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Pisces and Capricorns............

guy= pisces
girl= Capricorn

2006-11-20 09:56:16 · 11 answers · asked by mfairy 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

11 answers

Hi I am a fellow Capricorn :-D
Pisces Male & Capricorn Female
Watery Pisces loves being looked after, and earthy Capricorn needs someone to look after. Pisces needs someone to inspire, and Capricorn loves getting a glimpse of a more visionary world now and again. The mutually protective instincts which you bring out of each other can create a strong and empathetic bond.

Capricorn has a hard time dealing with the intangible, while Pisces has a hard time dealing with the tangible - and so you could be immensely helpful to each other. Pisces is sometimes too fluid and needs Capricorn's strong sense of direction; Capricorn is sometimes too structured, and needs Pisces' adaptability.

The only area where you may need to be attentive is in the area of control. Capricorn does like being the one in charge, and can feel threatened by too much independence in a partner. Pisces, although not overtly rebellious, does not like to feel caged, and may resort to evasion in order to escape the feeling of being trapped.

Try to respect each other's autonomy. And try to be direct in discussing difficulties between you. Evasion or substituting practical tasks for loving gestures will not help you build a solid and loving future together.
It's impossible to understand your real motivations, because like the tides of the ocean, they change all the time. Pisces is concerned with a realm that has no boundaries. Nothing less than the source of life itself is the secret you seek. No wonder, if you fail, that your disillusionment and world-weariness can be as great as your aspirations. It's sometimes said this last sign of the zodiac contains a little bit of all the others. And no one is as much of a chameleon as you.

You have a fluidity and complexity which can be alternatively enchanting and infuriating. There are so many people inside you that others wonder when the real Pisces will stand up and be seen. Sometimes you show a strange passivity or inertia when a crisis looms. But making decisions requires choosing one thing over another, and to you all choices contain some truth. Seeing the relativity of truth is a great gift, because it makes you tolerant and forgiving - and, occasionally, incredibly lax.

That calm, wise indifference with which you greet human transgressions not only applies to your own transgressions. You can sit quietly while your lover leaves, your children insult you, your employer heaps abuse on your head, and your landlord throws you out of your house. Pisceans seem to accept misfortune as though they were born to it, expect it, even welcome it. But you know something other signs don't: all that human suffering means little when your eyes and heart are focused on a greater unity.

Pisces is the sign of the mystic. Admittedly, there are Pisceans roaming about who are almost a caricature of the rational, scientific mind. These are the Fishes who are frightened of the chaos of their own depths. But probe more deeply, and unless the defences are incredibly rigid, there is a deep spiritual longing in every Pisces. Including you. That doesn't mean religious in an orthodox way. But you have an intuitive sense of some other reality, something magical and elusive, a transcendent unity which makes ordinary life seem drab and meaningless.

You also have a deep instinctive wisdom about the futility of so many human desires. Intense ambition, powerful passions, covetousness, greed...these ordinary human motives don't usually have much power over you. Deep down, you don't really take them all that seriously. After all, as they say in the East, it's only maya - only illusion. As a water sign, you're deeply sensitive to the secret undercurrents that lie behind the mask of ordinary human behaviour.

It's hard to fool a Pisces. But where others might respond by defending themselves and accruing resentment, you will look, see, feel saddened, and forgive. You often let yourself be taken advantage of, not because you're gullible, but because you feel sorry for all sorts of people. This material world isn't the real one to you; you listen to a different drumbeat.

You move in a world where every thought and action has thousands of associations which ripple out into infinity, and nothing is ever simple and clear. It's hard for you to discriminate, to limit yourself. This can incline you to excess, which can lead to some big problems with things like food, alcohol, drugs or financial extravagance. The compensation for this disturbing lack of boundaries is your boundless imagination. Even heavily defended, hyper-rational Pisceans have this wonderful imaginative faculty hidden away.

The world of the arts, and of intuitive science (including computer science, higher mathematics and physics) is heavily populated by gifted Pisceans. You have a built-in key to the vast and mysterious realm of the unconscious psyche, and it was given to you at birth as a gift. The trouble is, once in those waters, you sometimes find it hard to come back. Coping with mundane reality can be a real problem for Pisceans. Although your intuition may be lightning-quick and your intellect brilliant, you often overlook something simple, like the electricity bill.

You're also an incurable romantic. Some Pisceans have lots of defences to hide this tendency, but romantic you were born and romantic you will remain. And romance isn't just about love affairs. You crave magic, and you get bored more easily than any other sign. The only truly consistent things about you are your allegiance to a higher, deeper reality and your love and longing for change. Never mind the safe job, the conventional social status, the budget which ensures your pension will see you through old age. You'll take hyacinths for the soul any time.
Relationships aren't easy for Capricorn. You might expect this, since control is always important to the Goat, and letting down the solid protection of that suit of armour takes a lot of effort. Capricorns wear that suit of armour for so long that it gets rusty at the hinges, and you hear some pretty loud groans and protests as it comes off. And no matter how much they love, there's always a last secret place inside which Capricorns won't relinquish. They're often loners, climbing their own private mountains. And sometimes they won't allow themselves to accept either help or sympathy when the going is rough. Thanks very much, they'll manage on their own.

They will often work hard to help friends and loved ones in need, and they know how to give, especially when it comes to the things of the world. But sometimes they don't know how to receive very well. Capricorn pride is ferocious, and no Goat can bear a situation of weakness and dependency. That means not being in control.

Capricorns are secret romantics, but they won't allow their romanticism to dictate their decisions. They will often sacrifice the great romantic love for the safe, suitable partner who is a social asset as well. They may throw everything away for an ideal, or for family, or in the name of service; but love? Not likely. Capricorn wants a stable life, and takes vows and promises seriously. Better not to promise than to marry in haste, repent at leisure, and have hefty maintenance payments afterward.

Some Capricorns marry and rush into family life early, but that's usually because they are either looking for fathers or trying to play fathers. Most take a long time to make a real commitment. If you're in a hurry, pick another sign. Yet this isn't a bad way to be. Capricorns place more value on deep respect, duty, loyalty and the power of the family bond than on a few months of wild passion. Not that they turn their backs on passion. This is an earth sign, and the sexual drive is often strong. But many Capricorns keep this side of themselves out of their serious relationships, because they often don't trust their passions.

Unless you're the childlike type looking for a parent-surrogate, be prepared for a challenge. A Capricorn will always try to take charge in a relationship. She isn't interested in submission, dependency or abdication of power. If you hurt her pride or take away her self-respect, she won't forgive or forget. Because of that earthy, controlled nature, she may also find it hard to express love and affection spontaneously. Sexual attraction, yes; but love can make her vulnerable. The Capricorn partner may love you deeply, but you may never hear it said. Yet she's deeply drawn to those who can loosen her up a bit.

The same thing that makes many Capricorns secret spiritual seekers also makes them seekers after people who are able to open up the romantic and imaginative side of life for them. This old-young woman needs a partner who can help her free her inner child. The trouble is that, when Capricorns find this kind of partner, they often take the role of a stern parent with a child, repressing rather than encouraging spontaneity. Yet if Capricorns can let that stern, stiff streak be thawed by the gifts of love and trust, they truly have the world at their feet. Then there is no more loyal and devoted partner, nor one more worthy of lifelong respect. It may be hard to imagine a woman who embodies the father-principle. But Capricorn women do. This doesn't make them "masculine". Quite the reverse: they often have a subtle, magnetic, quietly self-possessed quality which is powerfully attractive. Masculine? Not in the sense people usually use the word. But look again. The Capricorn woman is shrewd and perceptive. She'd rather use diplomacy than argue aggressively; she is usually calm, cool, and self-contained.

She's often tastefully and beautifully dressed, rarely gaudily or cheaply or in clothes that follow a fad. She's smart enough to know that the classic Armani suit which costs a fortune is a wise investment because it's timeless and will always flatter her, while the shaved head, nose ring and snakeskin miniskirt may be great this week but won't see her through anything beyond the next party.

She's also smart enough to know that you don't confront power directly, and therefore, if she wants something from you, you usually end up thinking that you came up with the idea yourself. She can twist you around with such finesse that you're convinced she's fragile and helpless, and your self-importance swells visibly. Ah, poor you. No Capricorn is fragile or helpless. All Capricorn women are born with stainless steel spines.

This doesn't mean Capricorn women use people. Some do; their realism (and sometimes outright calculating cynicism) makes them choose partners who can provide material security and status or help them with a creative career. But many are devoted partners who offer their powerful will, determination and worldly wisdom to help you in your career. Playing the power behind the throne suits the Capricorn woman quite well. That is, as long as you respect her for it, and don't take her love and devotion for granted.

Capricorns need to manage something. If no career attracts her enough to earn her commitment, her partner can become her career. Then she'll organise your life and direct your energy, sometimes to your gain but often to your detriment if the goals you're pursuing are really secretly hers. She really needs a place in her life where she can apply her gifts outside her personal relationships. Let her get on with it, and give her all your support. Capricorn needs to feel accomplished in something. Beware of the Capricorn woman who doesn't recognise that she even has the drive. Unconsciously, she'll begin to make you her accomplishment. That's not usually a recipe for happiness.

Young Capricorn women often seek a partner who can play the role of father. The Capricorn woman may seem like a real "Daddy's Girl", who needs to be adored and taken care of while she expresses her charming, irresponsible self. Other young Capricorn women may be excessively controlling and dominant in their relationships because of painful experiences with their fathers which make them fear humiliation. They have to play the father themselves, keeping their partners in a weaker role.

Time and experience are great healers for Capricorn. The Capricorn woman is at her best as she gets older, blossoming into the warmest, richest side of the sign later in life. When she has learned to stand confidently on her own feet in life, she is free to release the gentler, more sensitive and caring side of her nature. The Capricorn woman who has passed the test of her own survival, and knows that she can function in the world through her own efforts, has learned wisdom and compassion along the way. If you're looking for a flamboyant showgirl, this isn't the sign to choose. If you're looking for intelligence, grit, tenacity, insight, loyalty and a delightfully ironic sense of humour, look no further; you've found your match.

2006-11-20 13:19:59 · answer #1 · answered by Echo Forest 6 · 0 0


This is a brilliant blend of Capricorn ambition and Pisces vision. Your Capricorn lover will give you excellent financial and career advice and will be behind you 100% as you rise to new heights of achievement. Capricorns are practical and determined, and you will benefit from your lover's bottom-line focus. Capricorn's sense of humor is a joy to be around. Both of you enjoy home and family, and your Capricorn partner will be able to bring in substantial income, becoming the family's key provider.

The only thing about your lover that you aren't sure you like is his or her emphasis on the material world. Capricorns need to run with the right crowd and they have to have all the appropriate props in place: wardrobe, house, car, etc. Whether they admit it or not, Capricorns are status conscious. Pisces, on the other hand, don't have an upwardly mobile bone in their bodies. They feel keeping up with the Joneses is a waste of time. Such things are all too superficial and worldly. Pisces are much more spiritual and soulful than this. This difference between you can lead to some interesting scenarios.

Example: As a couple you get a tax windfall of $2,500. You want to buy a new camera or a special lens to further your creative photography. Or, more likely, you want to lend your friend the cash because her deadbeat ex-husband hasn't sent her any child support in months and she's broke. But your Capricorn wants to pay the membership fee for a new country club where he or she can make friends with some influential people. What to do? How can you reconcile these differing values?

Capricorn's earth element and your water element blend beautifully and make a fertile combination. The sum total of your relationship is gentle support and caring. In bed, things should be great. Capricorns are delightfully slow and thoughtful in their approach. Your Capricorn will love your imaginative style and your deeply spiritual approach to the relationship.

Can a goat and a fish find happiness? Absolutely.

2006-11-21 02:18:24 · answer #2 · answered by ~NEO~ 4 · 0 0

Pisces With Capricorn: compatibility = 8 /10

Pisces will take Capricorn by surprise and he or she may want to skip work for a change. Capricorn will learn what it's like to date the homecoming king/queen with Pisces. Pisces will provide emotional support and security during the highs and the lows and Capricorn needs this security in a relationship. This is a good combination with complimentary values. And there's nothing Capricorn likes better than being admired. Pisces generous affections and Capricorn's strong sense of loyalty combine to make each feel safe and protected. These very different people meet each other's needs.

Love & Blessings

2006-11-20 17:39:38 · answer #3 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

When Capricorn and Pisces join together in a love match, on the surface, it may appear to be opposites attracting. Capricorn is down-to-earth and regimented, with a very strong work ethic, while Pisces tends to be more emotional and dreamy, and takes on the needs of those around them. This couple is honest, and can be devoted to one another. They admire one another: Capricorn appreciates Pisces's kind nature, and Pisces is drawn in by Capricorn's quick wit and tenacity.

This relationship may develop slowly, the two not necessarily recognizing its progression. But it will get stronger over time. The Capricorn-Pisces duo can really put their heads together and can be fulfilled by their partner. Difficulties can arise if Capricorn is too dominating for Pisces's sensitive side. Pisces needs to understand that this is Capricorn's style and not a personal attack. Pisces might not take too well to Capricorn's stubbornness, but can deal with it through patience and understanding. Pisces enjoys indulging Capricorn through their desire for domestic bliss, which combines well with Capricorn's need for a neat, tidy home and material goods.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Pisces is ruled by a combination of Jupiter and Neptune. Saturn is the planet of dedication, authority and responsibility. Higher learning, ethics and standards are ruled by Jupiter, while Neptune influences Pisces's view of dreams and illusions. These three Planets complement one another because they have a good sense of compassionate justice and dedication.

Capricorn is an Earth Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. Earth Signs are about possessions, and the Capricorn-Pisces partners like to surround themselves with material objects that show off their sophistication. The Water Sign relies on emotion and intuition, making the Pisces the fueling force behind the relationship, but in a passive way. Shared love of a comfortable, yet fancy, home life ensures that this couple will aspire to a higher ground.

Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. While Capricorn tends to focus on one project at a time, Pisces floats from one thing to another as the feeling strikes them. Because of their flexibility, Pisces may become interested in Capricorn's projects. In turn, Capricorn needs to allow Pisces to enjoy many things at once and not take it personally when Pisces gets bored with something that Capricorn if focused on. Capricorn will stick with Pisces's pursuits even after they've moved on to something else. In return, Pisces can sometimes show Capricorn that flexibility is better than a strong determination to do things a specific way.

What's the best aspect of the Capricorn-Pisces relationship? It's their unique blend of temperaments. Both partners enjoy sharing their lives with someone else, and both like to help the other achieve their goals. Their difference in temperaments makes theirs a highly compatible relationship.

2006-11-20 10:53:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The most important thing is communication. Tell each other everything honestly; share secrets, goals, dreams, desires. This must go both ways. Don't hide anything or try to deceive, honesty is the only way. They must like each other before they can fall in love. There must first be mutual liking and a desire to be friends. It's more than just a desire to "hang out", it's a respect and caring but also an ease of being together. Have a sense of humor. Learn to not sweat the small stuff and learn to trust and not be jealous or accusing or judgmental. Learn to listen and not just think about what you want to say next. When you speak only say what you really feel and tell how you would like things to be also. Don't say things that are designed to hurt and that you would not say if you were not angry. Have sympathy and compassion for each other. Hear about the life experiences you have each had and genuinely care for each other. If the other is sick, take them soup or do for them what you'd like the to do for you. Find little things to compliment and ways to make them feel special. Go the extra distance to get the thing that will them happy. Do some things for them because it's Tuesday and not only for special occasions. On special occasions make them special. Show appreciation for small things. That's a short list, but they are all pretty important. If you have good intelligence you can see that some of these could be consolidated, but the ideas can even be broken down further to explain all the ways we can make a relationship work. I take my ideas from talking to people I know who have successful marriages and I really want the one I fall in love with to know I mean to make the best effort to stay together as long as we both shall love. My best to everyone who reads this. Please give me suggestions for additions or changes you would make. If you don't agree with something tell me. I'd be happy to talk about it!

2016-05-22 01:28:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

highly compatible!
Just remember this(although,I'm not trying to offened.)
Capricorns are very well kept and usally pisces' aren't
all that well kept. So, when iviting her over. Make sure
you have everything,nice & clean for her.
She'll just adore that! -Ms.Sarah Lynn Nickels

2006-11-20 12:21:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im a girl Pisces. lol

2006-11-20 10:48:55 · answer #7 · answered by Nena 2 · 0 1

im a capricorn girl and i find my best match is capricorn or libra

2006-11-20 10:05:18 · answer #8 · answered by crazychick.uk 3 · 0 1

this is what it says about you as a love match:

Out with the crowd, your honey sometimes finds you hard to follow. Alone in the bedroom, the two of you will be in sync.

you can find out how your sex match is and how you match as friends at this website: http://www.glamour.com/horoscopes

2006-11-20 09:59:50 · answer #9 · answered by reeree 2 · 0 1

Guy will have elaborate stories to tell, girl will be a control freak.

2006-11-20 11:15:54 · answer #10 · answered by lee f 5 · 0 1

well are you?

2006-11-20 10:04:23 · answer #11 · answered by cat1967 2 · 0 1

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