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3 answers

My parents got divorced when I was 18. although
it was tramatic and it took us all years to
fully recover from the emotional wreckage, I do
feel that my parents are better off now. Divorce
is a part of life because we just can't always
predict how things will turn out. I think Divorce
is just a SYMPTOM of the real problems going on. I
think marriages should be less restrictive and a bit
more open and free. So many people think that marriage
is like jail... and in some ways it is. I think
Divorce is "in general" a bad thing in society...but
not ALWAYS. and certainly it is just the side effect
of a larger deeper problem going on.

2006-11-20 04:21:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think people now go into marriage thinking if it does not work get a divorce. The wedding vows mean nothing. If everything does not work perfectly just get out of the marriage. Life is not perfect and marriage is hard work . No one wants to work hard anymore. Divorce is too easy to get . There is no such thing as a no fault divorce. There is no such thing as a happy divorce. It is what makes one person happy at that moment and the hell with what it does to everyone else. Society is getting to be it is all about me and what makes me happy not working together . I think we are loosing out on what is really important . Love , honor, and respect has been thrown out the window in this society.

2006-11-20 12:39:55 · answer #2 · answered by springer 3 · 1 0

Divorce is destoying our society, it is ripping away the foundation of familes and tearing apart children. Our society is losing its basic fundemental streangth of the family unit. Children who grow up in homes of divorce are less likely to succeed in life, they do more poorly in school, do not develope as well emotionally, and have unresolved issues of abandonment, and feelings of guilt. Children feel responsible for their parents divorce. They think if they had just been better kids, had not caused trouble, had not done this or that, or if they had only done that or this, that thier parents would not have gotten a divorce. Children raised with single parents do not do as well as children raised in a nuclear family with both the biological mother and father. Children who are raised with step parents are at a higher risk of abuse and neglect, or feeling unloved and unwanted than children raised in families with both parents, even when those parents have problems.

Studies have shown that children of divorce or single parents do much worse in school, do not learn self esteem, and lose self confidence, than other children. It has shown that our children are the ones who pay the ultimate price for divorced parents.

When our children are harmed duriing childhood they do not do as well when they are adults than children who were not so damaged. Our society depends on how healthy and developed our children are, as when they grow up they will take on the roles of the current adults. When we don't ensure the health and safety of our children we are ruining our society and placing it in harms way.

Society depends on the healthy structure of the family unit. When that unit becomes fractured and splintered, the children become fractured and splintered as well. When children are failed they turn to the streets for the love and acceptance they are not receiving at home. When children turn to the streets, they are ensured of not receiving the developmental needs of healthy growth and maturity. They view of the world is altered, and they see it as a cruel place in which survival depends on who is the strongest. Our society is harmed due to this world view, and we are unable to be truly civilized.

Children who are neglected due to splintered home lives, they are injured in major ways. They miss out on healthy srtuctured and loving enviroments and come to view marriage as an expendable item, not something of value or real worth, and today we have a high divorce rate due to all of the above. Divorce and adults choosing to "live" together rather than get married are responsible for many of the ills our society faces today. When children are raised by parents who do not make a fully committed relationship, when the parents refuse to marry, this leaves children feeling unimportant, and in a viotile situation in which security is not available. Children know when their parents are not truly committed to each ohter, and they internalize this knowlege as something lacking within them. Children are unable to believe their parents are capable of wrong doing. They get their world view from their parents. If parents refuse to fully committ to one another the children feel they have not committed to them eihter.

Children of divorce often band together in order to feel that they belong. By banding together they increase the feelings of abandonment and they form gangs in order to create some form of family and committment for themselves. As they are only children their idea of family and committment is skewed at best and highly dysfunctional at worse.. They have little understanding of family committment but still attempt to find ways to obtain this need inside of them.

Our families are our most vital asset in society. When our familes are splintered or if they refuse to truly form a committed family unit, our children suffer greatly. I look around our society and see splintered famileis, children who are lost, have no compass to guide them in their most formative years and see our socity breaking apart.

If children do not receive a solid foundation with stability, structure, proper disapline, and education of what a family is and how one functions, our socitey fails. We falll into a society of selfish individuals who always place their own needs above anyone elses. When we are a selfish society, we are incapable of meeting the needs of our society. We are focused soley on our own needs and nobody elses. That is not how a society works.

Society was formed out of a two important needs humans have. First is the need for companionship and to avoid isolation. Babies who do not receive adequant touch fail to thrive and will die. That is how important human companionship and relationships are. The second is the need for safety and survival. We are unable to survive alone, we need numbers to provide protection and safety. Alone we can not thrive or survive. We need society to provide these needs, and this is why humans have banded together into groups and made rules all have to follow. Without rules a society fails.

Children are the future of any socity. How healthy those children are is of vital importance to how strong the society will become and stay. When children are failed, they will not grow up with the vital skills needed to govern the socity they were born into. The society will fail when the children of that society are failed,,when they are neglected, not properly trained, are not properly provided for in the many aspect of development and personal needs. Society is failing and we are not taking any actions to change the outcome.

Divorce is very bad for society. While I do not believe anyone should live with abuse, I think our society jumps into marriage way to soon, that our youth do not have the capabilities of committment to anybody, and they think marriage is discardable, and of such lack of importance they will not even marry the parent of their children. This is extremely sad, but the consequences to any society in which this is happening are dire to the survival and health of that society.

Thanks for the question, it is very important to open a dialog on this very crucial issue. I strongly believe our society is extremely harmed by the splintering of our family units. Our country is great due to our family units. Now that these units are failing, and even not being formed, we are in a critical stage of societal failare. I hope people come to realize just how important this issue is and take some affirmative action to bring streangth and stability back into our family units.

Make marriage more difficult to attain, require extenisve education of what marriage is, of how to be married, how to work on problems within a marriage, and makek divorce more difficult to obtain, require extensive counseling before granting a divorce. I also think we should encourage our parents to make that final committment and marry. We should stop making it easy for couples to live together without marriage. Stop giving benifits to so called "domestic partners", if we do this then the parents will need to marry in order to receive marriage benifits. Why reward people who do not make that committment to their childrens parent, and allow them the same benifits that those who have made that real committment? This is only making it easier for our society to become ever more fractured at the family unit level. Children living with unmarried parents do not receive the same level of security as their friends with married parents. Children of unmarried parents know their parent has an easy way out, can just get up and walk away. While married parents can walk away too, the children know that their mother and fahter loved each other enough to make a real legal committment to each ohter.

My state recently had an inititive on the ballat called the Marriage Inititive. It was meant to define marriage as a committment between one man and one woman, and it wold have denied state benifits under the "partner" status to unmarried parents. I voted for it as I firmly believe we need to do something to streangthen our families and allowing and condoning unmarried couples receiving benifts as though they were married is not conducive to streangthing our society. I firmly believe our families are our greatest asset and streangth as a society and we need to do all we can to bring back health and stability for them. Recognizing and rewarding those who do make that real committment should be our first step, and stop granting the same rewards and benifits to those who snub their noses at that committment and do not wish to provide real stability for their children is simply wrong and not conducive to a strong and vibrant family structure and enviroment.

This is my personal opinion and I believe in it firmly. I want to see our society gain streangth and health, and I see our familes falling apart and failing too much and it is our children who suffer the most for it. What does it teach children when their parents refuse to marry or are too quick to walk out the door? What type of example is this for our children to grow up with? Why is it so difficult for others to understand it is not a religious matter but a matter of the health and stability of society. Strip religion from the issue and we still have the need to form healthy societies in order to survive and thrive as human beings. It is as simple as that.

2006-11-20 13:11:52 · answer #3 · answered by Serenity 7 · 0 0

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