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This will have to be in many parts, it is too big to be posted in this little box I've been given here, so there will be a lot of additional detail to this question.

2006-11-20 08:18:18 · 19 answers · asked by cragoogle 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

The universe is said to have been a lucky thing - lucky because if the big bang had been too weak or too strong then the universe would have either shrunk back in on itself (not enough power to push it apart) or been dissapaited (too much power pushing it apart).

The fact that it is here against all odds (supposedly) is wonderful, and yet improbable.

The idea that it happened by coincidence given this very improbablility might be said to make it more probable or less probable depending on ones point of view IMO.

Then there is matter, and the way it arranges itself.

It is fascinating, how so many very small things (quarks and quorons...no, smaller...smaller still, how powerful is your microscope? How many names can you give? What can you see?) - have managed to make all of this.

Not only that, plants are fascinating.

2006-11-20 08:18:50 · update #1

You speak of evolution, the plant grows thorns to fend of animals that graze upon it, the flower has a pattern leading from the outer edge of the petals to the pollen in the middle, and bees can see it because they see in ultraviolet and we do not.

The plant does this by accident, it is mathematically probable that one day out of all the millions of flowers there used to be that one of them would do this.

Then that flower survives and procreates, and the others die out due to lack of polination or whatever. The plant survives because it has its thorns and does not get eaten - but the others of its species do get eaten.

This is said to be evolution.


If this is true, then our universe and everything in it, from quarks and quorons to plants, animals, bacteria, viruses, humans...is so improbable to be a major headache for any mathematician out there.

2006-11-20 08:19:44 · update #2

To tie all of the maths together to explain it all would not make it any less improbable or fantastic given all of the things that could of gone wrong at any time for any thing in existance including existance itself.


So yes, science can explain it - but wow.

If I was a god, to have engineered all of that...

Then there are the other planes and dimensions that could, mathematically speaking, be versions of all the possible variations of every detail we are aware of or not aware of now.

I can't think of it all at once.

If we survive enough to 'sublime', it will be nothing short of a miracle IMO.

2006-11-20 08:20:15 · update #3

Oh, and just to add fuel to the fire, a few more things to think about;

1) If that idea regarding the big bang is true, and it had to be right, then the only realistic way of increasing the probability of it doing so by coincidence would be to have millions of universes all exploding at once continuously.

One of them at some point, early in the process or later (at any point in time) would turn out right, probably.

Then you have the details, the smallest states of matter and energy you can imagine fusing into the fundamentals of the entire universe, then galaxies, black holes, suns, pulsars...planets...bacteria...rocks...plants...insects...viruses - all have to be produced in their billions of each variation of each to turn out - purely by coincidence and without design - into what we see now.

Even what we do not see, but think might be there.

2006-11-20 08:20:43 · update #4

2) You are all individuals - you do not share a consciousness.
You might empathise with people, think alike in a broad way, but you are all individuals and self aware - aware of yourselves as individual entities.

That is phenomenal.

Now put that all together and tell me what you think.

Mind boggling isn't it?

2006-11-20 08:21:13 · update #5

19 answers

Why do all the universes you claim have to form at once? No one's there to comment on the failures.

It seems funny that you use the word "time" only twice and neither to refer to the vastness of time. That counters all the improbability you describe without ability to quantitate it.

Boggles the mind, huh?

2006-11-20 11:39:40 · answer #1 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 0

In the beginning after time began, every bit of energy that ever existed in this universe had a time and a place to be. Some soon coalesced into bits of matter with a time and place to be. From this point on, the laws of nature ruled and the universe became preordained.

Matter yields to gravity and it first goes through nuclear reactions and then chemical and finally biological. The biologicals organize into systems. Why? Because they can. The systems become more complex as still more is added on.Until finally the processes of life begin then evolution kicks in and now we find we exist.

Each event leading to another. Where are we bound? Can't synthesize the now state of the universe. Therefore, what happens next is any body's guess. But I do know it will happen - because it can.

2006-11-20 16:56:39 · answer #2 · answered by Sophist 7 · 0 0

The physical world is a symphony of logic. Everything happens because it is supposed to happen. A reason for everything.
As far as evolution; it is survival of the fittest. For example: If humans needed to run fast in order to survive, then the slow runners would die off. The children of the fast runners would also be fast runners through genetics. People would get faster and faster in successive generations. It works that way for all living organisms.
Probability? What are the odds that there could be a genetic mutation for the better or worse? One analogy would be that if you had an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite time, would one of these monkeys, eventually, randomly, type a Shakespearean play, perfectly, to the letter?
I think so.
By the way, quarks are not really quarks anymore. They WERE quarks because they could not be explained. Now they are known to be just "string" activity.

2006-11-20 17:51:01 · answer #3 · answered by dudezoid 3 · 0 0

life is the single most amazing thing in existence, think about how amazing my writing this is, the neurons in my brain choose a command, this is sent down my arm, causing the fingers to type, knowing which keys to type through memory, the signal is then in the computer, a series of ones and noughts, carried along electrons, which the wireless card is transforming into a wave signal which radiates outward, and is read specifically by the router in my living room, transformed back into electrons in wires and sent to your computer, again the specific code is remembered by the program on your computer, and the letters, spaces and grammar that i am selecting is put into that exact order, which is then shown as a different colour from the background white on your screen so that when the light reaches your eyes and stimulates your retina, a coherent signal is in your brain, and memory can be used to understand this simple communication between souls, probably hundreds of miles apart. all this and im thinking about having an early morning cup of tea.!!! Amazed? i know i am.
p.s. didnt even mention the fact that all we can verify is thought. .....i think so anyway! Ha have a good one.

2006-11-21 01:29:51 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I think I am with Novongeli on this one, although I am not sure coz I am not clever enough to understand his answer properly.

Whilst I was reading through your fascinating text the question of time kept popping into my head.

The probability of making the right choices in life is pretty slim, and we have so little time, but after a few attempts, we get there eventually. creation has had an abundance of time to get it wrong then get it right, even I could come up with something pretty good eventually given that amount of time, as long as it did not involve cooking.

2006-11-20 21:18:09 · answer #5 · answered by Spoonraker 3 · 0 0

If you don't believe in a god it makes you wish you did, but if you do how could he have got so many things right and then forget the fundamentals like human nature being so cruel and destructive as to slowly destroy one of his creation IE, the world we live in ,and if we destroy that then were will we stop if we manage to get to anther planet , Perhaps he is a clever sadist who likes to watch and if he is then he is not a god we have plenty of them down here . They are the one called scientists who invent diabolical devises so that we can destroy ourselves with our own stupidity

2006-11-21 13:01:26 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

I think you think too much cragoogle and one day your brain will explode.

I suggest you make a nice cup of coffee and go and sit in the sunshine and enjoy the sound of the breeze in the leaves and leave such questions to people who are old and sad and have lost what wonder of life they ever had.

2006-11-21 06:45:24 · answer #7 · answered by Nobody 5 · 0 0

There are more things in heaven and earth than we could ever comprehend.
Life is for living. A joyous wonderous world, a gift, one to be respected and
revered.......sounds like you are doing a good job doing that. Peace.

2006-11-20 16:22:30 · answer #8 · answered by sunnymommy 4 · 0 0

I think that life is amazing. How in depth everything is. But life as the other aspect sucks. People just go to school, work, retire and die.

2006-11-20 16:21:00 · answer #9 · answered by JIMMY j 5 · 0 0

Life, in all it's varied forms, is an amazing thing. However, since it is so intricate and we have the ability to make our own decisions, life is ultimately what you make it.

2006-11-21 13:27:27 · answer #10 · answered by MoonCalf 2 · 0 0

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