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What would you do if you get in some problems that are absolutaly unfixable?when everyone ignores you and u have no hope and no life.completely lost and poor.Doesn't suicied really gets you out of all pains and joys?since such person never has joys so is suicide his only option?to get rid of all the s h i t s?
Explain plz

2006-11-20 09:00:07 · 22 answers · asked by The dude 5 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

22 answers

No, suicide is not the only way. All problems exist only in your mind. And a lot of times, they don't even exist. You're just making them up. So whatever problem you have, forget about it. Just ignore it. Let it be there, don't try to solve it, just ignore it and let it be there. Without your attention, problems can't exist. You have no hope in life. Forget about hope. Let the hopelessness be there and ignore it. Then tell your brain, Be happy. And it's gonna listen to you. It's your brain!

F uck counseling. I've counseled so many times, and shi t worked. Why is everybody so obsessed with counseling? Whenever someone says he got a problem, people be like, get counseling. The counselor is a person just like you with problems and worries. He's just studied psychology or whatever counselors study. But that person's no different than you.

2006-11-20 09:29:45 · answer #1 · answered by Maus 7 · 0 1

Firstly, there is NO such thing as an "un-fixable" problem. There may be things that you do not 2want" to do in order to fix the problem and that is a different question entirely.
Secondly, suicide is a cowardly answer to your problems. By choosing the "easy" way out. Why do you think there are so many so called "attempted" suicides. These people do not really want to die. It's a cry for help to others because they cannot deal with their problems. If you REALLY wanted to kill yourself there are a million and one things that would kill you instantly but for most it's the tired old "overdose of pills" routine.
Thirdly, if there is "no joy" in your life, go and make some for yourself. Life isn't pleasant sometimes. It's hard work to live a hard wroking, law abiding life and bring up your kids as well adjusted members of society. You can't expect life "on a plate" for you.
What you need to do, IMO, is give yourself a good shake and stop being so negative. If all you look for are the bad things in life then that is all you will see. Go out, get a life, meet new people get some new friends. I PROMISE you that you will find it easier than you think and you will actually start to enjoy it.

2006-11-20 09:32:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Kirk: Speaking from a recent experience...my twin just committed suicide. To all those people who call people names saying coward and pussy and easy way out, it's obvious they have no 'empathy'...Kirk, when you committ suicide, you are ending your life at an unnatural time. It's even considered an intentional homicide. None of your friends or family can ever really understand why you didn't come to them for help, so go to them...Express your self in a way that you are Genuinely Feeling. Suicide for you is an abrupt, unnatrual, short, life, and is a life that will have to be repeated...and it'll be repeated in a mangled body. Enjoy the life you have Kirk. If you can walk, talk, and look really decent, Go with that yo, everything else will fall into place. Just learn to LOVE your SELF. Nothing good comes from a suicide. You'll suffer for all the pain you have caused for those who have stayed on this side.

2006-11-20 10:33:27 · answer #3 · answered by BabyGirl~ 4 · 0 1

i don't believe there are situations when there r no joys in life at all. Some counceling might give you insights,but i think if you put your mind to it you could find a better solution to escape or solve whatever it is you're going through.

You might want to question the place where you live, your job, the kind of friends you have and so on. If you're focused on red then thats all you're going to see, so it might be time to give your life another direction.

Perhaps do some travelling to a sunny country to get away from the place you live in, take a break to think things through. Who knows you might come up with great ideas to make that switch.

2006-11-20 09:25:21 · answer #4 · answered by Bitstorm 3 · 2 0

It may seem like suicide would be the way to go but you have to take a look at it from a spiritual point of view. You think commiting suicide will get you away from all the **** in your life but if you killed yourself, you not only put your loved ones through pain but you will also have trouble on the other side. You know how it goes; when you commit suicide and die, you're earth bound. You keep repeating how you killed yourself and not only that, there's demons all around you. I don't think you would want that. Love yourself even if you feel like no one cares because you can probably be the next person to inspire someone to spare their life. That will give you a purposes in life.

2006-11-20 09:13:54 · answer #5 · answered by pangfvlx 3 · 2 1

Suicide is NEVER the way! I have the scars on my wrists, but I found out the wrong way, that dying would not have been any solution.

It IS an act of aggression, against everyone who has ever cared about you. Worse, it is the ultimate act of violence against yourself. But it's also the ultimate act of cowardice.

NOBODY has the power to predict the future. Therefore, though the despair feels utterly crushing, totally defeating, and permanent, there is no way of KNOWING that it is permanent.

It could be that you are so ground down by your problems, that you can't imagine a way out. There are resources, agencies, societies, online support groups, and a vast network of people, who not only understand how you feel, and why you feel that way, but also can HELP you resolve your problems.

It could be that you are experiencing a mental-health crisis. SEE YOUR DOCTOR. It may be treatable, with something as simple as an anti-depressant -- which you don't believe will work, but when you find the right one for your brain-chemistry, it's as though you have been seeing the world in black-and-white, and all of a sudden, you get Technicolor. This is personal experience.

No life stinks. Everyone ignoring you hurts. Poverty bites. The problems, all piled together, make you FEEL that there is no hope.

But you don't KNOW that. Remember this. Nobody can predict the future. Last year, on the 2nd of September, I forgot. I was furious, when I was stopped, by the Police.

Now, I live 5000 miles from where I was, broke, in a country where I know only a couple of people, out of an abusive relationship that I didn't want to admit was just poison. I was hospitalised four times, in 2005, and three times, in 2004, for suicidal ideation.

And I am on the way up. I had a complete breakdown, in the home of my only friend (here in Liverpool, where I'd never visited) for seven months, waiting to be housed. I don't have money for food, let alone luxuries of any kind.

But I have a little flat of my own, and I am realising that I'm not the bad person my ex made me believe I was. There was nothing in my life but misery and futile hope, and the mental cruelty of a man who didn't love me any more. And fear of letting go. I didn't want to let go. I was as much responsible for my misery as my circumstances, because I was afraid of letting the situation go.

Better a hated and miserable known, than a TERRIFYING unknown.

All people fear the unknown. It's hard-wired into our brains. But obviously, everything you have now is just making you hurt. It's amazing, what happens, if you let go of some of the known:

Sometimes it's people, who are toxic, and from whom you need to get away. Sounds like people who all ignore you are not people you need in your life. Try losing the people, not the life?

Sometimes it's drugs/alcohol/addictions. You know as well as I do that there is rehab available. Suicide doesn't take the drugs out of your life. It just wastes a life you could decide to save.

Sometimes it's just feeling 'stuck'. You need to work out what/who is the 'place' where you're 'stuck'. I had spectacularly abusive pxrxnts (I don't spell out dirty words). I loved where I lived, and where I went to uni, but I took off and put 1500 miles between myself and them, directly I finished uni. At least I was out of harm's way. That was a start. I 'unstuck' myself from the only place in the world that has ever felt like 'home', gave up my city, to gain my freedom.

You have to leave the poison behind. Suicide means dying miserable. Do you REALLY want to do that? Since you asked here, I'd say not. You still have time to live and die happy. You have to get out from under the things/people/situations that are holding you down.

There is HELP out there. Nothing is harder, absolutely NOTHING is as hard, as asking for help. What if you're refused? YOU KEEP ASKING.

You had the COURAGE to ask for help here. I APPLAUD YOU! GOOD JOB!

You have asked for help. It didn't hurt. People here will care. I do, and I have no idea where you are. If you need it, I can give you my email address.

Now, try your doctor, drop-in centre, or suicide crisis-line.

Take it step by step. Do one thing at a time. Remember, you don't have to do any of this ALONE, and that you DO NOT KNOW that there is no hope.

You've DONE the hardest thing. You've ASKED for help. Keep doing it!
I'm proud of you.

The only way OUT, is THROUGH.

It is obvious you NEED help, or you wouldn't have asked this question.

There is help, anonymous, on the phone, or in walk-in clinics, or if it gets too bad, dial your country's EMERGENCY number - UK:999, USA, Canada:911

2006-11-20 10:04:58 · answer #6 · answered by protectrikz 3 · 0 0

Suicide is the act of a very self-centered person. The deceased is gone and the family and/or friends have the mess and suffering to deal with.
If one looks around, it is not hard to find another who is dealing with a heavier load.
In my belief, a suicide is akin to skipping school, one is going to have to learn the lessons some time.
Please talk to someone you can trust. There is someone that can help you. See below.
Fairview - FRYSC
Heartbeat Suicide Hotline 1-800-526-6001

2006-11-20 09:38:32 · answer #7 · answered by david42 5 · 0 0

Funny you should ask. Having been in the black hole myself I have some experience.

I have only experienced true joy once in my life: when my daughter was born. Unfortunately, my disease -- chronic depression -- prevents me from recalling that feeling.

That being said, among other things, I know -- and have to continue to tell myself -- that although I can feel no joy, I have a family and people who depend on me so my black hole is inconsequential.

So no, suicide is not the only way.

2006-11-20 21:11:32 · answer #8 · answered by Voodoid 7 · 0 0

Eventually, all those whom you have hurt on this side, by leaving them without any explanation or even trying, will catch up to you on the other side. They may be angry at you. And there, you will not be able to get away from them, forever.

I would not bother trying suicide. All it does is trade sets of problems. Why take on problems you have no idea how to solve? at least your current problems, whatever they are, are familiar to you. Do you really want to never have another opportunity to try?

21 NOV 06, 0048 hrs, GMT.

2006-11-20 11:44:45 · answer #9 · answered by cdf-rom 7 · 0 0

Suicide is the ultimate answer to all of lifes problems. With its enactment, the problems all disappate.

But, suicide is a cowards solution. What makes humanity wonderful is that we all come face to face with different problems everyday. We can sometimes fall prey to them, or kick them in the butt.

It is the culmination of these daily probelsm that make you...welll....you.

A piece of advice, tommorrow is always another day, and the present will just be a memory soon forgotten. So, get over yourself, go cry into a pillow , or something, and sleep it off.

Some counselling may help too.

2006-11-20 09:08:43 · answer #10 · answered by Random 3 · 1 2

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