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Me and my friend got drunk and ended up havin sex when we went on vacation hes definatley not the gay type but he really acts gay towards me. he admits that we had sex but is like im not gay. he has a gf.weve done little stuff like kiss, we always hugs me and we cuddle up when we watch movies.but he keeps sayin hes def not gay.he always flirts wit me.all our friends are like does blank like you cuz he flirts wit you alot! we talk about wat happened alot and he always is like we were really drunk and wat happened, happened. but i thought about it one night and we werent that drunk. and he remembers everything from that night, and if your drunk and remember it you were aware of wats goin on and could have stopped it if you didnt want to do it. hes got money and alot of clothes, but whenever i see him he has this pair of boxers on that i gave him.he doesnt tell anyone they mine but me.(i think thats fishy)but i feel like im in love wit this guy and cry over him every night! i need advice!

2006-11-18 14:45:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

6 answers

I think he might have real feelings for you but refuses to really go the whole way because of his own confusion. I am amazed to discover how often straight guys mess with gay and bisexual guys the same way straight girls mess with lesbians and bisexual women. The teasing, the saying "I'm not like you" the bullshit, the games. I guess it's not just a woman thing. It's a human thing.

I hate that he's doing this to you, playing with your mind, and your heart. I think he wanted to have sex with you, but also have his cake and eat it too. :-( *hugs* it sucks. I would advise you to just let this go. He's not ready to own up to who he is yet, apparently.

2006-11-18 14:49:59 · answer #1 · answered by jelliclecatharsis 1 · 1 0

Lucky you. You have someone who loves you and you love. Accept that he can't admit anything. Doing means a lot more than saying - he is a doer.

Sometimes life is not perfect. People are not perfect. He may never say 'I'm gay' or 'I love you'. Then again he may say it tomorrow. So let go of that. Accept that he hugs you, cuddles you and wears your boxers. That's awesome. I suspect you will be having sex again in your love making.

2006-11-18 15:14:36 · answer #2 · answered by johnatplayct 3 · 1 0

Hee Hee! Sounds like he's more than a little interested in you. Better knock off the denial crap and admit that he's not completely straight, or he's not being straight with himself.

2006-11-18 14:54:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He loves you but is scared. Especially if he keeps your boxers.

2006-11-18 15:08:53 · answer #4 · answered by lolly679 3 · 0 0

Well i think because your firend is not sure what does he want, or what is his identity about his orientation....

2006-11-18 18:17:16 · answer #5 · answered by Ricko 5 · 0 0

oh...how erotic....wish i had a guy like that for me :-(

2006-11-18 14:49:12 · answer #6 · answered by Jose M 2 · 0 0

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