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1 answers

I kant (ha ha).

Ok, I wanted to take Philosophy in university but didn't have room for it (with Specialist in English, Major in Drama & Minor in Art History)...I haven't read Kant. Meaningful work, to me, would be work that serves a purpose, that has value for the community or that you enjoy yourself, something that you want to do, that means something to you.

In my case, my work is meaningful in the sense that it's an important job that is contributing to society. It's a necessity. On a personal level however, I despise it. It brings me no joy. It's actually unbearable & slowly killing me. I'm a creative person & this job is the death of creativity. So while it has public meaning it is meaningless on a personal level. I get little to no satisfaction. Once in a while when I have a good day, when everything goes right & someone actually thanks me for doing a good job, then it doesn't seem so bad & I think at least I'm making a difference, but the rest of the time it just sucks!

Sorry this isn't the answer you asked for but no one else had answered at this point (they probably have now) & I'm just trying to distract myself at work...ironically....

2006-11-19 00:13:48 · answer #1 · answered by amp 6 · 0 0

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