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i have a boyfriend of almost 3 years & i am going to get blood work done to see if i am pregnant, but if i am how do i tell my mom that i am only 16 & i could be having a baby. i will not get an abortion or put it up for adoption. i am not that worried becouse i have been in a relationship for a while now, & he is the only one i would ever want to do this with & i am not going to drop out of school or anything like that. The scariest thing is dissapointing my mother, i don't know how to just sit her down & tell her. Please Help, thanks.

2006-11-20 08:36:45 · 21 answers · asked by Country Girl 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

yes, my boyfriend lives with me at me parents & he works with my father for a big company, so he definetly can support me, i told him & he says not to worry b.c he will take care of me & everything will be o.k. We love eachother more than anything, so i know everything will be o.k. with him & i, he even said if my mom says i need to move out or have an abortion then he will buy us a house. i just hate letting down my parents.

thanks for the help though, i am really scared, but i will take responsiblity mistake. i will not take the easy way out. i believe everthing is supposed to happen for a reason.

2006-11-20 09:03:15 · update #1

21 answers

dont worry she will be more understanding than you think if not she will soon come to the idea that there will be a new bundle of joy in the next few months

good luck

2006-11-20 08:41:01 · answer #1 · answered by mummy to thomas n summer 5 · 1 0

You DONT tell your mother that you are 16 and could be pregnant if you are that worried about issapointing her. You tell your mum when you are 16 and KNOW YOU ARE DEFINATELY pregnant. There is no point trying to talk to her about this until you have a definate answer to your pregnancy test. You then sit your mum down and explain that either you have had a positive pregnancy result straight out and deal with it maturely or you explain that you have had a pregnancy scare but the test was negative but can she take you to the doctor and get you the right contraception to avoid this situation occuring again. Believe me there is no easy way to tell your mum i was 18 wen i got pregnant my best mates where 15, 17 and 18 and we've discussed this before your parents will always be dissapointed but hopefully they will be supportive. If they are - great. If they arent its tough you should have taken better precautions. There is only ourselves to blame for the fact that we are young mothers.

2006-11-20 09:34:41 · answer #2 · answered by Perfect-Angel84 2 · 0 0

Well i was fifthteen when i was pregnant and to be honest it wasnt easy telling my mom and dad but what is the worst that can happen. I called my mom up to my room and said have you got a minute i need to speak to you then i said mom i am really sorry but i need to tell you somthing and you might be dissapointed i am pregnant. She gave me a big kiss and said dont worry well will help no matter what. I went on to have the baby and my parents love him very much he is eight years old now. i would get the tests done before you mention it. Hope all goes well good luck in the future what ever your life holds.

2006-11-23 06:51:06 · answer #3 · answered by rachrara 2 · 0 0

Hiya, honestly I know how you are feeling and totally understand. I'm 16 and I went through this situation about two weeks ago, I was petrified to tell my parents that I was pregnant all I could think of was the worst but I finally plucked up the courage to tell my mum, at first she was quite angry with me but the anger didn't last very long as she knew I needed her support more than ever now and she has been there for me. My mum told my Dad for me which I think was best as she could calm him down. Honestly tell your mother it will be very hard but at the end of the day she is your mum and she is there to support you, once you tell her it will be a total weight off your mind plus stress isn't good when you are pregnant. I hope all goes well for you xx

2006-11-20 11:07:18 · answer #4 · answered by lisa 2 · 0 0

Just be honest with her. She might be a little upset to begin with, but sounds like you have a good support system. Glad to hear that you aren't going to quit school. I got married very young (15) and had a baby girl the day before I turned 16. (I was married before the baby was concieved for all those out there ready to pounce). Having a baby that young is hard but I had a good support system and finished high school and even graduated from Nursing school. Find a time when you can talk to her alone and have plenty of time to discuss things. I wish you the best of luck and congrats!!

2006-11-21 07:31:52 · answer #5 · answered by Crystal 5 · 0 0

hiya babes, first of all get youself a test done at the doctors or a family planning centre , explain your worries if you are and they will give you a lot of advice , they deal with these situations every day.
then you must tell your mom, you sound like you are close. i think your moms dissapointment will stem from her worrying that you will not make the most of your youth, by you not following your education through, or even going on to further education. if she knows that you are still going to continue this she may relax a little. be warned , babies do take up an an awful lot of your time, but they are so worth it.
Go to your mom armed with evidence that you have found out and researched options for further education( from local colleges, sure start centres and libraries are also a good source of information , and a good way of going on courses, whilst providing childcare for you for free.
perhaps it would be a good idea to have your man close at hand, so your mom can see he is willing to take responsibility as well.
you have probably been working yourself up so much about the situation that it may not be as bad as YOU IMAGINE. If your mom loves you she may blow up at first but that will be shock( I KNOW MY MOM WOULD),I think then that because YOU are her baby she will get over the shock and stand by you through it all.
If you really can't face telling her straight off, then write her a letter, telling her that you have to tell her something and why you are scared of doing this.This will give your mom time to think by herself and let her know that you are feeling scared of the situation, also she will probably guess that you are pregnant. You know your mom better than all of us, so ultimately it is your decision how you are going to let her know. i hope this helps you and wish you all the very best for the future luci.

2006-11-20 09:36:50 · answer #6 · answered by Lucianne S 1 · 0 0

i say just tell her. the longer you wait....the harder its gonna be and if you have one of those moms that explode when they dont even know all the details...then yeah you'd better get it out before you're 8 months and she notices on her own. look i dont know how old you are, but i went throught that a couple months ago and im 24!!!! but if she does get angry then you'll just have to put it out your head. i know it hurts sweets but you have to take care of the baby, no matter what. okay? and by the way i hear a lot of stupid things on this site and im glad to hear you say, you wont get an abortion and you wont put it up for adoption. means alot....you're willing to take resposiblity. its good to hear that from a 16 year old.umm...but yeah get that blood work done sweets.

love jen.

thats great but one thing girly, getting pregnant is not a mistake, yes and everything does happen for a reason. :) have fun with your pregnancy.

2006-11-20 08:41:59 · answer #7 · answered by Jennie 3 · 0 0

Just be as candid and as honest as you can! Just blurt it out! If you tell her that you're pregnant but your boyfriend is going to be there for you and you're not dropping out of school, she will be more PROUD of you than disappointed in you. No mother will EVER dislike becoming a grandmom! I promise! Grandbabies are blessings! And let her know that you need her emotional support and her help. Be honest about your feelings. Tell her that the biggest thing you're worried about is her being disappointed in you. Let her know that you're confident with your decision to keep the baby and stay in school, and you're confident in your abilities to become a mother, but you need her to support you emotionally. She might be upset with the news at first because she wants the best for you, and raising a baby is never easy, but after a while she will be just as excited about the baby as anyone.

2006-11-20 08:44:26 · answer #8 · answered by MamaWomack 2 · 2 0

Firstly At least your partner is very supportive.
I think the best way to deal with this is sit your mum down and talk all this threw with her she obviously thinks alot about your boyfriend if he lives with you. She may be a little disappointed at first but she will get used to the idea as long as she knows you and your boyfriend are happy. Just show her that you are resposible to take care of your child and the way to start that is by being resposible and talking this threw with your mum.
Best of luck and meny congratulations to you and your boyfriend on your pregnancy take care

2006-11-22 01:40:11 · answer #9 · answered by Linda D 2 · 0 0

you sound very grown up and at least you are taking responibilities for your actions.i got pregnant at 17 and had the same kind of situation but i was more worried what my dad would say, but because i had a long term boyfriend and was in the middle of buying a house he was quite pleased. listen, she wont stay mad at you forever and at the end of the day its not like youve been sleeping aroung with different guys. just spit it out and deal with what comes and remember that by the time the babys born everyone will forget their first reaction. good look hunxxxx

2006-11-20 08:54:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wait until you find out for sure and then tell her.

i was 18 when i told my parents i was pregnent. i put it off until i was 6 mths pregnant and it was the worst thing i could have possibly done. i thought that theyd be so disappointed and angry with me but it was the total opposite. they were so supportive and caring, something i really needed at the time.

if i had to give anyone advice from my own experience it would be to tell them sooner rather than later. i just blurted it out to my mum and got her to tell my dad and they were soooo good about it all. i was terrified trying to deal with it on my own.

remember your mums the one person whos been there and knows what you will be going through. tell her asap, you might been suprised at her response.

good luck for the future and i know that it will all work out for the best
love claire

2006-11-20 08:43:28 · answer #11 · answered by littleladyclaire 2 · 0 0

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