terrible i know i have stupid dreams like that and my dog is actually the one that gets me out of them i went to the doctor and he told me to not go to bed with a full stomache and it worked acutally so maybe try that>? i hope everything works out for you i know its scary **** but you ll get through it

2006-11-20 10:16:49 · answer #1 · answered by ashley p 1 · 1 0

I never remember any dreams but many years back I was under a bit of stress and worries I had horrid dreams I can remember I was lying there shouting at the top of my voice, what I thought, and trying to move hands and legs all of a sudden would wake up, wake my wife and ask why didn't she help me just to be told you have been dreaming after a good while the worries and stress gone all turned out ok. Try and not take drugs, you could maybe a bit stressed you may be thinking too much about your new University house try some relaxation exercises maybe a hot drink of milk before bed. These dreams were horrific and so real Iwas 40 at the time I would wake up trembling.

2006-11-20 10:47:13 · answer #2 · answered by terrano 4 · 0 0

It sounds like lucid dreaming, when you know you're dreaming but you're aware of being awake too, or............. it could be you are suffering from sleep paralysis which isn't uncommon, where you wake up but your body is still in a deep sleep state and you are unable to move, giving you the sensation of being paralysed. Although this is very frightening it is not dangerous and I'm pretty sure it's temporary. With the move to a new place recently it is probably the stress of that causing it. Speak to someone at your university, a GP - and look it up on the web too.
Good luck and hope it passes soon xx

2006-11-20 10:38:07 · answer #3 · answered by Lost and found 4 · 2 0

It sounds like you are suffering from a nightmare. This is different from a night terror, where there is usually no actual 'dream' just an intense feeling of fear.

I've also included links to night terrors and sleep paralysis, which could also be something you are suffering from.

While all are unpleasant you are unlikely to experience any harm. Change or stress can trigger them, in which case they will fade with time. My wife sometimes has nightmares/sleep paralysis. Her breathing gets more rapid or she too makes a small whimper sound. Fortunately I am a light sleeper and just saying 'it's OK' or 'I'm here' sooths her, often without her appearing to wake. If your partner hears you, get him to do likewise.

I'm sorry to hear of your distressing problem and I hope this helps.

2006-11-20 10:37:54 · answer #4 · answered by Nobody 5 · 1 0

Its a common nightmare and I used to suffer from it. Its basically a kind of sleep paralysis. I used to feel a black sort of male being holding me down. Its worse when you're over tired or under stress. I found personally the best way to deal with it was, when you feel the holdng down or being pushed down part of the nightmare try to relax and don't struggle. You will wake up quicker and less panicky. I know its very scarey I suffered from it alot for many years. But once you know its a recognised condition its easier to deal with. Just try not to fight it when it happens. Take a look at both links and you will see its not unusual. just search sleep payalysis and you will find loads more stuff.

2006-11-20 10:28:56 · answer #5 · answered by sarkyastic31 4 · 1 0

Hey don't worry...it is called Sleep Paralysis and i suffer from this myself...anyone who say it can be a fulfilling experience is out there somewhere else because its extremely scary...i can neither scream or move when this happens to me but there is an explanation for it...apparently...when something is too violent or scary for your brain to cope with...it temporarily paralyses you in order to prevent you from harming yourself...i know its cold comfort but its your body and minds way of protecting you...my very first question on here was about this subject and i was scared and tearful while i wrote it...its a horrible thing...

i hope this helps and if you want anyone to share experiences with or offload onto or just share info etc please mail me...i think understanding support is important for these kind of things...;0)

2006-11-20 22:40:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you have a spiritualist church near you ? If so, I wonder if you would be interested in attending one of their services ? What happens is that after an address and, usually, a couple of hymns, a medium will pass on messages to various members of the congregation. I have often found that the first time people attend, they get messages which can be helpful and, also, people who are troubled often get messages. If you decide to attend but don't get a message, you can usually speak to the chairperson or one of the committee members after the service and I am sure that if you tell them about your dream, they may be able to help you understand it. I hope you get this sorted out as you are obviously worried about it. Don't take any notice of people like alsmom - that was nasty and unnecessary.

2006-11-20 10:27:15 · answer #7 · answered by Mum.of.twins 3 · 0 1

of route the well-being care specialist can't chew. might want to you chew someone you knew replaced into sick? heavily, you'll a well-being care specialist likely because you want this issue solved. he or she is going to favor to do an exam, and could favor to do one, or there is little or no which could be done that can help you you. you do not personal something unique, that hasn't been considered formerly and is not considered again. medical people do not connect parts and faces many times, and they see sufficient distinct parts that all of it variety of turns right into a blur by the end of the day. it really is why they save medical information, because they received't bear in mind otherwise. The gyn exam may nicely be personal to you, besides the undeniable fact that that is not personal in any respect in favour of the well-being care specialist or the nurse contained in the room. and also you isn't all on my own and bare with purely the well-being care specialist. there'll be a nurse contained in the room. also have a gown or drape to cover your self with, and they'll purely be searching at what must be regarded at. So stop operating your self all up over this. in case you want to get more effective, flow see the well-being care specialist and enable him/her see what desires to be considered. you received't die of embarassment, no human being ever has and also you isn't the first. Grit your teeth once you should, save your socks on to save your feet warmth, and get it done. you're a huge female now, time to act like one to boot.

2016-11-29 07:54:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

are you sure you're okay? is something troubling you that you aren't dealing with, or do you feel like events around you are out of your control or is there something you're unable to deal with?

dreams occasionally are connected to what's happening in your life at the time...

talk to your partner, be honest and try and work out if something is bothering you.. perhaps its moving to a new house? is your university course getting too much, do you miss home? are you debt? there could be many reasons... find the reason and try to deal with it.. it'll stop the erratic dreams...

lastly, ditch the medication, it won't help you in the slightest and is probably the worst thing you could possibly be prescribed..

2006-11-20 12:05:07 · answer #9 · answered by muppet 4 · 0 0

Well alsomon must be bored.........You may be physic or just had a bad nightmare that is playing on your mind. Vallium is not the answer and I dont think you have a very good doctor to prescribe this so readilly, its addictive and will not make the problem go away, just dull it. This could just be a one off, try to forget about it but if these feelings continue contact a medium.

2006-11-20 10:19:50 · answer #10 · answered by mistickle17 5 · 0 1

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