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i want to know everything about Knowledge database ,its definition ,history , tools and proplem , usuful websites about the topic and thanks .

2006-11-18 22:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by semsem o 1 in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

1 answers

A knowledgebase as it is called, is really a searchable database of experience used to resolve problems without having to re-investigate the cause and solution.

A KB, is usually used in conjunction with a call ticket (helpdesk style) system. The call resolutions on the tickets become part of the knowledge and are used in ongoing support efforts.

History: Difficult to describe as most knowledgebases came into being before it was called a knowledgebase or anyone had any idea they were creating a knowledgebase. A company may have started collecting their call resolutions or documenting their processes and referring back to them in an effort to support others. You may have kept notes on certain things because you needed to remember how to do them ...this is a rudamentary KB as it isn't any particular program or system....just a scribblepad.

do a search on KNOWLEDGEBASE MANAGEMENT and you will find some good information.

2006-11-19 09:28:44 · answer #1 · answered by Jeffrey F 6 · 0 0

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