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22 answers

He wasn't a great P.M before the war and would never have been one. You only have to look at the non-elected scum he surrounded himself with, Mandelson, Campbell and the rest. He has introduced more repressive laws than any other single party we now live in a police state! The number of petty little officials than can dictate to and fine the general public is horrendous. My family helped found the Labour party and to see this once great party reduced to the mess it is now and the trash leading it is heart breaking! He is without doubt the most dishonest and disliked prime minister ever - the irony of it all is that we didn't vote for him in the first place if Britain had proportional representation he would never have been in power! He won't go gracefully he and his horrible wife have their noses buried too deep in the gravy boat! Please America don't refer to her as our First Lady, she is mearly the wife of the prime minister and as such has no position, the description lady is open to debate!

2006-11-20 09:25:01 · answer #1 · answered by Grannygrump 3 · 5 0

No it is not true. I have NEVER supported that dishonest, decietful, hypocritical little runt. He is an intellectual pygmy surrounded by sycophants and yes-men.

Even when he was shadow energy minister, I knew he could not be trusted, with that fixed, expressionless, fake sincerity smile. A champagne socialist, and light on the social!

As soon as he gained power as PM, he put the tories in the shade for the sheer scale of his lies and spin and raw corruption.

Where the tories had a very junior minister accept 2k for asking a question in the commons, Labour had Blair himself accept 1.5 million from Bernie Ecclestone and then Blair promptly changed a central plank of their election promise, by offering an excemption to Formula 1 in the ban on tobacco advertising.

He has abdicated responsibility for the majority of the duties of the government. Our internal policies are now dictated by the EU and our foreign policy is now dictated by Washington. Even the American diplomats are embarrased by how fawning and cravenly cowardly the Blair bunch are towards Washington. They NEVER stand up for British interests, but cannot wait to give Britain a kicking.

The Bank of England runs the economy. ALL labour have left is sleaze (selling peerages and lying about it), lies (WMD) and gross incompetence (Schools being dummed down, Hospitals closing despite RECORD tax rises and everything at the Home office) The government now spends (much of it pure waste) 46% of GDP, up from 40% when they came to power. They cannot tell the difference between wasting money and investing money. They are utterly corrupt, but totally clueless with it.

But even worse, by lying us into war, Blair has brought our nation into serious disrepute and by doing so at the behest of a foriegn government, Blair has also proven himself to be a traitor, and by taking this action despite very clear warnings from many different emminent experts, that to do so would undoubtedly INCREASE the risk of terrorism in the UK, means that Blair should be tried under his own anti-terrorism laws for promoting and encouraging terrorism. He and Bush ar e the greatest recruiters that Bin Laden has! They are NOT tough on terrorism, nor are they soft on terrorism, far far worse than that, they are utterly cluelessly dumb, idiotic and mindlessly stupid on terrorism. They cannot win the war on terror. Not because they are not tough enough, but because the are far too stupid.

How can ANYONE, who has taken the time to look, think that Blair has been anything other than a rank disaster?

2006-11-20 17:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 7 0

No. I would never fawn over that poor excuse for a "Leader".

Name one positive thing he's done for the people of this country.

Has he tackled Unemployment? Homelessness? Education? The under funding of the NHS? Crime?


Has he hiked up taxes on everything, flooded us with unskilled immigrants, dragged us into an AMERICAN war which noone wanted (thereby invoking revenge attacks on London by Muslim extremists) and just let the country go to hell?


Is he more interested in primping his own self image with his Yes Men and Spin Doctors than doing anything positive for the people of Britain - those who work hard and pay their taxes and still don't get anything to show for it whilst he and his cronies drive round in their Armani Suits and Two Jags.


Theres your answer.

We need a real leader back in this country. Someone like Aneurin Bevan (Greatest ever Welshman). There was a man who cared.

2006-11-20 18:43:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No. Never been a labour voter! The Labour party believes in reducing everything to the lowest denominator!!! Look at the country!? Tony Blair? Mmmmmmm........a supremely confident and arrogant politician,who had an unassailable majority in parliament, was popular in the country and presided over a cabinet stuffed with nonentities.
Unfamiliar with the outside world, he conducted his own disastrous foreign policy with the help of backroom advisers as ignorant as himself.Fawning over him as the greatest PM? Best laugh I've had all day!!!

2006-11-20 17:18:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

That's like the defence witness in the Oklahoma bombing trial who said 'if you ignore his killing 168 people, Tim McVeigh is a good guy'. You can't remove Iraq from any assessment of Blair's premiership, and as a result his legacy will be rated near the bottom of modern prime ministers.

2006-11-20 18:03:26 · answer #5 · answered by Dunrobin 6 · 2 0

I have been a labour supporter since i was 10 years old i use post flyers to people homes because i did not want the National Front to get into power, i am dissilusened with the Bliar party they blame all the problems on immegrants and muslims. I am a muslim and i feel less and less welcomed in this country by this Government i am British born and worked all my life, i will never vote for the labour government again as for the Iraq war it could of been avoided he chose to go ahead lifes have been lost which is a very serious matter he has made Britain a more dangerous place which is without a shadow od a doght true.

2006-11-20 17:08:43 · answer #6 · answered by HI 2 · 4 3

I wholeheartedly support the occupation of Iraq for many reasons best suited to another question.
However, I would say that no primeminister in british history has done as much damage to our once great nation as Tony Blair.
He has effectively murdered our country in the space of 12 years.
He has effectively bankrupted our economy borrrowing heavily on the rising house prices and when the bust that inevitably follows the bbom arrives he will have retired from office, but at least it bought him votes at the time.
He has allowed hate filled enemies of democracy to infiltrate our country and leapfrog better qualified personnel into postions of power.That will be his legacy.
The damage is irrepairable.
I cant understand why the questioner would suggest him as greatest pm when he has offered nothing to our country.He has no policies , no vision, no integrity.He bends whichever the wind blows, offering drastic knee jerk reaction changes in law to anyone who will give him a vote.He employs half the population in public sector work at taxpayers expense to guarantee votes from them in exchange for continued employment.
|Greatest pm? greatest pm?
I need valium

2006-11-20 18:29:19 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 3 0

Tony Blair was and is a "great politician", this does not mean he is a good man or his policies are correct.
Most of his speeches are excellent full of SPIN "but wrong" and are written by others.
His experience of life and especially foreign policy is limited.
Under his term he has directly limited the freedom of the individual by deceit.
He has terrorised the public beginning with the 45 minutes for Iraq to attack with WMD.
The main greatness is that after all the lies he told he was re-elected 3 times or is it that the public were stupid to believe him 3 times?
The definition of Politician - One who seeks to advance himself and his party by scheming

2006-11-21 04:02:36 · answer #8 · answered by ian d 3 · 2 1

If Iraq didn't happen, no one in the USA would even know who Tony Blair is.

2006-11-20 16:56:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Iraq is a "smokescreen ( forgive the pun ) to hide the disasters he has inflicted on the UK.

Funny isn't it that one of the 3000 laws they have passed in 9 years has got him investigated by the Police.

2006-11-20 16:57:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

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