I truly appreciate this question.
To all those who give the token thumbs down to a question like this, or use the juvenile retort of "conspiracy-nut job," please, take some time to seriously analyze the unanswered questions surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
Interestingly, the burden of proof is no longer on the "conspiracy theorists" but on those who have stood by the government's official claim that 19 hijackers with box-cutters financed by Bin Laden, crashed 4 planes without any chance of prevention.
The following is irrefutable:
Fact: Bin Laden is NOT wanted by the FBI for the 9/11 attacks. Check out the FBI website. Reason? They don't have sufficient evidence to convict him. Perhaps this is why Bush said he really doesn't care about him.
Fact: There are hundreds of televised claims from that day that witnesses heard or felt explosions prior to the collapse of the towers. These include firefighters, police, newsreporters, and civilians.
Fact: 47 story - WTC 7, we are told, collapsed from fire alone. This was unprecedented for a steel frame building. Furthermore, it fell symetrically in free fall speed. Science and deductive reasoning will easily support the cause of this collpase as demolitions. Fire does not have the energy to do this.
Fact: The steel from WTC was shipped overseas before an investigation was even opened. This is the greatest destruction of evidence in the history of forensics.
Fact: Thousands of first responders have been afflicted and some have even died from respiratory failure. The government will not support investigations into the many reports which show that these heroes have micronized steel, glass, and concrete in their lungs. Fire, and the collapse from gravity would not produce this type of dust. Demolitions, however, supports the evidence.
Fact: We were told that NORAD didn't intercept any of the planes that day. This spans from about 8:24, the time of the first report of a hijacking, to 10:06, when the last plane crashed in Penn. NORAD's has a prior track record of intercepting planes within minutes. Standard Operating Procedure was not followed that day. They also changed their story several times.
Fact: The investigation into 9/11 was initially opposed by the Bush Administration. The 9/11 families pressed for one. They got it, but with remarkable conditions. The total costs of the investigation, including the NIST report, was only $16 million. The cost to investigate the Space Shuttle crash - $50 million. The cost to investigate Clinton - $42 million. In other words, the greatest failure of our defenses deserved less money than the shuttle and Clinton's perjury. What an insult to the 9/11 families.
Fact: No one has been fired for 9/11.
Fact: The spike in put options on Boeing, United Airlines, and American Airlines were never investigated. Millions are still unclaimed. This indicates someone knew. Why not check out this lead?
Fact: The August 6, 2001 Public Daily Briefing Memo was titled BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN THE US. Yet prior to its declassification, we were told by Rice and Fleisher that there were no warnings. Had this news been made public, couldn't travelers, law enforcement, and the airline workers have been a little more guarded or informed to notice something that day? Wouldn't we have guessed right away that the first report of a hijacking was indeed a terrorist? Or would we have dismissed it as "one bad pilot" and continued to read "My Pet Goat" while America was attacked?
The bottom line - If the deaths of 3000 people occurred under the control of a corporation, people would have been brought up on charges of criminal negligence. Despite the growing movement and mounting evidence into the WTC collapses, the government still has made up its mind that it is fire that brought these buildings down and that 9/11 was simply a failure of imagination. They feel no one is to blame. This was the conclusion they had prior to the investigation. What the 9/11 Commission produced is the anti-thesis of the scientific method. Much of the evidence was outright omitted by them since they determined the conclusion prematurely.
If you were an underwriter at an insurance comapny, or an architectural engineer, or a fire marshall, wouldn't you want to know what really happened in these buildings? If you were a pilot, or and FAA emplyee, wouldn't you want to know which NORAD employee stood down or messed up that day?
To dismiss the overwhelming evidence that explicitly shows how hundreds of questions remain unanswered suggests a cover-up by our government. Conservative thinking has taught us to keep government in check 100% of the time.
More and more people are joining the 9/11 truth movement. We are unstoppable. To deny the smidgeon of facts presented here and the many others unmentioned is akin to being like those who have denied the Holocaust. It's intellectually dishonest.
Go ahead and give this a thumbs down if your patriotism is of the cheapest kind. Yours is the kind that our forefathers would have laughed at. They demanded that we question authority, as they did. Our Constitution provides us with the means to explore the truth and to keep the government in check. But even the Constitution has been threatened as of late.
So, give it a thumbs down if you wish to cling to your cheap patriotism and your unconditional loyalty to a president and a government that has demonstrated nothing but contempt for accountability, the truth, the Constitution, and most importantly - the 9/11 familes and surviving rescue workers who continue to suffer.
Peace. And pray for the truth.
2006-11-18 17:55:48
answer #1
answered by Rob in NY 2
lol I think the inside job is the funniset most unrealistc consipracy I have ever heard of. Because 1. I'm sure that while they were building the World trade centers, what back in the 60s or 70s? That they somehow purposly convinced everyone involved to make them weak so that years later the government could use it as an exuse to invade Iraq? ya right. 2. If it was an inside job, then it wouldn't be a consiracy it would be fact. Because of the millions of dollars that inside people would get paid to officially say that. lol it's like the dumb people that belive that we didn't really land on the moon. 3. There are a number of checks and balences in the American governmnet. Nobody would get away with that. Just look at the open problems with the democrats versus republicans over even less important issues? yes I'm sure this would remain under the wraps, really. 4. If the government paid Osama or other terroists to attrack us, then why wouldn't Osama tell the American people? What better oppertinity to turn the country he hates most against their own government? Only in Hollywood. But it's a creative conspiracy. just not a real one. I agree with what you said, especially about the kid wearing that shirt.
2016-03-19 11:04:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes 911 was an inside job and i have suspected it from the start.
I challenge anyone to show me pictures of the un burnt wings, the titanium engines that would,t melt of the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon. 911 was an inside job.
2006-11-18 18:19:38
answer #3
answered by 76tb97t6ht 3
Read the book "The New Pearl Harbor". It lists all the facts that make it impossible to believe nothing else than an inside job by Bush and his administration. Most Americans cannot believe our government would allow over 3000 of its citizens to be killed, but it did happen all for the big business interests and oil.
2006-11-18 16:51:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
After seeing loosechange2, I can honestly and safely say 9/11 was NOT an inside job
2006-11-18 16:48:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
One question I keep asking, and it is never answered: If 9-11 was an inside job, why not use Iraqis to do it? Until you can answer that question, my answer to your question is NO.
2006-11-18 16:50:31
answer #6
answered by ? 7
no because if they wanted to do an inside job they wouldn't have blown up the world trade center towers
they would have simply bombed a couple of wal-marts with lots of mexicans inside
2006-11-18 17:00:07
answer #7
answered by Enigma 6
Oh my gosh NO. 9-11 was not an inside job nor the fault of the president. These are all useless theories.
2006-11-18 16:51:35
answer #8
answered by happynay 2
No. 9/11 was not an inside job. It was an attack by Islamofascist terrorists.
2006-11-18 16:51:58
answer #9
answered by yupchagee 7
Oh stop it!!!! This has been turned over and over. Don't you think if the demo's could find one ounce of truth in it it would be all we hear? They would have had all of the White House locked up by now. Google puts out a lot of antigov and antiAmerican stuff, I'm beginning to wonder what's really going on there and so should you. If you let people poison your mind they will have control of it!
2006-11-18 16:51:30
answer #10
answered by Brianne 7