The operative word here is that you "think" he is gay.But just because someone sits next to you does not make them gay.He could want to be a friend.Maybe he thinks that by sitting next to you he might appear cool.Maybe he is cheating off your work.
There is a chance he might be gay but I would hardly call sitting next to you as a sign.Now if he is constantly checking you out and behaves strangely around you then perhaps there is a chance he likes you a little more then a heterosexual guy.
If it makes you uncomfortable that he sits there all the time then ask him about it.But you should also ask yourself why it makes you so uncomfortable.I mean, does him sitting there really matter that much to you?
2006-11-18 21:47:48
answer #1
answered by BuckFush 5
Just because he is sitting close to you does not mean that he is gay. If you don't like this guy as a friend or a potential boyfriend then just say 'Hey dude, sit over there.' and point to an empty chair far away from you. He should get the hint that you don't want any kind of relationship with him.
2006-11-18 21:54:26
answer #2
answered by Spyder 5
What ever happened to people being friendly and seeking friendship. Is that the case, why are you jumping to the conclusion that he is gay? Is there any thing else to support this, or are you just assuming. Maybe this guy wants to be friends.
2006-11-19 02:07:55
answer #3
answered by Brad B 2
from the question, i think u are straight. just kinda inch your desk away from his. also, he might just want to be friends with you. maybe he doesnt have many guy friends and just wants to get to know you. or maybe he doesn't like the person he'd have to sit next to if he sat in the other desk.
2006-11-18 20:25:51
answer #4
answered by Jessicat 3
come on man! there's more to being gay than wanting to sit next to a bloke. that doesn't necessarily mean that he's gay. who knows, he just wants you to be his mate or something. try talking to him, and you'll know if he's gay or not, but don't ask him if he is, that's quite rude as you don't really know him.
2006-11-18 21:34:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Do you like it, or not? If you do like it, then start sitting next to him too. If you don't, then tell him that you're not interested.
2006-11-18 21:39:06
answer #6
answered by gaygoddevil 3
Sounds like you are hoping he is, else why would you come to this section
2006-11-18 22:15:09
answer #7
answered by st.uncumber 5
maybe he is gay who cares, be friendly back to him just make very clear that your not
2006-11-18 21:49:28
answer #8
answered by thomasstrt 1
maybe he just wants a mate,and he respects you as your cool
2006-11-18 22:34:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If you like it, then encourage him to do it more, maybe with a smile and a wink.
If you don't like it, then threaten him with violence unless he stops doing it.
2006-11-18 20:22:41
answer #10
answered by shoby_shoby2003 5