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If you oppose this, why do you oppose freedom? Isn't it the most basic of human rights to control our own consciousness? Isn't cognitive liberty the foundation of any further freedom? Why do you continue to support the DEA (ie Thought Police), an organization that would surely make George Orwell shake in his boots and delight Josef Stalin to no end.

Why do so many consider "the public health" to be the justification to destroy liberty. When did Western society subordinate the rights of the individual to the *Most Holy Order of the Society for the Protection of the Public Health and General Welfare* (I made that up). Didn't we fight a 50 year long Cold War that nearly brought us to nuclear oblivion to challenge this? And now we have more prisoners in our country (by %) than China, Russia, and Nazi Germany all had at any given point?

The good ol' USA became the USSR?

Why are our citizens such sheep?

2006-11-20 07:31:30 · 13 answers · asked by Chris K 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Layla, you have no business telling people that because they harm themselves they should be prevented from doing so.

I personally do not do meth, and I don't like meth, nor do I like people who do it. They are dirty, paranoid, and just not fun to be around. But I will defend to the death their right to control their own consciousness.

I doubt anyone read the link at this time.


2006-11-20 07:39:22 · update #1

Damn it, WHO CARES if it isn't healthy. IT'S NOT ANY OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. If I just ride my opioid induced bliss in my house, asking and answering on my computer, how does it harm you?

Also, if it were legalized, guess what. No more exploding trailers. No more deaths due to Overdose of Adulterants (which causes the VAST MAJORITY of "drug-related" OD deaths).

Who would have medical problems from drugs if they weren't terrified of being arrested for attempting to get help? Drug use is not a crime. Contrary to Freevibe.org and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, drug use is not always bad, with negative consequences. I would say most of the time it is not.

But the LAWS cause our drug problems.

Very few drugs have the biopharmalogical effect of inciting crime. Meth does, but I'm just making a point.

Society has no business enforcing it's morality on individuals. Anyone who believes so most probably agrees with Marx. Or Hitler. Or Pol Pot.

DEA = NKVD = Gestapo

2006-11-20 07:45:25 · update #2

With all the people who believe that laws can solve social woes, it's no wonder Reality TV is popular. When will people understand that all drugs will always exist, and as long as they make people feel better in any way, shape, or form, people will continue to use them.

Don't be a moron and compare repealing drug laws with repealing laws against theft and murder. Drug use is currently a VICTIMLESS crime. As in, nobody is hurt other than the CONSENTING user.

You can't claim that what the family and friends have to go through is a justifiable rationale for continued repression. If you were to do that, why, I could jail the police, after all, by arresting me they have caused me and my family substancial emotional harm. Break up with someone, throw them in jail! After all, they caused you great emotional suffering, right? So don't you see the inherent fallacy in our drug laws?

Unless you believe that the Group > Individual.

(I have never been arrested, that was just an exampl

2006-11-20 07:55:35 · update #3

13 answers

anyone who thinks drugs should be illegal purely for health reasons must certainly agree that all fat people should be put in jail for hurting themselves.....

the only thing that should be illegal involving drugs is the use of drugs to harm another person... and since harming another person is already a crime... then by default if you take a drug and you do something stupid... you're already in trouble by the law... taking the drug itself shouldn't be a crime

who really cares if a person harms themselves using a drug... cigarettes, alcohol and fatty foods do the same thing... breathing in fumes from household cleaners is bound to kill cells too... but hey it's not illegal to smoke, drink, eat mcdonalds, and clean your toilet... taking a drug should be a choice... citizens should have the freedom to take them if they want... advocation against drugs should be aimed at influencing people to not take them and try alternative activities.. and NOT to place bans and restrictions on them

besides in the long run... if someone dies from an OD... then 1. it's their fault... and 2. less "stupid" people in our overpopulated world

but yes that really didn't answer your question... it was more of an opinion...

2006-11-20 08:05:53 · answer #1 · answered by K3vag 3 · 1 1

The fact that you are snorting chemicals should make you rethink legalizing it. As it hasn't changed your mind, maybe you should go to any street corner in any major city and take a look at the "tweekers" there. They are dangerous, liars, and thieves. I can't imagine why you would want to legalize something that keeps you up for days at a time without any sleep and that will cause you to see things you normally wouldn't. I hope you get some serious help. You would have had a better arguement legalizing marijuana. At least that drug doesn't have any negative medical facts against it. Good luck.

2006-11-20 08:35:28 · answer #2 · answered by cookie 6 · 2 0

I read that posting and there is some definitely flawed logic to this.

First of all, legalizing the issue would NOT cut down on the usage, nor would it restrict the usage. A good comparison is cigarette smoking. Smoking in the US is legal for adults, but teen usage still increases. So regulating it by allowing it in controlled conditions does not reduce tobacco use by teens. In fact, it does the opposite. Teens want to look mature and will find a way to get the tobacco.

Secondly, meth is a harmful and addictive substance which impairs judgment. If you allow a person to be under the influence and they decide to drive, thinking they are not affected, the accident rate will increase.

Thirdly, making it legal will not improve a person on the job. A significant amount of work-related injuries (to themselves or that they cause accidents) are created by people who are under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance abuse. That's why a worker's comp injury and/or the person causing the accident are almost always drug tested "for cause"

Fourth, I fail to see the logic that legalizing this will improve the prison overcrowding issue. A person who cannot afford the substance and is addicted to it, will seek alternative and often illegal ways to purchase the drug. IF a person is under the influence, they may not be able to control their behavior and may end up doing something they would regret later on. If the solution was to simply place people who are addicted to the substance in substance abuse treatment programs instead of prison, we would eradicate the drug problems nowadays.

Fifth, because the substance is addictive, it affects their ability to hold down a job. Which contributes to the poverty issue. If it were only them, that would be one thing, but what about a meth user who has kids? How is legalizing meth going to allow them to be better parents?

Finally, you say we are being unfair to their freedoms? Their rights end when it affects other people's rights. If their rights include increased unemployment, increased poverty, inability to care for their kids, increased health costs, increased crime, and long term health effects which we all pay for in terms of Medicaid, then their rights are second.

Just so you know, I know people on Meth. They are unable to hold down a job and their parents care for the kids of the meth users. So I do know what I'm talking about.

2006-11-20 07:57:34 · answer #3 · answered by Searcher 7 · 2 2

If you are stupid enough make suck statements and ask such an asinine question then you are unable to comprehend the right answers ,,,, I'll just bet mommy and daddy are proud of you ,,,, If you've already taken this drug then I can understand why you don't understand that such a question is so ignorant ,,,,Sounds to me like you are on a dose of it right now ,,,, You can still look for the right answer though ,,,, Just keep taking it and you'll find out ,,,, You'll see your sheep alright ,,,,Just don't try selling it to others ,,,, that's against the law ,,,, And we have our laws to protect the American citizen but if you can take it and get away with it then by all means keep doing it ,,,,Take allot of it ,,,, then we won't have to put up with people like you any longer ,,,, And I would suggest that if you aren't satisfied living in this country then by all means accept my invitation to move to China or Russia or Germany or where ever if you'd like ,,,, We have enough of you blithering idiots running free in our streets with out a leash or keeper as it is ,,,, Yoda said this ,,,,

2006-11-20 08:06:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I don't give a damn what someone does to their own body, but people who abuse drugs don't just hurt themselves--they hurt EVERYONE around them.

You can control your own consciousness all you want, but when you endanger someone else's life, the line has been drawn.

It's not liberty, it's not freedom. It's plain, outright stupidity.

I would like for to hear about a 1-year-old who crawled around, unsupervised, and got into cabinet under the sink. And there he found daddy's battery acid that he uses to make his precious meth. And then I want you to look at the scar that runs from his thigh to his foot from spilling the acid on his leg. A scar he will have for the rest of his life, because his parents were too f*cked up on METH to watch him. Can you even begin the imagine the pain?

After that, I want you to join me in the ER, where there's 6 kids from a meth house standing alone, afraid, cold, worried. Stripped of all their belongings, crying, wondering where their parents are. In a strange place with unfamiliar people. I want you to watch CPS take them to foster homes, away from their family. I want you to watch that pain.

And then I want you preach to me about liberty, and controlling one's own consciousness.

2006-11-20 20:57:18 · answer #5 · answered by Morning Glory 5 · 1 1

rather no longer. In a unfastened us of a, human beings have not have been given any company identifying what they placed into their very own bodies. If we legalize Meth, the subsequent difficulty you comprehend, human beings would be smoking deadly cigarettes and eating poisonous, detrimental alcohol. Meth is a gateway drug to whiskey and cigarettes. EDIT: while i'm no longer being sarcastic, i like solutions such as the only from "ClanMan".

2016-12-28 06:51:54 · answer #6 · answered by viands 3 · 0 0

Freedom doesn't exist without responsibility. When your neighbors lab blows up and kills someone close to you come back and talk about freedom. There are many ways to express oneself short of making some self-destructive drug. And you have the freedom to go online and express your views.You want to mess with meth, the USSR is a good place for you, it's just another form of slavery.

2006-11-20 07:38:22 · answer #7 · answered by doktordbel 5 · 2 2

I have seen what meth can do to a person...it's pathetic. I watched an old friend of mine wither away to nothing and lose everything he had including family and friends due to his meth addiction. He was no longer living in reality, paranoid all the time and tweeking so bad you couldn't talk to him. Eventually he became violent and didn't want anything to do with anybody or anything but meth. It should never be legalized! That would be one way to ruin our country and our future. If that is the kind of life you want to live or aspire to then carry on and do what you want...leave the rest of the country alone.

2006-11-20 07:46:20 · answer #8 · answered by vanhammer 7 · 3 3

write to your congressman, start a political movement and see if you can convince enough people to change the law.

Drugs may not be too bad if used resposibly, but it is very difficult to remain responsible under influence. So banning them is a self-imposed safety mechanism.

2006-11-20 07:34:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Meth isn't healthy to take. If it were freely available, there would be quite a number of heart attacks from people overdosing.

2006-11-20 07:36:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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