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and melting pot that it once was? Sadly I have not heard America referred to as that in a very long time. What changed and why?

2006-11-20 04:51:13 · 8 answers · asked by Pretty_Trini_Rican 5 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I am a native of Prospect Heights so believe me when I tell you I know NYC. I should have clarified my question. It occured to me the other day that when I was younger (I'm just about 30..so not that old), America being the "Land of Opportunity' and the "Melting Pot" were things I heard all the time. Now, they are not descriptors we use to market this country anymore. Why not? Are we too caught up in 'building fences across borders' and expressing our discontent for those with opposing opinions (generally speaking) that we disregard what the foundation of this country once was?

2006-11-20 05:05:07 · update #1

8 answers

Opportunity still exists. But, the United States has suffered a kind of "coup" over the past 50 years by right-wingers and religious fanatics. It's really taken a toll on our democracy and principles of pluralism and separation of church and state and our world reputation. It's an old paradigm issue. Democrats tend to believe in the social contract, that we are stronger as a nation when we empower each other and conduct our government for broad social benefit rather than for individual benefit. Republicans, on the other hand, operate from a lower level of human development where individual empowerment means "survival of the fittest", "a sucka's born every minute", "dominion over the planet means plunder rather than guardianship", "them first so that their "superior" genes survive", genecide, rigging elections, lying and torture are ok if it means their survival" sort of reasoning and so-called "values". They have never believed in the American Dream. Since the beginning of this democracy, the dream to be free and have a fair chance has been under attack by the Conservative's belief system. Republicans and Conservatives do not believe in the U.S. Constitution, unless it serves their self-interests. They have never been real Americans. Real Americans believe in free speech. Conservatives/Republicans do not. They deleted this entry as quickly as it was posted yesterday. Real Americans look out for each other's rights in our pluralistic society. Conservatives do not. Conservatives do not care for anyone but themselves and their own viewpoints, their own religions, their own bank accounts. That is their platform. They would have the rest of us put down like animals or enslaved if they could get away with it. They are not believers in the common good. They plunder, even from the weak. They do not care about their own neighbors or their own communities or people who are different than they are. They prefer to live in gated communities and build massive fences and walls. They relentlessly strive to disenfranchise as many people from the American Dream as possible. They fought against Americans who wanted slavery abolished. They fought against black Americans who wanted to vote. They fought against female Americans who wanted to vote. They fought against Americans who wanted to keep church and state separate. They fought against older and disabled Americans who wanted American public restrooms and sidewalks to accomodate wheelchairs. They fought against American workers who wanted a decent minimum wage and a forty-hour work week. They fight to this day against poor people by refusing to raise the minimum wage yet voting themselves raises in legislative bodies. They fought against American children and forced them to work like slaves in factories and mines. They fought against American children and spent our money making arms dealers rich while taking money away from the public school system. They fought against working American mothers who needed equal pay and decent childcare. They fought against hungry American babies and slashed preschool nutrional programs for the poor. They fought against pregnant poor Americans and slashed prenatal care programs. They fought against American healthcare professionals who were struggling to stop the spread of AIDS and they blocked the distribution of condoms that would have saved millions of American lives. They fought against American homosexuals who wanted to be able to rent a house or an apartment and live together in peace. They fought against American police organizations that pleaded for a ban on the guns that slaughter police officers and over 40,000 Americans every year. They fought against Americans who tried to protect the environment and people from pollution and poisons that are being put in the air and water, by conservatives, mostly. They fought against every American in court who has struggled to protect our freedom of speech. They fight against Americans who want the Internet to remain free. They fight against Americans who want peace and they fight to protect their right to profit from war. They fought against a common ground like this Yahoo site, a common ground where people from all tribes and nations of the world could gather and share ideas and problem-solving, the United Nations. Conservatives do not care about anyone but themselves. And they have . . .um . . ethical "issues" about how to properly count the votes in an election. Their vision has plunged this nation in horrible debt, set back science and technology and our national math and science scores to the point where our young people cannot even pass the new global job market tests while Republicans pandered to fringe religious groups for their votes, sold us out in NAFTA based contracts that thus far have benefitted only Republican held contracts and foreign nations and nationals, and divided this nation in order to plunder even the future of our children. The future of this nation no longer looks as hopeful as it did before this successful plunder of the American Dream. What does remain hopeful is the growing opportunities in the global community. Those with strong math and science skills will continue to improve their way of life. The global economy is driving a global job market that is already up and running and in full force. Americans are going to be really shocked when they find out how much of our nation, down to it's roads, have been sold out to foreign nationals. International ownership and management means international academic competition. Our kids' HIGHEST math and science scores, for example, fall BELOW Denmark's LOWEST scores. If America wants to be a the leader in the world of the near future, it needs to win that academic competition. It DESPARATELY needs to win that competition. This nation became the leader of the world because of American know-how. We once stunned the world with our inventions and our public school systems. We can do it again.

2006-11-20 05:15:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You have a very poor view of the job market. Yes, 50 years ago some factory jobs were paying a decent wage, but that was only because of a shortage of employees (due to war). For about a hundred years prior, factory work paid very poorly, benefits were crappy (if they even existed)and the working conditions were simply unhealthy and dangerous. As has ALWAYS been the way in America, if you have a skill, are willing to put some effort in making yourself a valued employee and will put in an honest day's work, you will have every opportunity to do well. Land of opportunity doesn't mean a guy with no experience and/or training can get a job and make as much as somebody who has the training and experience. Yes, cheap goods are worth it, the real blame for jobs going overseas is simple, when costs make the price of a product too high to make a profit, then businesses will move. Nothing is wrong with that, it is the way business has been conducted since time began. I think that you are in a way insulting the American worker by saying saying his future is flipping burgers. There will ALWAYS be a need for a TRAINED work force, it is how we will keep our economy strong.

2016-05-21 22:37:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is still the land of opportunity... if you are willing to work. Unfortunately a lot of people just think the great job is just handed to them right out of college. The melting pot is eroding as states have felt it necesarry to print applications, directions, and ballots etc in foreign languages to "help" foreignors fit in. It has done the opposite, leaving them alienated from our shared language and therefore from a shared goal.

2006-11-20 05:02:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

it still is. If you are honest and work hard you will succeed. The problem is, a lot of people do not want to be honest or work hard. And then they complain that the system is holding them down. Your success directly relates to the decisions you make. America is the land of opportunity for those who take it upon themselves to get off their asses and do something other than take money from the working man.

2006-11-20 04:55:35 · answer #4 · answered by Average Joe 3 · 0 2

It never did. You must not live in New York. If you want to see the melting pot in action, come to New York.

If it were not a land of opportiunity, why would so many millions of immigrants try to come here and remain illegally? Unfortunately, if the tide continues, the relatively few will spoil it for the many.

2006-11-20 04:57:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The American desire for world domination put paid to that. They have no ethics or honour any more.
In fact I am not sure they ever had any in the first place - it took Pearl Harbour for them to enter WW2.

The States are viewed by many in the UK through crap tinted glasses now.

2006-11-20 05:04:32 · answer #6 · answered by steven b 4 · 2 1

It seemed to change during the Clinton administration. Our country just started to become a joke.

2006-11-20 05:14:29 · answer #7 · answered by Chris J 6 · 0 3

Greed and inequality took over.

2006-11-20 04:53:55 · answer #8 · answered by jit bag 4 · 2 1

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