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Why did it take almost 3 years for PLAN B to be approved for “over the counter” use?
The Food and Drug Administration approved an application 3 months ago making the long-debated emergency contraceptive Plan B, commonly known as the "morning-after pill", available without a prescription to women 18 and older.
The FDA said Barr Laboratories, the maker of Plan B, could begin selling the drug.
Many social conservatives in and out of Congress have battled to keep the drug from becoming available without a prescription. Some say that could encourage promiscuity, and others say use of the pill causes a very early abortion. Their position had for almost three years trumped an overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that the drug could be safety dispensed by a pharmacist without a prescription. Why do the Conservatives always try to put road blocks in front of issues related to women’s health issues, without having the right facts?

2006-11-20 05:31:22 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

I just saw something on TV last night where blogs are censored in the middle east that contain the word 'women' but not ones that contain the word 'woman'. My thinking on this is that it is OK to talk about a woman, but any time there is more than 1 woman (women) people get scared and have to censor it. They even censored one of the Grand Ayotollah's websites for containing a side bar that said 'women's rights'. The US is not too different...women are more than 1/2 of the population, yet we have never had a woman president and the glass ceiling still exists. If we women wanted to do something abut it we could. But the government has worked tirelessly to keep women divided. They know what would happen if we girls ever united...

The problem with plan B was the age restriction. And the cons won on that issue...girls under 18 don't have access. Worse, the cons have also blocked women from receiving immunizations for HPV, one of the biggest causes of cervical cancer.

2006-11-20 05:35:32 · answer #1 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 13 4

HPV vaccine has been approved by the FDA. The CDC has put it on the advisory vaccination list, and will review it for required status sometime next year. It may not get required because of the cost, close to $400 for the entire course.
The FDA is very slow in approving anything. 3 years for a prescription status to OTC status, for Plan B actually BTC (behind the counter), application is not that bad. The average is 18 months to 2 years for that kind of application. Plan B stops implantation of the embryo into the uterus. If taken after implantation, it will cause no harm to the embryo.

2006-11-20 09:11:21 · answer #2 · answered by Lea 7 · 2 0

It basically just boils down to theroy. Nobody knows that when i egg is fertalized the "soul" enters the body. You cant prove it to me anymore than you can prove to me that Jesus walked on water. On the other hand you cant prove to me that there isnt a "soul" inside that zygote either. The mantra of the Conservatives has always been "Personal Responsibility at all Costs" no matter what. So they are saying that by having Plan B it encourages people to have promiscuis sex. Well im a straight up Independent and heres a news flash for the RIght Wingers. WHEN DID IT BECOME YOUR GOD.D.A.MN BUSINESS WHOS HAVING SEX WITH WHO. You can debate the whole "When does the soul enter the body thing" untill both sides are blue in the face, Getting back to your question though, the reason why it has been blocked is because someone with some money and a friend in the Government pretty high up doesnt want it passed for personal reasons. One more thing before i put my megaphone down. Shame on the Conservatives who wont kill a few cells to save a child from growing up in house where they arent wanted, but yet will pump another human being full of poison or put him in a gas chamber or better yet fry him in chair untill his eyes popout talk about a bunch of hypocrites

I had just had to come back and comment after i read something on here thats kind of irrelavant. Someone above me who said he was Conservative said he "taught his daughters to have morals" Like i said before i am an Independent but i can say this with great certainty. In light of what has happend recently within the Conservative movement i dont think any Conservative should be making judgements on what is and what is not moral. In case you have forget let me remind you. Ted Haggard, Bob Ney, Mark Foley, Haggard saying " Yeah but i didnt take the Meth i was only looking at it" is like Clinton saying "But i didnt inhale"

2006-11-20 06:04:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Those are 3 very trivial and phony "facts". 1) That's not brought up very much by conservatives. The Constitution is brought up much more often. 2) It's the ideas that Wright preaches, that evil whitey is out to get them, that is comparable to the racist rantings of white supremacists. Malcolm X embraced violence, and was killed when he renounced it. 3) Nobody has ever said that you're not patriotic if you disagree with or criticize Bush or the conservatives. You're unpatriotic, however, if you embrace beliefs and actions that are harmful to the US. Next time, try being honest.

2016-05-21 23:47:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because conservatives bow to the will of the fundementalist Christians and make the false conection that anything that has to do with women, sex, gender, STD's, or personal choice leads to people having random sex with everyone.

Get this, they even came out against the HPV vaccine because it 'promotes promiscuity"! Yeah preventing the second highest cancer in women sure is the work of the devil!

Read the facts! Make up your own mind!

2006-11-20 06:36:04 · answer #5 · answered by quickblur 6 · 5 0

Funny, they want the fetus to develop and be born, but once its born, well, thats your problem!

Is Plan B really, technically/legally abortion? ?

To claim this isn't a women's health issue is just ridiculous! Womens' health ranks low, probably last, on the Conservative list of priorities. At the top? Probably taxes (payrolls), prisons and churces!

2006-11-20 06:33:00 · answer #6 · answered by nfaustman 4 · 5 0

Trying to answer objectively its because they don't see it as primarily a women's health issue. They see it as a morality issue. Thats not to say conservatives don't care about women's health. On all issues taxes, national security, women's health, morality, etc liberals and conservatives all have genuine concerns its just they prioritize them differently. So conservatives place morality of affecting what they see as unborn life ahead of the women's health. Liberals put not just women's health but women's rights ahead of moral values and what they consider a fetus and not an unborn child.

Not saying either one is right, but in cases like this both sides are shouting at each other about two different topics (women's rights and right to life/morality) but that topic happens to meet over one issue (if looked at in a single word or big picture like "abortion"). Hope it helps.

2006-11-20 05:39:26 · answer #7 · answered by ES 3 · 4 1

Politicians must pay lip service to their base, the socially conservative folks who voted them into office.

As to why social conservatives are so opposed to something that will, ultimately, prevent abortions, well, I believe it is part misogyny and part sexual hysteria. One of the major barriers to women being fully socially equal with men has been reproduction - women are the ones who carry the child, and thus, put more time, effort and energy into reproduction than men. If women have the ability to choose exactly if, when and under what circumstances they will have a child, it gives them greater freedom and ability to pursue interests and careers outside of child-rearing. And also frees up women to have sex as men have traditionally had sex: without fear of becoming pregnant. A single woman can thus have sex without marrying (being owned by) a man. Social conservatives seem think that this kind of freedom and equality will somehow magically bring about the fall of Western civilization.

2006-11-20 06:04:54 · answer #8 · answered by sparky52881 5 · 5 2

I'm pro-choice, but I don't believe for a second that abortion is always equal to women's health. I don't know enough about the drug to debate you on that specific issue, but with well over a million abortions in this country annually, it's NOT just a "health" issue.

Perhaps some social conservatives are sick of the attitude of anything goes, since people no longer have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Again, I don't know enough about this specific drug, but just pointing out what I believe has a lot to do with why so many Conservatives are against it.

2006-11-20 05:40:11 · answer #9 · answered by Jadis 6 · 2 4

They don't see these issues as women's health issues. Instead, they are viewed as moral decisions and actions that go against Christian theology (since they believe a baby is formed the second the sperm comes in contact with the egg).

2006-11-20 07:05:16 · answer #10 · answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7 · 2 0

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