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My son is 11 months old and for the last few months he has been waking up 3 or more times a night. Yeah I give him a bottle to get him back to sleep even though he eats like a champ so I'm pretty sure he's not hungry. What's the best way to handle this?

2006-11-20 04:05:40 · 10 answers · asked by tandtfowkes 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

10 answers

Stop giving him a bottle. He's trained now to get up and get a snack int he middle of the night. Have you tried giving him a chance to settle himself back to sleep on his own? My son started to wake up in the middle of the night and I brought him into bed with us. I don't suggest this to anyone because it got out of hand and I had to break him of it. I got the same advice from 3 different moms, one who has 2 year old twins. It took about 4 days total but when he would wake up, we would let him fuss and cry for about 10 minutes and then go in and lay him down, cover him up, and tell him to go to sleep. I would then close his door and wait another 10-15 minutes. If he continued to cry, I would repeat this until he fell asleep. First night, it took about 2 hours. You need to be firm and stick to your guns though. Giving in and picking them up just takes you back to the first step, believe me. The second do the same thing. Our second night went longer than the first because I picked him up to cuddle and he just got madder when I put him back down. By the 4th night, he got up once and then settled down very quickly. And now we have such restful nights. My dr told me that falling asleep and staying asleep are a learned response so you need to teach them to fall asleep on their own in the middle of the night after they have woken up. And as awful as it is to listen to a crying baby, they are smart little buggers who know how to get you. If everything is fine, let them be. AFter a few nights of a full nights sleep, you'll never regret it.

2006-11-20 04:21:57 · answer #1 · answered by Jamie S 3 · 0 1

For a 11 mth old bubs to wake up as much as your little fella does sounds to me his routine has been distrupted?
1.Is he teething as this will wake him up and if he is then try some teething gel and panadol to sooth the pain
2.Is he dry and clean as a wet or dirty nappy can disrupt your little one
3.Has he changed rooms in the last few months and isnt comfortable or frightend now and he needs reasuring
4.Have you tried a dummy insted of the bottle with a teddy or blanket to cuddle up to
5.Have tried soothing music through the evening incase he is lonely or frightend by something or someone
6.Tension in the home can set your little bubs of.
7.With cold water in a bottle as been sudgested make sure you dont cause him colic''tummy pain'' as this will keep him up even more?
8.Make sure he isnt cold or over heated as both these will wake the little guy up because he isnt comfortable.
Some babies just need reasurances regardless if its mum or dad going in the room.
Just write down his waking up hours and if the worse comes to the worse let him cry it out but checking on him every 10mins if he hasnt settled down.
Also check with your baby clinic or family G.P that he isnt getting sick or is in any pain that could have changed his sleeping habbits.
Reasurances is the best medicane but dont over do it either.
Oh some foods can cause colic in the tummy so watch you arent giving him anything to rich or acidy before bed.
With some milk formulas you can put some baby porridege in the bottle and make the formula thicker so he has a feed as well as a drink when going down at night as I use to do this my boys from 10mths on wards.
Also some bubs are more active through out the day and even though they seem well fed they can for some reason want an early breakfast.
I as a mum dont think a drink through the night can hurt as long as you dont over do it. And dont start to increase the need.
Babies will take as much as your willing to give them.
Good luck and hope this helps.

2006-11-20 04:29:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

the tried and true method of letting him cry it out. An 11 month old should not be hungry in the evening, if he is eating solids and getting his formula during the day he should be sleeping all night but alas, if mom shows up he will continue the habit because he misses his mommy. BUT if mommy doesnt show up he wont bother crying and will go back to sleep. Wean him off your evening visits, don't give him bottles (or wean him off them as well) or give him water bottles. Pat his back, tell him its bed time and go back to bed. Put a pillow over your ears and know he is really fine. Everyone will be better off in the long run. If you really think he is starving, check his growth progress with his DR. He will reassure you he doesnt need any nighttime feedings.
Good Luck

2006-11-20 04:12:04 · answer #3 · answered by ronnie 2 · 0 1

Try making less of an incentive for him to get up by either giving him water in the bottle, or only an ounce or so. Then put him back in his crib and let him cry. I know some people will criticize me for being heartless, but it does work. And in the end a well-rested Mom is a happy Mom, which will only benefit him in the long run.

2006-11-20 06:02:16 · answer #4 · answered by jenzee 2 · 0 1

Fewer naps during the day and put him to bed later at night ,,,, If he has a history of spitting up very much after you feed him then check whether the formuls is too rich for him to hold down ,,,, If that's the case then reduce the formula by about on quarter and add water ,,,, Diluting the formula will make it easier for him to hold it down and give the stomach more of a chance to absorb the food ,,,,

2006-11-20 06:51:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you give him a bottle of milk to go back to sleep try switching that to water he has gotten dependent of that milk when he gets up so you need to untrain him by putting water in that bottle then he prob wont want to get up for water anymore TRY this it may take a couple of pretty long nights but it worked for my 18 month old and a couple of my freinds babies to..

2006-11-20 05:31:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Does he have his own room? If he does he might just be going through a faze of missing mommy and or daddy. He should come out of it soon. I had the same problem with my kids. All four of them. He might even be a very light sleeper and every little noise wakes him up.

2006-11-20 04:19:30 · answer #7 · answered by Chicago Girl 4 · 0 1

Give your son a bottle of cold water. I did that with my son and that was the last night he woke up for a bottle.

2006-11-20 04:11:47 · answer #8 · answered by ssstinagail 2 · 0 2

have you tried a long warm lavender bath before bedtime the lavender is calming....at 11 months he should be weening off of the bottle. you should not be giving him milk to go to bed on it could ruin his teeth, try water.

2006-11-20 04:24:12 · answer #9 · answered by runt0125 3 · 0 1

bring him water only it will stop him from getting up.

2006-11-20 04:21:10 · answer #10 · answered by mary3127 5 · 0 1

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