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2006-11-20 05:27:28 · 10 answers · asked by cfisher4234 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

10 answers

To be honest, 1000 birthing stories won't help you decide what's going to be best for you when you give birth. Every experience is different and you won't know what to do until you're actually going through it. Maybe you'll be tolerant to the pain and not need one, maybe you won't be able to stand it - who knows. Just don't get too set on a particular plan when the ball gets rolling. Plan on being flexible and decide what's right for you at the time.

2006-11-20 06:31:58 · answer #1 · answered by chicchick 5 · 1 0

an epidural does NOT drug your baby first of all. The baby would receive so little of the drug because of the way it is administered that it's VERY safe for the baby. IV drugs cross the placenta at a much greater rate, (such as demerol etc).

I think it's a personal decision. I'm pregnant with my first and pretty sure I'm getting the epi. I'm nervous and scared of the pain. Knowing that I have drug relief will allow me to relax and allow my body to do what it needs to do. The baby will get here whether I used anything or not.

Statistically having an epidural does not raise your risk of C-section or other complications and in many cases can make the labor go quicker because you are actually relaxed.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad if you decide to use medication. It's a personal thing and whether you use it or not I'm sure that when it's over no one will really care.

2006-11-20 14:06:44 · answer #2 · answered by Melissa J 4 · 1 0

I was in "pre"-labour for 3 days before I gave birth. I couldn't sit down during contractions which were every 7 minutes for 1-2 minutes. Then I had about 12 hours of "real" labour. This was back labour, which is supposed to be more painful (it is my first so I can not judge).

I had one moment of freak out when the midwife said that "real" labour would hurt a lot more than "pre"-labour. Actually they were the same and while uncomfortable and intense they were not painful. I was fine, it was great. I kid you not my first thought after the baby came out was "I want to do that again" (that being childbirth. It is a total rush.

So for me I wouldn't get an epidural because a) I do not trust anyone enough to let them put a needle in my spine b) it is dangerous for you and the baby c) I didn't need it.

Also, though I don't *really* have any evidence to back this up. Decline the pitocin they want to give you after birth. Artificial pitocin doesn't cross the brain-blood barrier (there is scientific evidence of this) and I believe declining it help with the warm fuzzy amnesia you get after birth about the pain. Honestly you won't bleed to death without it, and if you did start bleeding you could just get the shot then.

Congrats and Good Luck!

2006-11-20 13:50:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

well, my water broke by itself when i was like 2 cm and i went into the hospital but i was not having any contractions. so they had to give me the potossin to help induce my labor. well inducing my labor (which we had to do since my water broke) made the contractions a whole lot stronger than if we didn't have to induce things. even the doctor told me that would happen but we didn't have a choice. i handled the pain of natural labor for about 6 - 7 hours and then i started crying cause my contractions were going off the hospital monitor and were so close together that i couldn't bear the pain any longer. and the worst part was i was dialating so slow. i did get the epidural when i was about between 5 - 6 cm and after i had it i felt great. the pain went away and i was able to relax finally. i could still feel the tightening of my abdominal muscles but it never hurt or pinched at all. and after the epidural my labor started to progress a lot faster and the doctor thinks it was becasue i wasn't holding it off by biting down during the pain anymore. and i had a very easy delivery with the epidural as well. i couldn't really tell if my pushing was doing anything so i asked the doctor for a mirror so i could see what i was doing and i got it. with the mirror i could see the progression of my delivery and it helped me push more effectively. i ended up only pushing like 3 for about 5 to 8 minutes and had her out. it was great. i never thought the pushing would be so short and simple but it was a whole lot easier for me with the epidural. but the decision is totally yours so you have to think about what you can handle. i thought i could handle natural labor until the complication of me not dialating or contracting and them having to induce. you need to make a decision on what you really want to do and then what if i can't handle the pain what do i want to do then cause they have other pain medications besides epidurals. they had at our hospital just shots that would help ease the pain a little but not fully take it away if you are trying for a more natural birth but some of the pain is just to much. keep all that in mind and i suggest going to a lamaze class if you a first time mother. it really helps you figure out what you really want cause they go over all the options with you. good luck!

2006-11-20 13:51:36 · answer #4 · answered by Nicole 2 · 0 0

I had an epidural with the first. Apparently the guy did a bad job cause the birth was very painful. I also could feel the liquid going into my back the entire time and it made me that much more of a wreck. For my 2nd, 3rd, (and when I have a 4th) I had or plan to have natural. It was so much better for me because I adjusted to the pain as it built. And I didn't have to worry about them screwing up my back with a bad epidural stick. I was alert through the entire births and could get up afterwards. With my 2nd and 3rd I took short naps after the birth, then got to go shower myself without any help. I felt alot better than after the epidural with the first birth. Everyone has their own plans and pain tolerance. For me natural was best.

2006-11-20 13:32:36 · answer #5 · answered by Velken 7 · 2 1

Your baby is not going to be drugged up. That is just rude to say. I think that everyone is different and you should do whatever you feel the most comfortable with.
I didn't get a epi with any of my children. I was afraid of the needle. Also I seem to have very easy births. My first son... My water broke (well started a trikle) at 3:50 (ten min. before I was to start maternity leave from work!) Went home showered and went to hospital about 5 'o clock didn't feel any pain until approx. 9:30 he was born at 12:29 am.
My second son... I was induced at 8:30am and didn't feel pain until about noon. Then the pain came full force at approx. 1:30 - 2:00 I was given some drug through my I.V. the name ecaspes me now. Had him at 2:20
My daugther... I started dilating 3 weeks before my due date was told to go off work and take it easy. One week before her due date went to the Dr. was dilated a tiny bit more. I didn't want to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving so the Dr. said she would see about bringing me in for a induction. Sent me home and said she would call about 5:30 she called and said I could come in. When I went in they set my I.V. up and then they checked me and I was dilated to almost a 6. So they didn't start the putosin (sp?) then I need to go to the bathroom and the checked me let me go and then before I could get off the toliet her head was crowning and she was born one push later.
Do what is right for you!

2006-11-20 13:38:13 · answer #6 · answered by sunnydreams1123 3 · 1 1

I think you should get it!!! It really helped me. And the baby is not going to be drugged up like someone mentioned. But if you think you can handle a natural childbirth then go for it. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

2006-11-20 13:37:09 · answer #7 · answered by Sandra 2 · 1 2

To be honest, I don't think I would have gotten through it if I didn't. The thing is I was in so much pain, I had to get one to concentrate. I wasn't able to pay attention to any thing or anyone. Also I felt SO much better that it made the experience better for me.

2006-11-20 13:36:27 · answer #8 · answered by purpledragonflyjrh 4 · 1 2

you will end up SORRY if you don't, i promise you!
but just in case you decide you wanna suffer the worst pain a human has ever endured (and lived), have the epidural on hand as Plan B(est!)...because you WILL change your mind

enjoy your new baby

2006-11-20 13:34:37 · answer #9 · answered by kimandchris2 5 · 0 3

natural is the better way to go. You dont want your baby drugged up do you????

2006-11-20 13:30:23 · answer #10 · answered by little_gizmo2004 2 · 2 2

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