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how do i keep our sister in law out of our bussiness we have beautful baby names pic put but when she asked what they were we told her then she said no i dont like those and went and talked my husband into changing them hoe do i tell that is my kid not hers and she dont want no one eled in the ultrasound room but her and my husband but i want everyone i can get but not with her around please help how do i tell her this is my kid not hers

2006-11-20 09:19:41 · 31 answers · asked by amanda b 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

31 answers

Be polite & firm. Say" I'm sorry you name your children & I'll name mine." I have a name that we are quite happy with & our decision will be finalized after the baby is born. I'll have my children my way & you have yours your way. If I want everybody in the ultrasound room. I will. When you have yours you can do what you want. Don't back down.

2006-11-20 09:26:56 · answer #1 · answered by oilfieldinsultant 3 · 4 0

i feel for you..

well first of all i think you should talk to your husband and see where he's at and tell him how you feel. if you feel comfortable enough, tell you sister in law that its really not her business that its between you and your husband to decide.. if you dont feel comfortable perhaps get your husband to do it . also people will say a lot of things, give far too many suggestions to a new mum!! (more than you'll ever need or want!) and if she's bossing you araound this much at this stage i wonder what its gonna be like when the bubs born. it's stressful enough being a new mum even without all the busy bodies around. so sooner or later you'll have to put an end to it, so why not now! if she gets offended well.. tough!!

ps: my whole family made fun of the name we had picked for my little girl but hey in the end we went ahead with that name anyway :) so just smile and say " Yeah sure!!!" and still go ahead and do what you want.. been my motto since i've become a mum!! :)

2006-11-21 00:49:29 · answer #2 · answered by tigermoth 2 · 0 0

Also.... ask for your husband's support. Tell him, Hey! We had a name picked out and you changed your mind based on your sister's complaints? Tell him you feel that that is unfair to you..that the two of you made that baby, not the three of you. That you feel she has no say in what goes on during that pregnancy. YOU have the final say in who gets to be in the rooms with you during the doctor visits. You can even have her removed from the room. The doctor will follow YOUR wishes, not hers. Tell her that you feel like she is overstepping the bounds. That this IS YOUR child, and that you will do as you please on names, who can be in the room, etc. That she is to be an aunt to the baby, not it's mother. That whenever she becomes pregnant you wouldn't do those things to her and undermine her authority when it came to HER pregnancy. Ask her to respect that the child is yours, and that the decisions made concerning the pregnancy are to be made by you and your husband, not by the three of you. That she needs to keep her nose where it belongs. Get a backbone, love.

2006-11-20 09:31:22 · answer #3 · answered by Amelia Rose's Mama 4 · 1 0

HI, i have the same problem...only he has 5 sisters :( and the MIL is just as invasive...she wanted to be in the delivery room with me. From my experience...you just have to tell them straight up, dont dance around it or they (she) will walk all over you!
Tell her its your baby, you and your husband will name it and while you appreciate her for her nameing ideas she can save those for when she has kids...also your ultrasound apptments...you have every right to decide who is and isnt there. Either dont tell her when it is or just flat out tell her im not comforable with you being there.

2006-11-20 09:54:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is VERY important that BOTH you and your husband have a nice, quiet conversation with his sister.

Let me repeat....It Is IMPERATIVE that both of you confront her together.


Because you and your husband are 1 unit. If you or your husband allow her to win this victory and name your child then this will definitely lead to her controlling or "bossing" more critical issues in the future.

Your husband must....MUST...agree with you that the final choice for the name of your child should be decided between ONLY you and he. He is supposed to be on your side not his sister's. NO ONE should come between a husband and wife. No one!

Your sister-in-law should be mature enough to understand this and let you two decide for yourselves.

I know that you want to have a friendly relationship with your in-laws...but there is a time for all things.

So....Stand tall....take a deep breathe...relax....talk to your husband and most importantly.....

You BOTH go and talk with your sister-in-law.

Do this as soon as possible....hopefully before you go to sleep so that you can rest comfortably.

2006-11-20 09:52:35 · answer #5 · answered by gametrek1 1 · 2 0

This is your baby and your husbands baby. Use the names you want. We picked our own names that my mother in law hated but guess what I told her she had already named her kids now it was my time. She got over the fact we picked names she hated. As for your husband changing his mind, you might want to remind him that this is your child and his child not his and his sisters. As for your ultrasound, you might ask our hospital limited it to 2 people. I saw invite who you want its, your baby and your body

2006-11-20 12:27:51 · answer #6 · answered by Lori R 4 · 0 0

just tell her you have chosen the name that you want for your baby an tell your husband that he shouldn't go behind your back an side with his sister on a name when you an he has already chosen a name, put your foot down to him first, an he will let his sister know an it will end

2006-11-20 11:04:01 · answer #7 · answered by bonnie 2 · 0 0

Just flat out say it! If she gets mad or sad, then say " You know, its just that i didnt think you should be the one naming my kid. If you have a kid, name it whatever you want." And say this at first " Look, no offense but i really dont want you to name my kid. Its me and my husbands choice. Not yours. " And see what she does next.

2006-11-20 09:58:38 · answer #8 · answered by GorgeousGal10 2 · 0 0

Maybe the problem is, is that she's just jealous that you're the one having the baby and getting the attention and not her. Tough luck to her. She probably also likes the names you have picked out and would like to use them herself when she has kids. (went through this myself) Just do what you want to do and who cares about everyone else, right now is about YOU and YOUR CHILD. Don't worry about any of them or you'll just cause yourself undo stress.

2006-11-24 03:10:18 · answer #9 · answered by kitty 1 · 0 0

You need to talk to your husband first off.. He shouldn't change the names b/c of what his sister says!! You let him know that It's not her child.. If he doesn't help the situation then you need to let her know what's going on!! Stand up for your baby now.. Good luck to you

2006-11-20 09:34:38 · answer #10 · answered by Kat0312 4 · 0 0

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