The only good way to make sure you have an accurate identity is to collect the arachnid or snap a photo of it and take it to a professional, this is due to the fact that many people will have different perspectives and opinons on what it might be. Many arthropods can look alike which is often deceiving so you need to find a professional who can help you if you want to get it right and make sure that it doesn't pose a threat to your grandaughter. If you have a university near you with an entomology department it is your best bet. They often have people who work in extension programs or professors who can give you a proper identification. Also try your local Health Department or Health & Human Services department to find a professional. Emailing a picture is ok but actually sending in a specimen will be to your advantage. You might also ask a doctor who would be able to tell you if the critter has any human health importance.
2006-11-18 16:32:30
answer #1
answered by Pharox 2
The answerers who said pseudoscorpion are
probably correct. The size fits a pseudoscorpion and the presence of claws does also. The tail
of a real scorpion is not present in a pseudo-
scorpion. It certainly isn't a lobster or crawfish,
and probably not a crab louse. Pseudoscorpions are quite harmless to humans,
though most of them do have venom for killing
their tiny prey animals.
2006-11-20 03:02:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is more than likely head lice. You need to check her scalp thoroughly, look for tiny white oblong shaped eggs clinging to her hair shafts and for hatched lice, paying special attention to the area at the nape of her neck. It could also possibly be bed bugs although I am not exactly sure what they look like.
2006-11-26 11:35:48
answer #3
answered by cocky_whitegirl1488 1
Yes this is a fairly delicate situation as what I believe you found was a "crab". you should go to the drug store Immediatly and get what is called RID shampoo as Crabs live in human hair but mainly live in human Pubic hair. a visit to the doctor may be in order as well. the entire family should use the shampoo and the sheets and bedding washed in a solution also called RID LAUNDY.
2006-11-18 14:00:03
answer #4
answered by dlward04271 1
if i would suspect it was a scorpion but the only color i know I've seen is black mostly
2006-11-26 02:52:45
answer #5
answered by Dillon H 3
It sounds like a pseudoscorpion. They are harmless inhabitants of leaf litter and moist soil.
2006-11-18 13:48:39
answer #6
answered by PaulCyp 7
It's a scorpion alright. They come in all sizes. Squish it.
2006-11-18 13:47:21
answer #7
answered by Dawn L 2
its just some new species of insect. squash it n you dont have to worry no more. no one will know it exist.
2006-11-19 01:41:24
answer #8
answered by Dick H 2
possibly an earwig
2006-11-18 13:57:21
answer #9
answered by freedd 2
crawfish i'm from alabama i know
2006-11-18 13:52:05
answer #10
answered by Lor-the-Giraffe 3