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I was wondering how a virgo man and a virgo woman would do when dating?

2006-11-20 08:58:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

4 answers


Virgo & Virgo. This sounds like a law firm or a new ad agency. If you both are lawyers, you are successful ones, because good lawyers are detailed and analytical and know how to argue a good case. If you both are running an ad agency, hopefully you are in charge of copy writing (no one is more precise with words than Virgo), finance (Virgos know cash flow to the penny and are practical about calling in accounts), or account management (you're both common-sense builders, that's for sure). Both of you are workaholics and will give it all you've got.

But this is a love relationship, not a business! Can two Virgos find happiness? Sure. At the very least, you understand one another implicitly. But you will have to avoid some trouble spots. Let's have a peek under the hood of this match to find out what makes your relationship motor run smoothly, and see what makes it stall.

You two are practical and realistic about life. You are also quite idealistic about striving to improve things to be as good as you know they can be. You care about health, so you may enjoy working out together and remind one another to take multi-vitamins and cut the fat out of your diets. Sometimes you can be a little too prudent -- you never spend for flashy dinners out or on extravagant surprise gifts (well, not unless one of you has some Leo in your chart). You both communicate especially well, and one or both of you could even be a writer or editor -- Virgos are some of the best writers in the zodiac. Virgos like to be helpful, so this is a union of two eager beavers helping one another get ahead without competition. Yet both of you are highly critical. If you train your razor-sharp analysis on this love affair, can it survive such a tough investigation? This is one tendency both of you will have to keep in check; when you two argue, you will be cool and objective in a chilly sort of way, slicing one another into little ribbons like only Virgos could. Ouch! You will hold your own in any argument, but the scars could take time to heal. Remember, you can't get the toothpaste back into the tube.

Yet both of you are workaholics (you knew this already) and spend long days at your desks. At least you won't have a lover who is continually complaining that you're never home. The time you do spend together is going to be precious. Feeling productive is as important to you as oxygen and time wasted seems almost sinful. So, actually, the fact that your lover is a Virgo isn't ideal in this case because there no one will lure either of you away from your work! You're recluses too, so you two need to make the effort to explore the world around you. There is more to life than work!

In lovemaking, you both are reserved at first, but once you let rip, you could really build up some steam! Virgos focus more on tenderness than eroticism, and the greater loyalty you feel from your lover, the more passion you will generate. Since your Virgo won't two-time you or kiss and tell (Virgos are ethical), you will feel safe and cozy in his or her arms. Both of you are verbal (and oral) so therein lies the secret to your greatest heights of passion.

Be kind to one another, and treat each other as you would want to be treated yourself. Your one rule is The Golden Rule. If you don't worry too much or work too much, you can absolutely make this union work.

2006-11-20 09:18:52 · answer #1 · answered by ~NEO~ 4 · 0 0



Love Compatibility of Virgo with Virgo

Two Virgos enjoy each other's company for many reasons. You both see yourselves as slightly superior to the rest of the human race because of your organizational skills, attention to detail and ability to make ideas come to life. No detail is too small to tackle or explain. Problems may arise when it comes time to decide who rules the roost, because naturally, you both want to. This can be overcome with wit and humor. This relationship will be practical and functional, but not so warm and fuzzy. If anyone can appreciate that dynamic, it's a couple of Virgos.

2006-11-20 09:09:53 · answer #2 · answered by kaylachilds 2 · 0 0

it is irrelevant.

2006-11-20 09:06:10 · answer #3 · answered by canuckclint 3 · 0 0

When two Virgos join together in a love match, they are likely to structure their lives in beautiful conjunction. The merging of two incredibly practical, industrious sorts such as these creates an incredibly devoted and doting couple although public displays of affection will be rare. Though their shared perfectionism and skepticism could lead to conflict, the level-headed Virgo duo will quickly resolve any disputes and move on to more pleasant times. The Virgo-Virgo relationship runs like a well-oiled machine, particularly for couples who live together or have children. There is never any confusion over the delegation of responsibility, and both partners feel quite comfortable with this arrangement. Making lists, balancing accounts and keeping the house and affairs in order are second nature to both partners. They share a discriminating palette and exquisite taste. As long as they aren’t too harsh with one another, their relationship will be fulfilling in every way. Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. This Planet represents communication, and indeed this is Virgo's shtick. As a romantic couple, both are tuned in to one another's frequencies. Virgo is often able to read the nuances of words and gestures and take in an analytical meaning. One of the strongest points of the relationship is open and honest communication. Also, the reasoning and logical abilities of two Virgos together can quite possibly solve all the world’s problems. They are a versatile and brilliant team.Virgo is an Earth Sign, thus indicating a practical nature. Also, they are a couple who likes to be surrounded by and own elegant things, and who won't settle for second best. It is worth it to hold out for something perfect, rather than to allow for anything less. Virgo exercises caution before moving forward, and they are the first to determine the best action for everyone to -- even if it involves sacrifice. Pickiness makes the Virgo-Virgo team a wonderful romantic couple. Virgo is a Mutable Sign. They are easily adaptable to any situation or any social setting. There is rarely conflict between them, but when it does arise it is quickly brushed over. Neither is too pushy or domineering, and they share an equal enthusiasm for one another's pursuits. Virgo always follows through, and two of them together doubles this energy and makes a very happy couple. What’s the best aspect of the Virgo-Virgo relationship? It’s their levelheaded and structured approach to life, work, fun and commitment. They're incredibly compatible, and this obvious to them and to their friends. Together, they make a wonderful pair for pleasing one another and working on the perfect relationship.

Virgo Male
The Virgo male is is orderly and methodical in his thinking, but not always in his dress. Typically a generous and loyal soul, he may not be overly sympathetic in romantic affairs although he constantly harbors a desire to assist those in need. This man usually proves to be a true mate..once he makes up his mind..and will be very affectionate and devoted to his family. At times, Virgo males may be extremely demanding, requiring that any partners prove themselves over and over again. They will also expect sacrifices to be made if necessary. Anyone seeking a "sugar daddy" or a man who will take infinite care of his mate had best seek elsewhere. This individual can be depended upon, but he is nobody's fool. The key word here is integrity and above all else, the Virgo male needs to feel that he is worthy. This is a man with a quick mind and one who is practical and honest. However, he is basically shy in terms of sharing his feelings. Any partner must help the Virgo male to build his confidence and it would be foolish to expect him to be outgoing. This is a far from happy-go-lucky soul. In order to fully understand him, it is necessary to learn how to "read between the lines." Males governed by Virgo need mates who have faith in them and can appreciate depth of feeling. Patience will also be a factor when it comes to achieving goals. To be truly happy with a Virgo man, any prospective partner must appeal to his intellect rather than his emotions. He is inherently critical and discriminating, and does not admire anyone who is weak or whimpering. Males governed by Virgo prefer strong individuals who can hold their own in any given situation. By nature, men of this Sign are very practical and will not waste a great deal of time on those who cannot command their respect. If this male ever appears harsh and arbitrary, then it is probably because he expects much more from a partner than that person has been able to provide. In marriage, he will be self-sufficient, dutiful and faithful. Though dependable souls and good providers, Virgo males are not necessarily exciting or adventurous when it comes to romance. Thus, many partners of these men often seek clandestine affairs. It will be important for any mate to realize that no amount of love, attention and/or devotion will ever transform this man into a Don Juan. When it comes to the ability to change, he will inevitably be somewhat stuck in his ways. His staid attitude is frequently well-hidden in the early stages of a love affair. Indeed, he may initially come across as flirtatious, seductive and a veritable tease. This can lead to problems and much confusion further down the road when the true Virgo nature emerges in full force since once a comittment has been made, he will undoubtedly seem to have lost his love for the chase, preferring to "cozy up" with a good book instead of his partner.
This man possesses an analytical mind and is neat to a fault...though not necessarily in his person, but rather in the things he deals with. If this male likes gardening or woodwork, for example, he will keep his tools in neat rows...a sure sign of the perfectionist. The ambitions of this man usually carry him to the soaring to the top of his chosen profession or trade. However, he is not one to set high sights simply for the sake of succeeding. Above all, he believes that if a thing is worth doing, then it is worth doing well. Males governed by this Sign are rarely romantic souls, but once they have made up their mind about a partner, they will go all out to attain that goal. This is a man who tends to be correct during the courtship period...always saying and doing the right things. He likes to go to nice restaurants and to the theater and could be considered something of a bore, were it not for the fact that his is so utterly genuine...and for all that, does have occasional bouts of wit or scatty humor that can be irresistible. This is a nice male to know and probably equally as nice to live with because he is so tolerant of human failings...save untidyness, which is perceived as the one great sin. As a long term partner, the Virgo man is true and solid, though not always demonstrative. He also makes for an excellent father. Though he would probably never earn top marks in the romantic arena, he is certainly one of the most attractive mates an individual could have.
Virgo Female
Perhaps the most apt description of the Virgo female is "discriminating." It is probably no accident that the glyph for this Zodiac Sign often depicts a woman bearing a sheaf of wheat, for separating the wheat from the chaff is something that the Virgo woman does best. For example, she will want to know the details of any partner's daily activities and the most recent project undertaken. More than anything else, females ruled by Virgo demand action rather than just words. Relatively soon in any relationship, she will seek a commitment, which includes a ring on her finger and cash in the bank for that summer residence in the country. Of all the Zodiac Signs, the Virgo woman certainly cannot be trifled with and it would be a grave mistake to underestimate her or fail to include her in every plan made. This female is perfectly capable of setting goals and overcoming any odds to reach them. Unlike some of the other Signs, this female truly knows what she is all about, and only if she can be accepted as a full partner will she become a wonderful asset...one who is always there when needed. Virgo females also need to know exactly where they stand. She is not necessarily adverse to a brief romantic fling, as long as she is made aware of that fact from the very beginning. The most enlightened of Virgo women are those who have developed both their intellectual and spiritual sides. Such females are extremely powerful, magnetic and charming individuals...ones who can possibly sway an entire nation, if not the whole world. A major problem common to women governed by Virgo is their tendency toward hypochondria. They are so centered on being perfect that they are inclined to imagine ailments and disease whenever they feel the slightest bit out of sorts. In truth, however, these females rarely require medicine at all and usually live long and useful lives, often appearing many years younger than their actual age. In the romantic arena, this woman is often more responsive to the mind rather than the body, with a tendency toward being passive rather than active. She seldom smolders with passion, desire or longing and will certainly never worship the ground any prospective partner walks on. Essentially, this is a female who plays it very cool. Women governed by Virgo cannot be easily won over. Their approach to life is direct. They can also be pessimistic, critical and something of a fusser...but are so elementally "earthy" in their judgments that they are one of the few female types of the Zodiac who can be trusted in every way. These women frequently possess the reasoning powers normally associated with males, and they refuse to stoop to hiding this by laying on a veneer of helpless and feminine charm. Still, they are usually very feminine in appearance, being most likely neat, small-boned and attractive. Beneath the surface, however, this female is quite severe in her moral judgments, despite frequently masking this with a smiling face that she presents to the world at large. In short, she is rarely anything but pleasant on the surface. This woman is by no means a spoil-sport...being tolerant and wise in many ways...but she does set such high standards for herself that she often virtually seethes with inner tension. Frequently intellectual with the gift of language or the powers of a retentive memory which aids her in passing examinations, the Virgo female is something of an academic type. All this can be rather intimidating and frightening for the ordinary individual. However, her countenance is certainly not lacking in sex-appeal and she counts among the more prettier types of the Zodiac. In addition, this woman can remain lively and vicacious well into old age. As a mother, strangely enough, she can be relatively indulgent, taking infinite pains to understand her children. As a long term partner, she will constantly strive for perfection in every area, backing her mate in terms of career and putting her mate first while trying to be fairly self-effacing. In short, the Virgo woman is considered by many to be one of the most subtle and delicately-cast females to be found in the entire Zodiac.

2006-11-20 14:24:23 · answer #4 · answered by Echo Forest 6 · 0 0

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