A lot depended on one's status.
A citizen of Rome found guilty of treason would likely be thrown from the Tarpeian Rock, but that was pretty much limited to people who lived in Rome itself.
Beheading was common, but many citizens who were accused of crime and felt that a fair trial wasn't in the cards opted for suicide.
Crucifixion is probably the first form of execution that comes to mind, but that was only for slaves and other non-citizens, such as conquered peoples or war prisoners.
2006-11-18 07:34:36
answer #1
answered by Chrispy 7
For the murder of a parent or grandparent, the punishment was beating until the culprit bled, after which he would be sewn into a sack with a dog, cock, viper or ape and thrown into the river or sea, as the case may be.
For lesser offences there was the penalty of gladiatorial combat, which was a popular spectator sport.
There was also the popular spectator sport of throwing people to the lions and watching them being eaten alive.
Crucifixion was a method of inflicting capital punishment by nailing or tying malefactors to pieces of wood transversely placed the one upon the other. The crosses used by the ancients were of several forms; one shaped like the letter X has often been called crux Andreana (Andrew's cross) because, according to tradition, St. Andrew suffered death upon a.cross of that form; another was formed like the letter T. The third kind of cross, and that most commonly used, was made of two pieces of wood crossed so as to make four right angles. It was on this kind of a cross that Christ suffered. Crucifixion, under the Roman law, was usually reserved for slaves and the worst kind of evildoers. The incidents of crucifixion were that the criminal, after the pronouncement of sentence, carried his cross to the place of execution.
Scourging was inflicted upon the persons executed as in the case of other capital punishments among the Romans. Grotius and other writers have called attention to the fact that the scourging of Christ was not in accordance with the Roman usage, because it was inflicted before the sentence of death was pronounced. The criminal was next stripped of his clothes, and nailed or bound to the cross. The latter was the more painful method, as the sufferer was left to die of hunger. Instances are recorded of persons who survived nine days. The Romans usually left the body on the cross after death.
2006-11-18 16:46:46
answer #2
answered by Doethineb 7
You were basicaly fiven a trial by ordeal.. That is if you survived you would be let free cuz the gods were with you...You would be give a dagger and thrown into an arean with all types spectators..3 starved lions would be let go to feed on you..Good luck.. Then you might have to take on a fully body armoured trained roman gladiator....They never got bored as they dreamed up new games all the time...The survival rate was about 0.1 percent
2006-11-18 22:58:05
answer #3
answered by ray b 3
In Ancient Rome, punishments were relative to a person's social status and status meant controlling one's own body. A punishment like, for example crucifixion was reserved for slaves, non-citizens and others of very low status. If very wealthy and prominent patricians committed a heinous crime they would be fined or exiled often instead of being executed.
2006-11-18 22:07:35
answer #4
answered by Cybele 1
Cruxifiction was a good one. It wasn't quite as entertaining as watching Christians get eaten by lions, but it lasted longer. Honestly, if you do a search on this topic it will probably turn your stomach. Humans used to display such fantastic sadism without compunction in almost every culture, some still do.
2006-11-18 15:36:45
answer #5
answered by DJL2 3
Thrown to the lions in the Colosseum
Beating to death - for soldiers caught sleeping while on duty
Crucifixion - started before time of Jesus & was done to Spartacus' followers following their defeat by Crassus
2006-11-18 23:23:20
answer #6
answered by Kevin F 4
I believe one of the worst was locking them up with a life insurance salesman for hours at a time. Most took their own lives and did not have a suicide rider on their policies.
2006-11-18 15:45:20
answer #7
answered by Bob 6
Umm.... crucifixion maybe!!!! They had that method perfected long before Jesus Christ came along. Ever see the HBO series Rome?
2006-11-18 19:00:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
basically a guy would wear a giant vest type of thing with spikes going outwards. He would take the comdemned victim and give them a giant hug. The spikes would impale him and he would die.
2006-11-19 00:50:25
answer #9
answered by JIMMY j 5
Going to the Coliseum and fight wild beasts while the audience are entertained. that is harsh.
2006-11-18 15:31:57
answer #10
answered by darthchris316 3