Are 50% more likely to develope breast cancer than their counter-parts who carried babies to full term?
Could we consider that Karma?
9 answers
asked by
Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
Ok so I was diggin around on the net and came across this information, have started digging more and yes there have been multiple studies done on this subject with the majority of findings pointing to the fact that women to Choose and induced abortion (not miscarraige) tend to have higher breast cancer rates than women who have or lose their babies naturally.
06:53:53 ·
update #1
Women that have abortions should be put to sleep.
2006-11-18 06:56:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The relationship between induced and spontaneous abortion and breast cancer risk has been the subject of extensive research beginning in the late 1950s. Until the mid-1990s, the evidence was inconsistent. Findings from some studies suggested there was no increase in risk of breast cancer among women who had had an abortion, while findings from other studies suggested there was an increased risk. Most of these studies, however, were flawed in a number of ways that can lead to unreliable results. Only a small number of women were included in many of these studies, and for most, the data were collected only after breast cancer had been diagnosed, and women’s histories of miscarriage and abortion were based on their “self-report” rather than on their medical records. Since then, better-designed studies have been conducted. These newer studies examined large numbers of women, collected data before breast cancer was found, and gathered medical history information from medical records rather than simply from self-reports, thereby generating more reliable findings. The newer studies consistently showed no association between induced and spontaneous abortions and breast cancer risk.
2006-11-18 14:56:44
answer #2
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
wow, that's a very interesting statistic. I would like to know where you found that. I know a woman who aborted a fetus and, about 10 years later, developed breast cancer and had to have one breast removed!
Could be Karma indeed. Or it might be a biological thing, since breasts change during pregnancy to get ready for breastfeeding, and an abortion halts this right in mid-stream which may not be good for the mother.
2006-11-18 14:50:10
answer #3
answered by Morpheus 3
It's about as inconclusive as the studies that say wearing a bra can increase the risk of breast cancer.
2006-11-18 19:39:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I read it was women who have breastfed a child, have a better chance of not getting breast cancer then a woman who has never breastfed a child.
2006-11-18 14:53:44
answer #5
answered by dakota29575 4
Interesting...but remember that all women who have had abortions didn't do it as a form of birth control.
2006-11-18 14:47:51
answer #6
answered by gapeach 4
that is just not true,if it carried an ounce of truth it would apply to women who miscarried to,they are both medically the same process
2006-11-18 14:47:56
answer #7
answered by dumplingmuffin 7
i don't know where you get your information from, but that is not true. and by saying that it applies to women who have abortions, it would also apply to women who have miscarriages.
2006-11-18 14:53:10
answer #8
answered by redpeach_mi 7
that's actually just a myth. there's no facts to back up that stat.
2006-11-18 14:53:14
answer #9
answered by jack spicer 5