How to avoid having your *** beaten by an expectant mother
1) Do NOT touch her stomach without permission.
You are not her husband or her OB/GYN. No matter what you think, you aren’t touching the baby within. You, you pervert, are touching her. An old lady in 7-11 lost the feeling in the fingers when she had the nerve to reach out and touch someone.
2) Do NOT share horror stories of pregnancy and childbirth.
She knows what might go wrong; she has a doctor who can explain these things to her. She does not need to know that everyone you know had a horrible time during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. So do not, at any time graphically reenact the stitching of an episiotomy at her baby shower while saying things like “I tore so bad the doctor was down there for hours!” Also, refrain from talking about the three-headed baby you saw on the Discovery Channel. She has access to TV and the internet, she can find that crap if she so desires.
3) Do NOT ask her when she’s going to have another baby.
This is grounds for immediate execution. My nurse asked me this as she was pushing my wheelchair to the recovery room, after 12 hours of labor and two hours of pushing. I jabbed my IV needle into her eye and laughed hysterically. Oddly, I was never prosecuted.
4) Do NOT tell her, when you see her eating, that she must be eating for two.
Pregnant women need to eat just like everyone else. Just because she’s having a burger does not mean that she’s been stuffing her face all day and is making a pig of herself. The resident moron in my office told me this constantly. His body has not yet been found.
5) Do NOT tell her tales of whoa experienced by those who have babies.
If she’s a smart woman, she’s read a book or two. She knows babies cry. She knows babies get up every few hours. She does not need to hear how your demon child vomited split pea soup every 45 minutes and didn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time until they were 10. Everyone’s different, that’s why pants come in all sizes and lengths.
6) Do NOT ask her if she plans to breastfeed.
It’s none of your business and she doesn’t need your opinion on why she should or should not to this. Her body, her baby, her choice. Providing her with 25 pages of statistical information is only going to make her want to run you down while you aren’t looking. Also, refrain from describing, in minute detail, how cracked and sore breastfeeding made your breasts and how impossible it was for you and everyone you know to do it. Again, everyone is different. See #5 for further explanation.
7) Do NOT mutter the word “hormones” after she has said/done something.
Sure, her hormones are probably a little wacky, but this is not your excuse to announce it to everyone. Quiet possibly you did one of the other no-nos on this list and pissed her off. Therefore, she did or said something that seemed rude. Maybe she just doesn’t like you. Maybe you are a jerk and she meant to tell you off. Maybe you are the old lady in #1 who just didn’t get it after three warnings so you got screamed at by a tiny but very pregnant woman.
8) Do NOT try to guess the due date or how many months pregnant she is.
If you guess too far ahead, she’ll assume that she looks horrible and fat. That is not emotional stress that she needs. Also, do not compare her to how you or anyone else looked during the same stage of pregnancy. She does not need to know that your best friend’s girlfriend’s dog sitter weighed 15 lbs less and didn’t wear maternity clothes until she was 8 months pregnant. She’ll be permitted to beat you senseless with the closest blunt object if you refuse to show a little tact.
9) Do NOT make fun of her weight.
Comments like: “Hi fatty!” or “Look how big you’ve gotten!” or “You look like you could go any day now!” should never be uttered in her presence or anyone’s presence for that matter. She’s aware she’s gaining weight. She’s the pregnant one wearing the pants with the expandable waist. She gets weighed on a monthly basis. Besides, pregnant doesn’t make you fat, it expands your middle to make room for a baby. She’s probably unhappy about her expanding waistline and doesn’t need you pointing it out, making her the butt of a joke. If this happens, be prepared for a retaliatory jab, “I’m pregnant, what’s your excuse?” while you are surrounded by a group of other people who can laugh at your expense, fatso.
10) Do NOT describe how horrible a woman looks after giving birth.
Any good book or doctor will be able to inform her of the possibility of a saggy belly and breasts, varicose veins, etc. She does not need to hear about how your feet grew three sizes and your breasts shrank three sizes and now hang to your knees. Your new bodily functions or the loss of them should be kept to yourself. If you do choose to share these things, the pregnant woman will be permitted to use them in social situations in the future.
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